
What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

author:Sister who loves to show off fruits

In ancient times, the problem of drainage in cities has always been a tricky problem. However, in Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, people adopted a fairly advanced underground drainage system, which became one of the outstanding representatives of ancient Chinese urban water conservancy engineering, and one of the earliest, largest and most technologically advanced urban drainage systems in the world. The underground drainage system of Chang'an City not only solves the urban drainage problem, but also provides an important guarantee for urban flood control, fire prevention and water supply, which is of great significance to the improvement of Chang'an urban construction and management level in the Tang Dynasty.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

1. The underground drainage system of Chang'an City

Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty and one of the largest cities in the world at that time, with a circumference of more than 30 kilometers of walls, streets, palaces, temples, markets, residences and other buildings in the city, a large population, and a large discharge of domestic sewage and rainwater. In order to solve the problem of urban drainage, Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty adopted a fairly advanced underground drainage system.

The underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty was composed of canals, underground culverts, wells, pools, etc. The canal is the main drainage channel in the city, which brings sewage and rainwater from all over the city into the rivers or lakes outside the city. Underground culverts are pipes that connect canals and are mainly responsible for the discharge of rainwater. Wells act as drains, distributed in different corners of the city to collect rainwater from streets and buildings. The pond was built to treat sewage, the most famous of which is the famous pond "Longshou Pond" located in Dongshi.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

The underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty mainly includes the following characteristics:

Distribution of wells: The number of wells is very large, and they are very widely distributed. Wells can be found in different corners of the city, and these wells function as good drains.

Layout of the canal: The canal is the main pipe of the entire drainage system, which runs through the center of the city and connects various places. This layout ensures the rapid discharge of sewage and rainwater and avoids sewage retention.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

Use of underground culverts: Underground culverts are a very common drainage facility used to discharge rainwater into canals. This structure not only makes drainage smoother, but also reduces the burden on the canal.

Construction of ponds: Some pools have been built in different parts of the city, such as Longshou Pond, etc., which play a good role in treating sewage.

The underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty was a very complete system. At the time, this drainage system was considered very advanced and one of the most advanced in the world. The construction of this system not only solved the drainage problem of Chang'an City, but also had an important impact on China's urban construction.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

Second, the operation and maintenance of underground drainage system

The underground drainage system of Chang'an City adopts the "one street and three channels" drainage system, that is, the drainage from one main road is transported into the river through three side channels. This drainage system uses sloped drainage to allow water to flow naturally without the need for additional hydraulic power.

The design and construction of the entire drainage system is very delicate, and the slope and slope of the main road and side canal have strict requirements to ensure the smooth and stable drainage.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

How the underground drainage system is maintained is also important. In Chang'an City's underground drainage system, workers regularly clean and dredge pipes to keep the drainage system open. If there is too much silt or garbage in the drainage system, it will lead to poor drainage, which in turn will cause flooding within the city, causing great harm to the city. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the smooth flow of the drainage system.

In the underground drainage system of Chang'an City, a large-scale cleaning and repair is carried out once a year. This clean-up is usually carried out in winter, when there is relatively little water in the city, and the temperature is low in winter, drainage work does not affect the normal life of city dwellers.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

When cleaning the drainage system, workers usually first pump out the water in the drainage system, and then use some special tools and equipment to clean up the silt, garbage and other substances in the pipe. During the cleaning process, every part of the drainage system needs to be carefully taken care of to ensure that the drainage system is smooth and smooth.

The repair of the drainage system is also very important. Due to the long-term use of the drainage system, it is inevitable that there will be some damage and wear and tear, and it needs to be repaired.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

When repairing, workers usually use different repair methods depending on the specific situation. For example, in the case of broken pipes, the replacement of pipes is required; In sluices, water gates, etc

In the event of a malfunction, corresponding repairs and replacements are required. The timely implementation of these maintenance and repair works ensures the long-term stable operation of the underground drainage system.

The role and significance of underground drainage system are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

First of all, the underground drainage system guarantees the hygiene and health of the city. The underground drainage system of Chang'an City can remove rainwater and wastewater in the city in time, avoid water accumulation, prevent the breeding of mosquitoes and flies, and is conducive to the hygiene and health of the city. Especially in the Tang Dynasty, the urban population and building scale continued to expand, the drainage problem became increasingly prominent, and the construction and improvement of the underground drainage system greatly improved the city's sanitation.

Secondly, underground drainage systems ensure the safety of the city. The operation of the drainage system can ensure that the surface roads in the city are unimpeded, and avoid landslides and geological disasters caused by rainwater accumulation. In ancient times, natural disasters were frequent, urban disaster prevention awareness was insufficient, and the construction and maintenance of underground drainage systems helped to prevent urban waterlogging and water damage, and enhance the city's disaster prevention capabilities.

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?

Third, underground drainage systems promote the development and construction of cities. During the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City was the political, cultural and commercial center of the country, and the city's development required a lot of infrastructure support. The construction and improvement of the underground drainage system ensures the smooth flow of traffic and transportation within the city, and provides convenient conditions for the economic and cultural development of the city.

Finally, underground drainage systems are important for the city's historical and cultural heritage. The underground drainage system has played an important role in the history and culture of Chang'an City, leaving a rich historical and cultural heritage for future generations. The underground drainage system of Chang'an City, as an outstanding representative of the city's ancient engineering technology,

What are the characteristics of the underground drainage system of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty?