
Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise


Blue succulents

To raise Blue Ji Lian, you need to put it in a well-lit place so that it can bask in the sun all day and need shade in summer. The soil should be loose and breathable, usually prepared with a mixture of peat soil and perlite. Daily watering should not be watered too much, so as not to cause rotten roots. Fertilization once a month is enough, too much will cause fertilizer damage. If the leaves are sunburned, they need to be shaded in time, and the sunburned part can be reduced.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Succulents of the grape group

Succulent grapes are succulents of the genus Sedum family. The grapes are perennial fleshy herbs, small to medium-sized varieties, and the grapes look a bit like the small and brocade of the balls, and the leaves are thicker than the small and brocade. The grapes look a bit like the small wazuki of the pill leaves, and the leaves are thicker than the small wazuki. The grapes tend to sprout creeping stems from the base, semi-creeping on the surface of the soil, with small rosette leaves at the top of the stems. The fleshy leaves are arranged in a rosette-like arrangement, the leaves are short spoon-shaped, the leaf surface is flat, the back of the leaf is convex with purple-red dense dots, the leaf tip has a small tip, the leaf color is light gray-green or light blue-green, the leaf surface is smooth with a waxy layer, and it is not afraid of water.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Mexican rose succulents

Mexican rose is hardy and drought-tolerant, and is an excellent plant suitable for dry and hot climates. Step 1: Prepare the soil by adding coarse sand and humus or mulched leaves; Mixed together. For container planting, add a layer of one-inch gravel to the bottom of the pot before putting in the soil. For outdoor planting, rake in the potting soil you want to plant. If the ground is hard, add a layer of gravel in front of the soil for better drainage.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Orange Monroe succulents

Orange Monroe Succulent is a variety with a relatively high appearance, and in order to cultivate the state, it is necessary to provide suitable potting soil, which is the basic factor. If the pot is made of breathable material, it is best not to use plastic pots. Soil distribution should pay attention to, mainly to ensure air permeability and nutrition, can be used perlite, river sand, grass charcoal soil and other mixed preparation, can also add a small amount of rotten fertilizer. If you want to make the orange Monroe fleshy out of the state, the color becomes brilliant.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Velvet succulents

Cultivate succulent velvet as much as possible with good drainage, loose soil to breed velvet succulent, it is a kind of sunshine like plants, in the breeding can be placed in the direct sunlight environment, but summer strong sunlight, easy to affect its growth, so pay attention to shading. A drier environment is more suitable for its growth, so usually watering should not be too much, try to water after the soil is completely dry.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Succulents of so-yeon

The soil for breeding succulents is the same as other succulents, which need to be sandy soil with good air permeability and good drainage, and in order to increase air permeability, we often add some crushed rubble to the bottom of the pot. Succulent Xiuyan is drought and waterlogging tolerant, we usually control the water when breeding, water in moderation, and do not water too frequently, otherwise root rot will occur.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Pink bluebird succulents

Powder bluebird succulent breeding should use loose, breathable, good water permeability substrate, can be mixed with perlite, peat and cinder. The soil should be slightly moist during the growing season, and it should not be dry for a long time, but it should not be waterlogged. It loves light, and the more sun will be more beautiful. If there is a lack of light, it is easy to grow and grow poorly. In addition, pay attention to the temperature, it is better to provide a temperature between 15-25 degrees, and in winter above 5 degrees.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Ice rose brocade succulents

Ice roses are succulent and easy to raise. It can withstand high temperatures of 33 degrees and low temperatures of 0 degrees, and if you want to raise succulent ice roses, you need plenty of sunlight, because only the color of the exposed ice roses will turn red. During the growth period of succulent ice roses, every 2 months or so, a thin fertilizer can be applied, and there is no need for sufficient fertilizer, otherwise it will make it reverse and affect the growth of succulent ice roses.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise

Chihuahua succulents

Chihuahuas belong to summer dormant succulents, summer is a little difficult, so summer special attention to ventilation and water control, light like is not tolerant to shade, in the case of insufficient light is easy to loose plant type, leaf color is light, the formation of length. Under sufficient light, the Chihuahua resembles a lotus flower, with bluer leaves, obvious small red tips, and red halos on the leaf edges. Chihuahuas grow at a general rate, and if there is no accident, the leaves generally do not dry up.

Today share fine control succulent, northern control and succulent, skin is good to raise