
The chef teaches you that the most authentic method of sour soup pork feet is here, and learning the tricks is simpler

author:Spices are savored

Sour soup pork knuckle is a dish with pork knuckle as the main ingredient, accompanied by pickled radish, red beans, tomatoes, green garlic seedlings, ginger, dried peppers, peppercorns and other ingredients, with sour soup as the base tone, with a strong Guizhou flavor.

The chef teaches you that the most authentic method of sour soup pork feet is here, and learning the tricks is simpler

Here's how:

  1. Pretreatment of pig's feet: Buy fresh pig's feet in the market, burn the skin with fire until browned, then soak it in warm water, and after cooling, carefully scrape off the black skin with a knife, and wash it with clean water. The pig's feet are not only whiter in color, but also taste better.
  2. Stew of pig's feet: Put the processed pig's feet into a large pot, add ginger slices, green onion segments, cooking wine, etc. to remove the fishy, then add water to cover the pig's feet, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer slowly. Maintain a certain amount of heat during the simmering process to avoid the soup from spilling.
  3. Treatment of red beans: Red beans need to be soaked in warm water overnight in advance and then stewed in a casserole the next day. During the simmering process, some red dates can be added to increase the texture and sweetness.
  4. Prepare side dishes: While stewing pork knuckles, other side dishes can be prepared. Slice the tomatoes and cut the green garlic seedlings into pieces for later use. Meanwhile, stir-fry the dried chilies and peppercorns until fragrant.
  5. Stir-fry sour soup: Remove the stewed pork feet, remove the large bones, and cut into small pieces after cooling a little. Then heat the pan and add oil, add peppercorns, ginger slices, garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then put in the cut pork knuckle pieces, add salt and sugar to taste, then pour in the stewed pork knuckle soup, boil and turn to low heat and slowly simmer.
  6. Add side dishes: After the sour soup is rich in flavor, add the stewed red beans and tomatoes and continue cooking.
  7. Serve: When all the ingredients are cooked, put the pork knuckles in the sour soup on a plate and sprinkle with chopped green garlic and dried chili peppers to add flavor.
The chef teaches you that the most authentic method of sour soup pork feet is here, and learning the tricks is simpler

In addition to the above steps, the following points need to be paid attention to during the production process of sour soup pork feet:

  1. Selection of pig's feet: Choose pig's feet with thick skin and tender meat, so that the taste of pig's feet is better.
  2. Simmering time of red beans: Red beans need to be stewed until soft and rotten, so that they do not affect the taste when eaten.
  3. Sour soup: Sour soup is one of the keys to this dish, and it is necessary to master the heat and time when boiling. After the sour soup is cooked, it should be red and bright in color and have a strong sour taste.
  4. Cooking time of ingredients: Different ingredients require different cooking times. Red beans and tomatoes need to be added after the sour soup is ready, while green garlic seedlings need to be added at the end of the plate.
  5. The use of condiments: the amount of salt and sugar should be moderate, too many condiments will cover the freshness of the ingredients themselves, if you will not match the spices, you can buy ready-made stew, but put in the appropriate amount, you can go to the fishy and degreasy, enhance the taste and flavor.
  6. Tips for plating: When loading the cooked sour soup pork feet into the plate, you can arrange the pork feet neatly with side dishes such as red beans and tomatoes to increase the ornamental nature of the dish.
The chef teaches you that the most authentic method of sour soup pork feet is here, and learning the tricks is simpler

The above is the authentic method of sour soup pork knuckles, the key of which lies in the firing and stewing of pork knuckles, as well as the stew of red beans and the stir-frying of sour soup. The sour soup pork feet are full of color and aroma, delicious taste, fat but not greasy, which is a good choice for winter supplementation.

The chef teaches you that the most authentic method of sour soup pork feet is here, and learning the tricks is simpler

In general, sour soup pork knuckles is a Guizhou specialty dish with a slightly cumbersome production process but excellent taste. If you like to try different flavors, try your craft!