
Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

author:Fengke Ji

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

Overview of 5G technology

5G, also known as the fifth generation of mobile communication technology, is a new generation of cellular mobile communication technology standards after 4G. Compared with previous generations of mobile communication technology, 5G has higher spectral efficiency, lower latency characteristics, and higher connection reliability.

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

If you use popular language, 5G is like a high-speed rail for mobile networks, while 4G is more like an ordinary railway. High-speed rail has faster speed and smoother experience, which is like the ultra-high speed and ultra-low latency of 5G networks. At present, the peak rate of 5G can reach 20Gbps, which is 100 times higher than 4G; The delay can be as low as 1ms, which is 1/25 of 4G. This blazing speed enables almost real-time responses, allowing everything in the online world to keep up with your thinking.

In addition, 5G networks also have higher connectivity capabilities. Theoretically, the number of connections in a single cell can reach 1 million, which is 10 times that of 4G. Such a high connection capability can make all devices that want to be connected to the Internet easily access, providing strong support for the Internet of Things era.

In layman's terms, 5G is like an omnipotent butler, not only fast and responsive, but also can manage tens of thousands of devices at the same time to ensure that everything is in order at home.

5G is considered to be the foundation of the new generation of information technology revolution, and its wide application will have a profound impact on human society.

First, it can greatly improve the performance of various applications, such as smoother 4K video live broadcast, more accurate autopilot, etc. With 5G's low-latency and highly reliable communication guarantee, many applications can break boundaries and enter a new field.

Second, it can connect more devices, supporting the development of smart machines and the Internet of Things. From your phone and watch, to your air-conditioned refrigerator at home, to the city's transportation facilities, you can all be connected via 5G. This makes it possible to realize the "Internet of Everything".

Third, it can build digital infrastructure to help smart cities and digital economies. 5G is the transportation artery of the future digital society, and its wide application can help governments to govern more efficiently, enterprises to operate more accurately, and our lives to be more convenient and comfortable.

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

Sino-US competition in the field of 5G

In the field of 5G, China and the United States can be regarded as "not fighting and not acquaintance". Through the competitive collision in technological innovation and standard setting, the two sides are equal in the number of 5G core patents.

According to the statistics of the International Intellectual Property Organization, Chinese companies account for about 40% of the global 5G standard-essential patent applications, slightly more than 35% of American companies. This shows that in the research and development of 5G technology, Chinese companies and American companies have been in a position of parallel.

Among them, Huawei has become the largest number of necessary patent applications for 5G standards in the world, which shows the strength of Chinese enterprises in 5G innovation. Huawei sources say they have more than 3,000 5G patents, and this number will continue to grow as the pace of commercialization accelerates in the future.

Although the United States still occupies some core patents, on the whole, China has not lagged behind in the number of 5G SEPs, or even led slightly. This indicates that the future 5G technology innovation and application will be the result of the joint promotion of China and the United States.

In terms of 5G commercialization, Chinese companies such as Huawei are at the forefront. In 2019, Huawei and China Mobile implemented the world's first 5G commercial network, becoming the leader in 5G commercialization. At the same time, Huawei has become the world's largest supplier of 5G smartphone shipments.

In terms of base stations and related equipment, Huawei has become the world's largest supplier, with more than 30% of its shipments and customers covering more than 170 countries and regions around the world. All these show the strong strength of Chinese companies such as Huawei in the research and development and production of 5G equipment.

It is worth mentioning that ZTE, as another Chinese company, its 5G system equipment and terminal mobile phones also have a high market share and popularity. ZTE has signed 5G cooperation agreements with more than 60 operators around the world to bring new 5G experience to global users.

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

It can be said that Chinese enterprises such as Huawei and ZTE are unique in 5G commercialization with their full technological innovation capabilities and industrial advantages. They make an important contribution to ensuring that 5G networks are being built and implemented at the fastest speed around the world.

In the face of the vigorous development of 5G strength of Chinese enterprises, the United States has adopted a series of restrictive measures to try to curb the global layout of China's 5G.

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce added Huawei to the Entity List, imposing strict restrictions on its exports. At the same time, the United States has also put pressure on some foreign companies that do business with Huawei to ban the use of Huawei 5G equipment. This will undoubtedly have a certain negative impact on Huawei's global business.

However, it has proved difficult to stop the application and development of a leading technology. Despite various restrictions, Huawei still achieved nearly 100 billion yuan in revenue in 2020. At the same time, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and other countries have also announced that Huawei will be allowed to participate in their own 5G construction. This shows that sanctions alone cannot curb the momentum of 5G technology itself.

Positions and warnings of EU countries

In terms of 5G equipment procurement, EU countries have a high dependence on Chinese suppliers. According to the survey, more than two-thirds of EU countries are using 5G network equipment produced by Chinese companies such as Huawei, relying as much as the United States on Qualcomm.

Specifically, in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and other European countries, 5G equipment and solutions provided by Chinese companies account for more than 40% of the total 5G network equipment in the country, and even as high as 80% in some countries. It can be seen that Chinese companies have become important 5G equipment suppliers in European countries by virtue of product quality and cost advantages.

This is inseparable from the strong strength of Chinese enterprises in 5G equipment innovation and production. Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE can provide more cost-effective products and solutions, which is in line with the current needs of European countries to promote 5G network construction.

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

Under pressure from the United States, the European Union has asked member states to ban the use of 5G equipment and technology from Chinese companies such as Huawei. However, the response from many countries to this initiative has not been positive.

The survey shows that only about a third of EU countries have implemented the ban. Germany and other big countries have made it clear that they do not believe that the 5G equipment of Chinese companies has so-called security risks and will continue to buy products from Chinese companies.

It can be seen that although the United States is committed to resisting Huawei globally, the willingness of allies to implement this measure is not strong. After all, considering their own economic interests, the vast majority of countries pay more attention to 5G construction progress and cost-effectiveness.

If the use of 5G equipment and technology of Chinese companies is forcibly banned, it will adversely affect Europe and drag down the progress of the global 5G industry. This has been warned by many EU countries.

Specifically, if more cost-effective Chinese equipment cannot be purchased, the cost of 5G network construction in European countries will increase significantly. At the same time, the speed of construction will be greatly reduced. It is expected that by 2025, European 5G network coverage may still be below 40%, which will lag behind Asian countries.

It can be seen that refusing China's participation will inevitably make Europe a laggard in 5G construction. This is not in the interests of European powers, including Germany, and also contrary to the global consensus to promote the application and popularization of new technologies.

In the field of 5G, Chinese enterprises have achieved a number of "world firsts" with their strong innovation strength: from being the first to realize 5G commercialization, to firmly occupying the throne of global 5G equipment suppliers, and then to actively deploying 6G research and development. This shows that China has surpassed the United States in communication technology and has become the backbone of leading the development of the industry.

Foreign media: China's 5G technology ban may cause disaster

Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese enterprises are winning the trust of global customers, including Europe and the United States, with high-quality products and solutions. This hard-won technical strength will promote them to carry out international cooperation on a larger scale and continue to make due contributions to the global 5G industry.

To sum up, Chinese companies have established a leading edge in the field of 5G. European countries have also seen the advancement and potential of China's 5G technology. Maintaining open cooperation is the only way to promote the prosperity of this important technology, and it is also the common interest of all mankind.

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