
Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

author:Strange terrain

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

As we age, our bodies are also aging, and some problems will gradually appear in our health. Physical health and safety issues become particularly important for people entering old age. Choosing the right place to travel allows the elderly to get enough rest during the trip without overwork, which is very helpful for maintaining physical and mental health. Therefore, when the elderly are ready to travel, we must carefully consider their characteristics, choose some places with excellent environment and convenient transportation, and make travel a major pleasure in their life, rather than a burden.

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

The elderly have the following characteristics that require our attention:

First, the physical functions of the elderly are degraded to varying degrees, especially the decline of cardiopulmonary function is the most obvious. Prolonged ascent may cause the lungs and heart to be overburdened; The environment is too cold and is not conducive to blood circulation. So we have to choose places with warm environments that don't require a lot of physical exertion.

Second, with the increase of age, the immunity of the elderly gradually decreases, and the resistance is weak. If the tourist area is densely populated and the sanitary conditions are poor, the elderly are highly susceptible to respiratory diseases. Therefore, we must choose some places with clean environments and sparsely populated areas to allow the elderly to avoid possible sources of infection.

Third, the elderly often have chronic diseases and need to take medication or treatment regularly. If the medical conditions in the tourist area cannot meet the needs, once there is a physical problem, the consequences may be serious. Therefore, we must choose a place with convenient transportation and a hospital close to us to ensure that we can get timely treatment in case of emergency.

Fourth, the exercise capacity and reaction speed of the elderly are declining, and they are less suitable for stimulating activities. We should choose some places that focus on leisure and sightseeing, avoid involving high-intensity exercise, and reduce the possibility of injuries to the elderly in activities.

Four types of tourist locations that are recommended for the elderly

According to the physical condition and characteristics of the elderly, we recommend that the elderly should avoid traveling to the following four types of places:

Highland zone

The plateau area has a high altitude, thin air and low oxygen content. This environment can be a challenge for anyone. For the elderly, especially those suffering from heart disease and lung disease, the oxygen-deprived environment in the plateau area may pose a great threat to their health.

First of all, the lack of oxygen on the plateau can increase the burden on the heart and lungs, increasing the possibility of breathing difficulties. In severe cases, it may cause symptoms such as angina, irregular heart rate, shortness of breath and fatigue. This not only affects the comfort of travel, but can also threaten life.

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

Secondly, in plateau areas, the ability of oxygen synthesis in the blood is reduced, and the elderly are prone to dizziness, fatigue, and altitude sickness with reduced sleep quality. These symptoms affect the functioning of the body and increase the chance of accidents.

Therefore, for the elderly, especially the frail and sickly elderly, we strongly recommend that they do not choose the highland area as a tourist destination.

Crowded popular scenic spots

Some popular tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, etc., attract thousands of tourists every day. The excessive number of tourists makes these scenic spots very crowded. In the crowd of people, the elderly are prone to accidents, such as being squeezed into falls, separated from the team, etc. Because there are too many people, the air is not circulating, and it is easy to feel that it is difficult to breathe.

In such a crowded environment, the elderly cannot get enough rest and are more likely to suffer from heat stroke in the scorching sun. Even if minor illnesses occur, they cannot be treated promptly and properly.

Therefore, we advise seniors not to choose these super popular attractions. You can choose scenic spots with fewer people and open space to ensure safety.

Areas with harsh climatic conditions

Older people are less adaptable to extreme weather conditions. Extreme heat or cold can cause damage to their health.

Temperatures in hot areas are high, and the elderly are prone to heat stroke, and organ failure may occur in severe cases. At the same time, high temperature may also aggravate the chronic diseases of the elderly and trigger symptom onset.

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

In cold areas, blood circulation slows down, and the chances of frostbite and bone joint pain are higher. Bad weather can also cause inaccessibility and affect medical assistance.

Therefore, we advise the elderly not to travel to places where climatic conditions can trigger health problems. Choose from some areas with mild climates and plenty of sunshine.

Too far away to place where you need to travel for a long time

Destinations that are too far away mean long trips by land, water or air. This is very strenuous for the elderly.

It will not only aggravate the fatigue of the elderly, but also cause problems such as poor blood circulation and pressure ulcers due to prolonged sitting. Transportation bumps may also exacerbate osteoarticular pain in the elderly.

Long journeys can take up travel time and make it impossible to get enough rest. Timely access to medical assistance is also not possible.

Therefore, we recommend that the elderly choose a tourist place that is closer and has convenient transportation. It can avoid unnecessary travel fatigue and is more conducive to dealing with unexpected situations.

If you plan your trip according to your physical condition, they can also get happiness and relaxation. We must not only broaden our horizons, but also pay attention to the scientific and reasonable selection of destinations, so that the elderly can travel safer and more comfortable.

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

It is recommended that the elderly choose a tourist place with close distance, suitable climate and few people

Tours are a great time for everyone to relax. This is especially true for the elderly, where appropriate tourist activities can enrich their lives and have fun. But we should also consider the specific situation of tourism for the elderly and choose some more suitable locations.

Elderly people choose a tourist place with close distance, suitable climate and few people, which can ensure their health during the trip. Close proximity avoids the long bumpy journey leading to unnecessary fatigue in the elderly. The climate is suitable to avoid extreme heat or cold for the elderly, and will not aggravate the condition. Fewer people reduce the chance of contracting diseases and avoid the accidental injuries that crowding can cause.

Under such relatively comfortable conditions, the elderly can enjoy traveling without worrying about paying too much for their bodies. Plan your itinerary reasonably, ensure adequate rest, and make travel a way to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

The purpose of the trip is to make people happy and relaxed. By choosing the right location, seniors can also fully enjoy the good time on the trip.

Being close to each other saves travel time and frees up more time to stay in the scenic area. The climate is suitable so that the elderly can move comfortably and freely, without sweating or freezing. Fewer people can reduce waiting times and enjoy the scenery at a slower pace.

In a comfortable state, the elderly can enjoy the great rivers and mountains, get in close contact with nature, and enrich the fun of travel. Let them go home with a happy mood and share good memories with their grandchildren.

At the end of the day, safety and health are the top priorities for seniors. Choosing a place with close distance, good climate and few people can minimize the risks during the trip and ensure the personal safety of the elderly. It can also take care of the physical condition of the elderly without adding unnecessary burden to them.

Elderly people between 65-75 years old are advised not to travel to these 4 places

When health and safety are guaranteed, the elderly can go out happily to see the world and enrich their later life. We all want the elderly to have fun, so travel plans should be based on their well-being.

Let's work together to plan a travel route for the elderly and contribute to their happy life. Travel is the spice of life, and we will make the elderly travel safe and happy!

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