
#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

author:Health Yibin

Healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents

What are the negative lifestyles that are currently prevalent in children and adolescents? How do you think children and adolescents can do a good job of "three minus three health" (salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy mouth, healthy weight, healthy bones)?

Children and adolescents are the hope of our motherland, and the health of children and adolescents is related to the happiness of every family and the future of the motherland.

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

At present, there are some unhealthy lifestyles among children and adolescents in mainland China, such as the intake of high-salt, high-oil, high-sugar foods and sugary drinks, insufficient physical activity, and long use of electronic products. These behaviors may affect the normal growth and development of children and adolescents, and then problems such as "little fat mound", "small glasses", and dental caries appear.

In the process of developing the health concept of "three minus three health", great attention has been paid to the health problems of children and adolescents. In 2021, the National Action Office for a Healthy Lifestyle for All (ACT) advocated children and adolescents to achieve the "three good", that is, good diet, good exercise and good sleep. In terms of healthy lifestyle formation, the infant and early childhood period emphasizes that caregivers give more help and support to infants and young children, and as they grow older and form a sense of autonomy, children and adolescents need to take more responsibility for their own health.

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

It is necessary to develop balanced and diverse eating habits, strictly control the intake of foods and beverages high in salt, oil and sugar, and maintain a healthy weight;

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

Exercise reasonably and regularly, ensure daily outdoor time, avoid sitting for a long time, strictly control video screen time, and sit correctly to ensure bone growth and development;

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

Improve safety awareness and prevent accidental injuries such as traffic accidents and drowning;

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

Always pay attention to physical development indicators such as vision, mouth, bones, and weight, and face learning life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

#Health Science# Children and adolescents healthy lifestyle Q&A

@宜宾发布 @封面新闻 @宜宾新闻网 @新三江周刊 @宜宾日报 @中国疾病预防控制中心

Source: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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