
The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

author:Cheerful and generous tea in tea

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In the corners of nature, many precious wild plants are hidden. These plants are often spared from stepping on and clearing due to their remote growing locations, and they flourish over time. In contrast, however, weeds growing in farmland are often removed by farmers because they pose a threat to crops.

Some of these plants, such as thorny varieties, are often pulled out by farmer friends because of potential injuries to avoid being stabbed the next time they pass by. However, there is also a type of grass with "venom" all over its body, which was once considered a "pest grass". However, as people realized its potential use, it gradually became valued and became a "baby". Let's explore this weed that has gone from being eradicated to being protected, and its name is "Continuation Child".

The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

It is a typical weed that grows in agricultural fields and is harmful to crops. Today, it is widely distributed throughout China, especially in the Yangtze River basin. In addition, it grows in rural areas deep in old forests, streams and riverbanks. The reason why Jisuiko was able to survive in the wasteland was because it had a well-developed and tenacious root system and strong vitality.

Although the continuation is known for its tenacious vitality, its height is usually no more than 100 cm, and even those under 80 cm are common. The leaves of this wild plant are arranged in pairs, and when the fruit season begins in June, special "little green fruits" grow on the middle leaves, which some florists believe resembles small grapes, making it stand out among the weeds.

The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

In the folk, the continuation of the suiko is also called "thousand gold". A flower friend recalled: When we were children, weren't we often picking thousands of gold? In fact, it has many names in the folklore, in addition to "thousand gold", it is also called "thousand taels of gold". Euphorbiaceae is a biennial herbaceous plant that is often found in the field, although it is less common today, probably because of the widespread use of herbicides.

However, why remove this plant? The reason is that the whole grass of the continuation seed is rich in "venom". In childhood, some naughty children may break off the stems and leaves of the follower, causing milky white liquid to flow out, and if the child comes into contact with these fluids, an allergic reaction can occur. Studies have shown that the branches and leaves of the seed contain many irritating "toxins", which have a strong stimulating effect on the skin, and some people even swell their hands after contact. Therefore, many people avoid approaching this plant so as not to be "poisoned" by it.

The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

Despite this, when they were young, rural children liked to pick the fruits of the children and use them as toys. Due to the relative scarcity of toys, the fruit of the continuation child became their treasure. However, older people know that this plant is poisonous, so they often remove it so that children do not eat it by mistake.

However, the continuation of the child also has its value. Its fruit contains many precious seeds that can be used in pharmaceutical preparation. In Chinese medicinal materials, it is called "Qianjinzi" and has high medicinal value, which is recorded in "Kaibao Materia Medica" and "Hunan Medicinal History". "Materia Medica" also describes its effect: "into the lungs, stomach two meridians".

The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

In addition, some researchers have found that it can be used to extract bio-oil, with it been recorded that about 125 barrels of oil can be extracted from one hectare. Therefore, it is a plant of economic value that deserves our good protection. Continued seed, once regarded as a "pest weed", has now escaped its forgotten fate due to its multiple uses and has become one of the cherished weeds. There are many things in our lives that may need to be revisited, and they may contain value that we have not yet discovered.

The whole grass contains "venom", and farmers see that 1 shovel and 1 tree have become a precious commodity, but they must be protected

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