
Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

author:Ancient and Present History

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Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!


Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

In the third season of "Talk Show Conference", Li Xueqin stood out with her unique style and talent among the big coffee of talk shows, and became the focus of everyone's discussion.

She stands on stage, giving people a sense of nonchalance and ease, but every time she can lift the audience and see her hidden talent.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

It feels like a surprise you never expected suddenly appears in front of you.

But is she really as stress-free as she seems?

But what are the emotional twists and turns she faces behind the stage?

●○Inner struggle: Li Xueqin's internal friction and anxiety○●

A simple "sorry" is more than just three words for Li Xueqin.

At the variety show scene of "Must Come", she disclosed some of her inner thoughts.

Whenever someone says "I'm sorry" to her, if she doesn't respond "It's okay," she feels like she hasn't really forgiven the other person.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

This seemingly insignificant internal friction has piled up in her life.

After the program was broadcast, Li Xueqin rushed to the hot search list overnight because of this serious problem of internal friction.

This inner struggle of hers has made many people feel her true and vulnerable.

Her anxiety is not only "sorry", but also those ubiquitous eyes and evaluations.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

In this seemingly glamorous entertainment industry, her heart is turbulent.

Her real sharing allowed the audience to see a different Li Xueqin, and let people see the unknown pressure and struggle behind the entertainment industry.

In the face of such psychological pressure, how does the outside world view her?

●○Voice of the public and netizens: Concern and suggestions for Li Xueqin○●

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Li Xueqin's inner struggle has aroused the attention and heated discussions of netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens said that Li Xueqin's anxiety may stem from excessive self-requirements, reminding her to learn to relax herself.

After all, there will always be obstacles on the road of life, and the key is how to face them.

Relaxation at the right time can make people go further.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Netizens said that Li Xueqin has done an excellent job and should not push herself too hard.

At the same time, in the face of various difficulties, anxiety is not the solution to the problem.

Refusing anxiety and stabilizing your mind is the key to success.

There are also some ridiculing voices, saying that where there is Li Xueqin, it is like a psychological counseling scene, and everyone seems to be concerned about her psychological state.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

This kind of public concern and advice reflects people's love and expectations for her.

I hope she can get rid of her inner entanglement and continue to shine on the stage.

However, Li Xueqin's anxiety does not stop there.

●○Body anxiety: The other side of Li Xueqin○●

Figure, for many people, may only be a part of life, but for Li Xueqin, it has become a source of anxiety that she cannot avoid.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Whenever she mentions her figure, Li Xueqin is always full of embarrassment and sometimes even falls into depression.

This kind of body anxiety deeply affected her daily life and work status.

On stage, she is the witty and humorous stand-up comedian, but behind the scenes, she is the ordinary girl who often feels inferior and anxious because of her figure.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Figure, for her, is not only a problem of appearance, but also a deep pain in her heart.

It became her weakness and the topic she dared not touch in public.

But at an unexpected moment, Li Xueqin gained a special happiness.

●○The appearance of Wang Hedi: A surprise for Li Xueqin ○●

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

In the program "Hello, Saturday", Li Xueqin experienced an unforgettable time, and it all stemmed from an unexpected surprise.

  1. In the game session, Wang Hedi suddenly shot and lifted Li Xueqin from the ground.

At that moment, Li Xueqin's face was filled with childlike joy, as if all anxiety and inferiority had disappeared in an instant.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Wang Hedi's appearance was not only an accident, but also a precious gift, giving Li Xueqin a good time. At this moment, she truly felt happy, as if she had rediscovered herself.

In the face of all kinds of anxiety and pressure, how will Li Xueqin move forward?

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

Whether this good time can be a driving force for her on the way forward, let's wait and see.

●○The road ahead: Li Xueqin's self-growth and expectations○●

In Li Xueqin's journey, there was an impressive time, it was a period of serious internal friction.

Li Xueqin once valued the apologies of others too much in life, was too strict with herself, and even had serious internal friction, all of which became her heart.

Her heart was once stormy, but over time, she bravely expressed her ideas and received many recognitions.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

In the process, she learned to be free and understand that excessive self-blame is only a manifestation of excessive narcissism, and that external voices are sometimes not worth paying too much attention to.

She understood that as long as she tried her best to do things well and with a clear conscience, it was enough.

She was too demanding, but she came to understand that it was also important to relax herself moderately.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

On the way forward, it does not have to be perfect, as long as you do your best and are ready to accept challenges, then difficulties are no longer an obstacle.

Netizens also supported her in her journey, encouraging her to refuse anxiety and face the difficulties of life calmly.

They believe that having self-confidence is the first step to solving problems, and that anxiety will only make things worse.

Some netizens even ridiculed that where Li Xueqin is, it will become a psychological counseling scene, but this also allows her to gain a lot of valuable experience and cognition.

Li Xueqin's internal consumption is serious, self-requirements are too strict, learn to be free, netizens: refuse anxiety!

However, Li Xueqin's journey is far from over.

We look forward to her continuing to move forward, free from outside distractions, and continue to show her talents.

Getting rid of internal friction and continuing to grow self-growth is our expectation for Li Xueqin's future.

The path she has traveled has been full of surprises, and we look forward to more in the future.

Text | Grapes of Wrath

Edit | History through the ages

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