
Big loss! The Chinese Super League giants lost the lawsuit for wage arrears and compensated players 18 million yuan, making their finances worse

Big loss! The Chinese Super League giants lost the lawsuit for wage arrears and compensated players 18 million yuan, making their finances worse

According to the latest news from Ecuadorian media ecuavisa, Ecuadorian shooter and former Shanghai Shenhua foreign aid Bolaños finally won the case in a wage arrears lawsuit with his old club. After a FIFA ruling, Shanghai Shenhua must pay Bolaños more than a year's salary arrears, totaling about 18 million yuan. This compensation will undoubtedly make Shenhua's already small budget even worse.

Big loss! The Chinese Super League giants lost the lawsuit for wage arrears and compensated players 18 million yuan, making their finances worse

According to the report, Bolaños did not receive his salary for more than a year during his time at Shanghai Shenhua, so he sued the club to FIFA and officially won the case recently. It is understood that the total amount of Bolaños' salary arrears is 2.5 million US dollars (about 18 million yuan), and FIFA has asked Shenhua to pay this money. Shenhua expressed dissatisfaction with this judgment and was ready to appeal to the International Court of Arbitration for Sport, but according to the previous wage arrears dispute between the Chinese Super League club and foreign aid, even if it is appealed, the final result still needs to pay the arrears.

Big loss! The Chinese Super League giants lost the lawsuit for wage arrears and compensated players 18 million yuan, making their finances worse

Bolaños joined Shanghai Shenhua in 2020, but after about two seasons in the Chinese Super League, the Ecuadorian star did not impress, and was even loaned out to Chongqing for a while. At Shenhua, Bolaños made only 10 appearances in total, scoring three goals.

Big loss! The Chinese Super League giants lost the lawsuit for wage arrears and compensated players 18 million yuan, making their finances worse

Since joining Shanghai Shenhua this year, it has been dealing with the huge debt left by the greenfield era, so it is difficult to bring in high-level foreign aid in the transfer market. It is worth mentioning that FIFA awarded Shanghai Shenhua $2.5 million in compensation to Bolaños, but none of the foreign aid brought in by Shenhua this season is worth more than Bolaños' arrears, and this is only a small part of the remaining debt of the Greenfield era, which shows how much financial pressure Shanghai Shenhua is now.