
Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

author:Good good sports

In the night of September 24, Beijing time, in the swimming pool of the Hangzhou Asian Games, China's Pan Zhanle and Wang Haoyu prepared for an extremely important competition. They will compete for glory in the men's 100m freestyle final, but this race is destined to be extraordinary.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Asian record broken: Pan Zhan Lok's historical moment

At this historic moment of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Pan Zhanle stood on the starting platform with a clear and ambitious goal - to break the Asian record in the 100m freestyle and get closer to the global peak. Pan Zhanle has always been a jewel of Chinese swimming, but his goal has always been to go beyond Asia and go global. This night, he will write his own legend.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

On the field, Pan Zhanle's jumping was the same, splashing everywhere, and he rushed into the distance like a missile. In one breath, his body cut a perfect arc in the water, and the water swirled around him, as if opening a path to victory for him. In the end, he won the gold medal with a time of 46.97 seconds, not only breaking the Asian record, but also becoming the first athlete in Asian history to swim 47 seconds in the 100-meter freestyle. This moment is the glory of Chinese swimming and Pan Zhanle's personal glory.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Wang Haoyu's silver medal: brotherly love

In this historic race, Wang Haoyu also performed well, he won the silver medal with a time of 48.02 seconds. Wang Haoyu and Pan Zhanle have always been the golden combination in the swimming team, they encourage each other, compete with each other, and achieve each other. This time, although Wang Haoyu failed to win the gold medal, his performance was still admirable. On the podium, he shook hands and hugged Pan Zhanle, and his brotherhood was deep.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Behind the breakthrough: persistence and hard work

However, behind this glory is countless days and nights of perseverance and hard work. Pan said after the race that despite such brilliant results, he felt that he was swimming just average, because he was eyeing the world record this time. He admits that he regrets that he failed to break the world record. But he also firmly stated that he will continue to work hard to move towards this goal in the future. This unremitting pursuit of excellence is the common trait of every successful person and the driving force of Pan Zhanle.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Dialogue: Behind the Excellence

After the game, we caught up with Pan Zhanle and he shared his inner feelings. "This gold medal is very important for me, but I am far from the finish line. I would like to thank my family, coaches and everyone who supported me and always encouraged me to persevere in my quest for excellence. ”

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Pan Zhanle's story tells us that behind excellence there are often countless hard work and unremitting efforts. Success does not happen overnight, but requires perseverance and uncompromising pursuit. Everyone has the same potential as Pan Zhanle, as long as they are willing to work hard and stick to their dreams, they can create their own brilliant moments.

Asian Games men's 100m freestyle Pan Zhanle broke the record to win the championship, Asia's first swimmer in 47 seconds

Conclusion: The eternal pursuit of excellence

On this night of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Pan Zhanle and Wang Haoyu presented us with a wonderful competition, and their efforts and achievements will always inspire us and let us know that as long as we persevere and pursue excellence, we can create our own brilliance. Their stories tell us that true victory can only be achieved if we move forward firmly on the road to pursuing our dreams. Let us pay tribute to these two outstanding athletes, but also encourage ourselves to bravely pursue our dreams and create our own historical moments.