
After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

author:Rakuten Apple EO

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Wu Yue: The tenacity and growth of an actor

Author: Microhistory Interpretation

Editor: Microhistory Interpretation

In Wu Yue's life, she played two different roles, but these two roles were clinging to her like labels. The first role is Chen Jianbin's ex-girlfriend, and the second role is the controversial junior in the TV series "My First Half of Life". These two characters seem to have been following her all the time and can't get rid of it. Years later, she is still compared to Jiang Qinqin, and it seems that she cannot throw away this label. However, she is nonchalant about it, as if the labels have nothing to do with her. Her tenacity and growth are admirable.

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

Tenacity and growth

Wu Yue was born and raised in Shanghai, but she has a yearning for Beijing. In her first play, she needed to play an authentic Beijing girl, so she traveled to Beijing to experience the city's customs. She sits in a coffee shop in a small alley, sipping tea from a teahouse, listening to the shouting on the street, and enjoying the life of the city. In the short month she spent in Beijing, she fell into a deep love for the city. However, she did not expect that her first painful love story would also begin here.

The director sincerely invited her to stay in Beijing to continue acting, leaving her faced with a difficult decision. She wasn't sure whether to return to Shanghai or stay in Beijing, but in the end, she chose her love of acting and decided to stay in Beijing. In the following time, she unknowingly spent a whole year in the crew, only going home for the Spring Festival in just five days. Her love and dedication to acting is impressive.

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

Art and family

However, there is always a trade-off between Wu Yue's persistence and her love for her family. The day she returned home, which should have been warm, turned into a family quarrel. She paints in the park, while her family has long since left impatiently. At this time, she received greetings from distant friends, inviting her to return to Beijing to spend quality time together. The news made her feel that Beijing was calling her to be her home. Beijing gave her a sense of peace of mind that she could find a home here.

Friends and enthusiasm

Wu Yue has always maintained a clear public and private lifestyle, and although she has many close friends in the crew, she always puts her work first, but does not talk much about entertainment and food. After filming, she would meet up with two or three friends, drink quietly, sit on the side of the street or in a quiet corner, and enjoy the scene of the street, which is the way she enjoys the most. Her friends have different personalities, but when they are together, they can all laugh out loud. However, this clear public-private lifestyle also led to the breakdown of her relationship with Chen Jianbin.

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

Beauty and heart

There has always been controversy about Wu Yue's appearance. Some people think that she looks average, while others think that she has a unique temperament, not just her appearance. However, Wu Yue herself never felt that she was very good-looking, and she firmly believed that she was not a beauty. An experience in her childhood hurt her deeply, but her dream did not shake it. Although everyone around her opposed her career in acting, she firmly embarked on this path. Her acting skills and hard work eventually earned her recognition and allowed her to make her rise to prominence in the field of acting.

The persistence and loss of love

Wu Yue's persistence and support for Chen Jianbin eventually led to the breakdown of their relationship. When Chen Jianbin encountered difficulties in his career, Wu Yue always encouraged and supported him, and even gave up his bottom line for him. However, this excessive sacrifice eventually made her lose love. Her five-year relationship ended in an instant with a breakup letter that made her

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

I fell into great grief. Her home has become empty, and Chen Jianbin has moved away, leaving only a simple and scribbled breakup letter. This sudden breakup shocked her, it felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, how to let go? Her mood fell into a low point, but she didn't give up.

Strong and resilient

Wu Yue did not stop moving forward because of this. She continued to pick up and film, as if everything was business as usual. However, emotions build up inside her and eventually explode. When the news of Chen Jianbin's marriage came, she couldn't control her emotions, tears filled her face, and her emotions were out of control. The director wisely turned off the camera and left her to vent alone. Her collapse point is that Chen Jianbin's newlywed partner turned out to be an actor she had recommended. This fact made her feel betrayed and pained. However, Wu Yue's tenacity and courage allowed her to gradually come out of this emotional setback.

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

Elegance and sophistication

Over the years, Wu Yue has not only faced aging, but also the temptation of fame and fortune, but she has always maintained a calm attitude. She has played a variety of roles, showcasing her multifaceted talent. She believes that aging can also be an elegance, and she not only maintains her elegance, but also shows a sexiness that is different. Her sexiness is not that explicit, but an inner, alternative sexiness. She is a free-minded, energetic time traveler who interprets life in her own way.


Wu Yue's story is a story of tenacity and growth, a story of courage and recovery. She experienced setbacks in her career and relationships, but never stopped moving forward and never stopped pursuing her dreams. Her story tells us that there will be ups and downs in life, but as long as you are tenacious, you can get out of the difficult situation and move on. Her maturity and elegance show the inner and outer cultivation of a woman, and she is an example to follow. Wu Yue used his life to interpret the power of perseverance and bravery, making people full of confidence in the future.

After being abandoned for 18 years, the gap between the current situation of the two is too big, and there is a "gap" called Chen Jianbin Wuyue

Pay attention to the interpretation of microhistory, thank you for your support.

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