
Professor Tsinghua gave up hundreds of thousands of annual salaries and went to Canada with his wife, but earned 5,000 yuan by painting for half a year

author:Come on, come on, little happy

Recently, a professor at Tsinghua University was no longer moved by the high salary, chose to resign from the faculty and went to Canada with his wife. However, life in Canada was not as easy as they thought, so the once-top professor began to work as a painter in the local area, earning only 5,000 yuan in half a year.

Professor Tsinghua gave up hundreds of thousands of annual salaries and went to Canada with his wife, but earned 5,000 yuan by painting for half a year

The professor, whose name is Li Ming, has taught at Tsinghua University for nearly 10 years and was one of the university's scientific research backbones. However, for Li Ming, money is no longer what he pursues, and he chooses to give up everything and accompany his wife to start a new life in a foreign country.

Professor Tsinghua gave up hundreds of thousands of annual salaries and went to Canada with his wife, but earned 5,000 yuan by painting for half a year

Over the past few years, Canada has become an ideal destination for many Chinese families. However, it turns out that moving to Canada is not as easy as it seems. Li Ming and his wife finally obtained permanent resident status after a long wait and cumbersome procedures. However, the realities they face go far beyond expectations.

Professor Tsinghua gave up hundreds of thousands of annual salaries and went to Canada with his wife, but earned 5,000 yuan by painting for half a year

In Canada, Li Ming could no longer continue his teaching career, so he began to look for other employment opportunities. Due to language barriers and cultural differences, he found that his experienced and knowledgeable background could not be fully recognized. In order to be able to make ends meet, he decided to apply for a job at a local construction company and chose the simplest and crudest position - painter.

This decision is not easy, and it takes a lot of hard work and sweat to carry out physical labor. However, Li Ming did not flinch from this, he felt that he could contact some people at the bottom of society and feel different lifestyles through his work. So, he resolutely took the job.

In the past six months, Li Ming and his wife have brushed countless houses together. Every day they leave early and return late, they work hard to complete tasks and earn very little reward. For them, however, money is no longer the only measure. Although they don't earn much, their lives become simpler and more fulfilling.

Li Ming said: "Although I gave up my high-paying job at Tsinghua, I learned a lot from this experience. I realized the true meaning of life and cherished everything I had. I found my value in the painters, and also saw the hard work and hard work of people at the bottom of society. ”

This story tells us that money is not the only measure of a person's happiness. Sometimes, letting go of material pursuits and pursuing the distance of the heart may reap more benefits. Li Ming's choice to give up a high-paying job and accompany his wife to start a new life in a foreign country may be exactly what they need. Through their work of painting, they redefine success and happiness and gain profound life insights from them.

No matter where we are, we should know how to be grateful and content. Money can buy material things, but it cannot buy inner abundance and satisfaction. True happiness comes from the love of life, the company of one's family, and the recognition of one's own worth. May we all be like Li Ming, let go of the glitz, and pursue peace and satisfaction of the heart.

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