
Repurchase! Positive and frequent? Will the history of A-shares repeat itself, brewing a "bull market"?

author:Rich ctiL

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The stock market just goes up and down. If you look at the historical candlestick of U.S. stocks and the historical candlestick of A-shares, you will see that they are so similar. Every time the market bottoms, not everyone is optimistic, so they reduce selling and bail out. Every time they reach the upper range, everyone is too excited, turn up the volume, speed up!

The market will definitely save you, but saving the market will not necessarily save you. There will be a structural bull market before the end of 2025, but it would be a tragedy without you in the bull market. Facing the market realistically is more important than anything else. Emotional joy and anger will only make you a leek.

Repurchase! Positive and frequent? Will the history of A-shares repeat itself, brewing a "bull market"?

Repurchase! Do good things happen often? A-share history repeats itself

Repurchases, including fund buybacks, were also carried out in 2018. The company buyback process is ongoing, and it is easy for shares to continue to fall and buy back at a low price. After withdrawing, you also have to sort out the chips. Employees usually receive stock incentives, and cancellation of incentives is rare.

Good news comes often, and good news comes every week. This kind of good news, which used to be epic, is now indifferent. The atmosphere froze, and the good news was not repeated. Frankly speaking, the main forces have not accumulated enough chips, they want to crush the market.

Cooperate with quantification, securities lending, and short selling, so that everyone can enter and exit. The market will not improve until the bloody chips slowly return to the hands of the main forces. At present, it is still in the process of collecting wood chips and building a base.

History repeats itself and everyone leaves, just like in 2018. Have you ever thought that for every share you sell, someone buys a share and everyone exits, but the number of shares doesn't disappear. The bottom area is where retail investors hold coins, and the main positions include buybacks of listed companies, which are also flesh and blood chips for retail investors.

There will always be a bull market, but I'm afraid you're not in a bull market. Even in 2016-2017, white horse blue chips started a bull market. They went up too much, then fell back in 2018 and then continued to rise in 2019-2020.

Wasn't the beginning of the year a bull market for artificial intelligence and Chinese concept stocks? It also rebounded more than 2,000 shares. TMT industries such as media, games, semiconductors, computing power, driverless driving, robotics, and computers are all bull markets, but in a bull market, if you chase the top and conquer the market, there is no profit.

Repurchase! Positive and frequent? Will the history of A-shares repeat itself, brewing a "bull market"?

Is the "bull market" coming?

There is no bull or bear market in structural markets. If the rhythm is right and the industry is captured, it will become a bull market. The industry is changing, and there is always an industry recovering. The bottom line is that your industry hasn't recovered yet. Why is that? I didn't have the patience to wait for the wind to come, so I chased it up with jealousy.

After the registration system, there is no bull market in either US stocks or Hong Kong stocks. The so-called ten-year bull market in the U.S. stock market was achieved by culling thousands of stocks. Are the people involved in these thousands of shares also in a bull market?

The more perfect the market and the more stocks, the more professional the market will be, not suitable for ordinary people. When everything is ready, it will become a breeding ground for big money, and there will be no room for private investors. It's just that the previously chaotic market is prone to crazy longs and stock market crashes. On the contrary, we private investors still have room to live. There are too many derivatives now. Even if it falls, they can make a profit. In the past, A-shares were mainly retail investors and market makers, all of which profited from long. No foreign capital, no futures, no quantitative securities lending, no ChiNext, no Science and Technology Innovation Board...

Repurchase! Positive and frequent? Will the history of A-shares repeat itself, brewing a "bull market"?

Final summary

No matter how the rules change and how the market changes, the main theme of the market will always be white horse blue chips. Value investing has never failed in the global stock market for hundreds of years. Their revival has nothing to do with the aftermarket. This is the result of the company's business. When their value is restored, they can be bought cheaply and ambushed.

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