
How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?

author:Three and seven polo shirts

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The marriage of Zeng Zhiqiao and Chen Yiru, perhaps even they did not expect, would cause such widespread attention and controversy. A new selfie photo turned out to be the trigger for the storm.

In this photo, Zeng Zhiqiao shows her beautiful and colorful side, however, the comment area is full of some doubtful voices: "Zeng Zhiqiao is so beautiful now? Is she going to announce her divorce? Does this mean that people are beginning to think that Chen Yiru is no longer worthy of Zeng Zhiqiao? But in fact, they have been married for two years, and the trajectory of their lives seems to be drifting apart.

Comments on the Internet began to reveal concerns that they were no longer suitable: "Zeng Zhiqiao is an obvious literary goddess, while Chen Yiru is often very playful now." Some questioned: "These two people seem to come from different worlds, how did they come together?" Their lifestyles, values and careers seem to have been vastly different.

How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?

This difference is even more pronounced through their respective social media accounts. Chen Yiru's account is full of photos with Guo Pinchao, Wu Zun and other brothers, while Zeng Zhiqiao prefers to travel alone. Even though they have been married for two years, they have hardly shown pictures of affection because their career priorities are very different, causing them to live apart for nearly two years.

Chen Yiru has emerged in the live broadcast industry, especially in the "heart-flow" method in the live broadcast delivery method. He even showed excellent acting skills in a live broadcast, successfully bargaining a down jacket with an original price of 1100 yuan to 399 yuan. Although this live bargaining drama is considered routine, his emotional performance is impressive, without a trace of laughter, so his popularity has risen rapidly.

How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?

In contrast, Zeng Zhiqiao is successfully changing his image. She is no longer the image of the sand sculpture in "Forbidden Peak" and "Love Troll", but a more mature and restrained goddess of literature and art. She shares her hobbies and interests such as raising flowers, planting grass, and traveling on social media, showing a lifestyle that pursues connotation and depth. She also created her own YouTube channel "Chat Sister Understands" to share various life insights and women's perspectives, successfully creating an image of an intellectually independent woman.

Although Zeng Zhiqiao shows a sweet image on the outside, she is firm at heart and has some "big woman" characteristics when dealing with feelings. She has stressed many times on the channel that marriage does not mean success and should not be the only choice in life. She emphasized that happiness is created by husband and wife, not by others. This insistence was also understood and supported by Chen Yiru.

How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?

Their lifestyles and hobbies vary. Zeng Zhiqiao loves art, travel and nature, while Chen Yiru pays more attention to material needs and investment. Despite these differences, they support and understand each other and trust each other in their marriage. They go to the supermarket together, cook together, walk the dog together, and experience the daily life of ordinary couples, and these small happiness make their feelings deeper.

The marriage of Zeng Zhiqiao and Chen Yiru may seem challenging to outsiders, but they are working hard to manage this relationship with each other's company. They may come from different worlds, but their love blooms in the bland, which may be where true happiness lies.

How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?


The marriage of Zeng Zhiqiao and Chen Yiru seems to be full of differences and challenges to the outside world, but they have gone through a long-distance run together for 12 years and gradually developed a unique relationship. Although their lifestyles, interests, and careers differed, their love blossomed in the bland, and mutual trust and understanding made their marriage stronger. Their story tells us that love should not be bound by the eyes of the outside world, and only the sincere feelings between the two are the most important.

How did Chen Yiru and Zeng Zhiqiao, people from two worlds, come together?

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