
Little Nuomi cried bitterly in the dark night: "I also want to have a good mother?" ”

author:Elegant little fish 225

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As he grew older, Xiao Nuomi gradually began to understand right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. In the dark night, she cried: Yang Mi, Yang Mi, I also want a good mother!

My mom is divorced! "Good women will never get divorced, and there will be no good women who are divorced." "A woman will serve only one man in her life." My mother Yang Mi is divorced, and divorced women are all disgusting and hateful bad women without exception.

My mom doesn't know much about women! Regardless of age, loyalty is the most basic and minimum requirement for women. Anyone who cheats on a woman and becomes a junior will be punished by anyone. And my mother Yang Mi doesn't seem to know what femininity is. She is recognized worldwide as a loving woman. She likes almost all men. If she was able, she would take him home and sleep with him.

My mother likes to pretend to be innocent too! She is already a 36-year-old woman and my mother. She always likes to walk around in a skirt and dress herself up as an innocent 15-year-old girl. She wants to expose her entire body and show her peerless beauty. Let the irresistible man take her home and quarrel happily, enjoy the soul and even have children!

Xiao Nuomi silently shouted: I want a mother, a mother who is loyal to love and never divorces, a mother who is shameful and abides by women's morality!

Little Nuomi cried bitterly in the dark night: "I also want to have a good mother?" ”
Little Nuomi cried bitterly in the dark night: "I also want to have a good mother?" ”
Little Nuomi cried bitterly in the dark night: "I also want to have a good mother?" ”
Little Nuomi cried bitterly in the dark night: "I also want to have a good mother?" ”

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