
The US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days, and Russia is moving in real motion

author:Brush of the wind

Recently, the Russian army carried out large-scale firing drills twice in 3 days in the border area, which attracted widespread attention from the global media. It is understood that this is an important action for Russia to show its strength since the Ukrainian crisis, which is intended to show its determination and strength to the outside world, which cannot be ignored. The incident also triggered in-depth research and analysis of Russia's military movements by the media and observers.

The US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days, and Russia is moving in real motion

According to reports, the Russian army exercise site is located in the Russian-Ukrainian border area, only tens of kilometers from the Ukrainian border. The exercise was large-scale and involved a large amount of military equipment and human resources. In addition to the participation of the army, navy and air force, Russian special forces and military exercise organization personnel also participated, which shows the rigor and professionalism of this exercise.

According to the Russian military, the exercise was to test the Russian army's combat readiness in emergency situations and improve the army's ability to work together. During the exercise, the Russian army simulated a variety of real combat scenarios, including land battles, air battles, anti-missile systems, underwater strikes, etc. During the campaign, the Russian army demonstrated its excellent combat capabilities and powerful firepower, destroyed several "enemy" positions one after another, and completed a number of fire suppression and precision strike missions.

The US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days, and Russia is moving in real motion

It is understood that the Russian army has important political intentions behind this exercise. In recent years, the situation in Ukraine has been pulling on Russia's nerves. The Russian army took this exercise as an opportunity to show the outside world its attitude towards the Ukrainian issue. As the sole superpower, Russia has always firmly supported its allies, carried out decisive border defense of Ukraine, and issued a clear military warning.

For the US media's humiliation of the Russian army, the Russian military gave great dissatisfaction and rebuttal. A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the US media's assessment of the Russian army is full of prejudice and hostility, and has no basis in facts. The Russian army's drill is a normal routine training, aimed at safeguarding border security and maintaining regional peace and stability, and is by no means a "humiliation". Russia firmly rejects any form of threats and provocations and is ready to resolve all disputes by peaceful means.

The US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days, and Russia is moving in real motion

Judging from the scale and content of Russia's exercise, it is not difficult to see the determination and strength of the Russian army. As one of the most important military powers in the world, Russia's military strength has always attracted much attention. The exercise once again demonstrated the strength of the Russian army and shocked people about Russia's military deterrence.

However, things in the world often do not have absolute black and white. In addition to appreciating Russia's strength, we cannot ignore the political intentions behind it. In recent years, Russia has frequently spoken out on the issue of Ukraine, which we cannot turn a deaf ear to. The Ukraine issue is a complex geopolitical issue that needs to be handled carefully by all parties so as not to trigger greater conflicts and contradictions.

The US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days, and Russia is moving in real motion

In this context, we call on all governments and the international community to pay more attention to the issue of Ukraine and work together to promote a peaceful settlement of the issue in order to maintain stability and peace in the region and the world. For the media, it should report the incident objectively and fairly, should not unilaterally pursue personal positions and interests, and hope to give readers the most true and comprehensive information.

To sum up, the US media played with fire to "humiliate" the Russian army, and the fighting nation fired twice in 3 days is an important action of the Russian army in order to show its strength and make a stand. The strength and determination of the Russian military cannot be underestimated, but we also need to be wary of the political intentions behind it. It is hoped that the international community can resolve the Ukrainian issue in a peaceful manner and maintain peace and stability in the region and the world. Only through cooperation and inclusiveness can a win-win situation be achieved.