
The Russian-Ukrainian war slowed down first, and former leaders of many countries called for action against China

author:Love to see bacteria

Rational View of China and Spur the Coordinated Development of the World In the recent Russian-Ukrainian war, the world's eyes have changed from focusing on the topic of war and peace. However, at this critical juncture, the talk of some former leaders of many countries is suspicious.

The Russian-Ukrainian war slowed down first, and former leaders of many countries called for action against China

They have taken away from China by various means, and in this case, these means are not used to solve problems, but to threaten the tranquility of the world. As a major member of the world, China has always advocated peace, development, mutual benefit and win-win results. In the face of these recent unjust appeals, China has firmly stated its position and will respond in a reasoned and well-founded manner. This reasoned and well-founded approach is not to constantly confront each other, but to maintain both principles and an open and inclusive stance, maintain the sovereignty and solemnity of the mainland, and at the same time promote global peace and stability.

The Russian-Ukrainian war slowed down first, and former leaders of many countries called for action against China

China has been constantly promoting equality, mutual assistance and win-win results in the global order, and resolutely opposes intimidation and threats, as well as actions that are not in line with international law. On the other hand, China is also showing a new image of a great power, that is, it can face its own pressure, but with a high degree of calm and reason, resolutely its own growth path, and inject new vitality into global management.

The Russian-Ukrainian war slowed down first, and former leaders of many countries called for action against China

During the global epidemic, China's relief to the world is the best proof. The call for China's action probably stems from fear of China's rise, presumably dissatisfaction with the changing form of the world. However, we must know that no matter how the situation changes, the global form of peace and stability should be our hope for cooperation. A rational, impartial position, not exclusion or opposition.