
How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

author:Qilu one point
How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Study tours have been the hottest topics in the fields of education and cultural tourism in the past decade. In the past three years of the epidemic, study trips have been greatly affected, but they have still developed rapidly. On September 17, at a study exchange meeting held in the Tianshang Wangcheng Scenic Area of Linyi Yishui, Shandong Province, Han Xin, a well-known domestic research expert and director of the Youth Practical Education Professional Committee of the Xi'an Education Society, appealed from the standpoint of education public welfare: "Domestic young students should go out and improve their quality and competitive skills through study trips." ”

How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Han Xin (right) gives a lecture on a study trip

The study of "swimming" feels like being kidnapped

Friends who know some research activities may be confused: study trips, study trips, study tours, summer camps, comprehensive educational practices... Are they all the same thing? Whether it is any name or not, it can be referred to.

In his speech on the afternoon of September 17, Han Xin cleared up the issue. In the face of the research and study activity organizers in the venue, mainly in the tourism industry, he said very bluntly that he himself is very taboo about the term "study tour", believing that "study tour" and "tour" should not be combined, giving him the feeling that "research and study have been kidnapped" and become a money-making tool for some people. I am even more afraid that the research camp will become an "Internet celebrity check-in place". Real study and tourism are completely different.

True research should revolve around education, treat it as a course, set the theme in advance, and implement it step by step. In Han Xin's view, precisely because study trips are part of the curriculum of primary and secondary school students, all kinds of activities organized in the name of "research and study" organized in the summer are not really "study trips".

Study trips are not the same thing as summer camps. The latter has a certain tourist color, and students voluntarily sign up; Study trips, like normal classes, require the participation of the entire class, and "no one can be left behind".

Speaking of excitement, he even concluded that research activities are organized or directed by schools, and not research activities organized by travel agencies.

Don't blame Han Xin for making the above assertions, previously, Xu Bin, head of the Shandong Cultural Tourism Cloud Intelligent Research Platform, told reporters that this summer, some "study tours" organized by domestic travel agencies were directly not like words, taking the most popular Beijing study tour as an example, some directly renamed the original conventional "Beijing X day tour" to "Beijing study X day tour" for sale, the content is completely consistent, but the quotation is several times higher. More children or parents who participated in the capital study activities during the period reflected through the media that the "Peking University and Tsinghua University visits" said that because of the serious imbalance between supply and demand, they became a glance at the gate from afar across the road, so that the "study tour" was still sold for tens of thousands of yuan.

A few years after the study tour, some people with educational backgrounds prefer to call it "integrated practice", while the term "study trip" remains. In addition to disagreeing with the term "study tour", they also called for study trips to be cut from "summer camps".

How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Han Xin's speech was mainly attended by tourism industry research organizations

Is the origin of study tourism?

In the past ten years, when did the vigorous study trips in China begin to develop?

According to Han Xin, the origin of the study trip has a lot to do with the 1993 Sino-Japanese youth Inner Mongolia grassland adventure summer camp. At that time, some teenagers from Beijing and more than 70 teenagers from Japan gathered in the grassland and began to "compete".

Afterwards, on November 25, 1993, an article entitled "Contest in Summer Camp" (author Sun Yunxiao) was published on the front page of China Education Daily, detailing what the reporter had seen and heard following the interview: "Chinese children go back to the base camp to sleep when they are sick, and Japanese children go to the end when they are sick", "Japanese parents leave by car, leaving only encouragement for their grandchildren with high fever; Chinese parents came and pulled their sons on the difficult road "... As soon as this article came out, the domestic public opinion fryer had been reprinted or discussed by more than 80 media by early 2014. "" published famous commentaries such as "What is missing in the golden age" and "Reforming the adult world for children".

Han Xin mentioned that the Spring and Autumn Tomb of Wang Gu was unearthed in the spring of 2012. In the second half of the year, people from relevant departments of youth in Hefei, Anhui, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and Xi'an, Shaanxi, were summoned to a meeting of the Ministry of Education. At the meeting, they talked about the issue of school trips in Japan for many years, and proposed that cities should go back and urgently carry out school trips for Chinese teenagers. This conference can be regarded as a landmark starting event for primary and secondary school students' study trips, and cities such as Xi'an take the first step.

The major event of the domestic study tour was the "Opinions of 11 departments including the Ministry of Education on Promoting Study Tours for Primary and Middle School Students" released on November 30, 2016. Led by the Ministry of Education, with the participation of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and other departments, it can be called the general program of study tours.

Immediately afterwards, in December 2016, the Ministry of Education held the National Off-campus Education Work Experience Exchange Conference and the Research and Practice Work Deployment Meeting for Primary and Middle School Students, and the Anhui Provincial Department of Education and the Xi'an Municipal Education Bureau made speeches. Since 2017, all provinces and cities across the country have also taken action, sending personnel to Xi'an and other cities to study. Since then, study tours have sprung up across the country.

"Practice has proved that those who were among the 11 departments were very active in conducting study trips." Han Xin said that for example, the industry and information technology department, since the release of the opinion, its industrial heritage tourism and industrial study tour have developed rapidly. It can be seen that the mobilization and scope of the study trip are wide-ranging.

A good study trip can refresh people's hearts

As an education expert who combines honors such as "National Excellent Educator" and "National Advanced Worker in Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", Han Xin has actually experienced "labor research" since middle school, and is highly regarded for the role of study trips. He believes that through study trips, the effect of "civilizing its spirit and barbarizing its body" can be achieved.

How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Han Xin has honors in the study trip, and I attach great importance to practice, and the picture is to experience farmers cutting wheat.

When Han Xin was a freshman in high school, he received 75 days of labor education under Mount Hua. For two and a half months, he worked and trained with PLA soldiers, which was a very arduous process, but left behind a valuable spiritual and will wealth. The intensity of all the labor education or comprehensive practical activities experienced later is far from comparable. At that time, there was a captain surnamed Zhong, a native of Shandong, who became his spiritual idol in his life, and the two formed a sincere friendship.

After graduation, Han Xin worked in the Communist Youth League Xi'an Municipal Committee. Once he went to Qingdao to experience a study trip and lived in Jiayuguan Primary School for 8 days, the conditions were difficult, but Han Xin was close to the sea every day and had fun in pain. Again and again "wild sex education" and "wild experience" made him unforgettable for a long time.

In the 80s of the 20th century, when the country had not yet established a "tourism bureau", the spring tour had become an annual reservation item for primary and secondary schools. Teachers and students in Xi'an independently designed travel plans, booked bus tickets, and made strategies, and many people successfully climbed Mount Tai, toured Qingdao, saw the sea for the first time in their lives, went crazy to the beach, and never had any safety troubles.

However, after several safety accidents and were focused and amplified by the media, the collective festival of primary and secondary school students across the country, the spring outing, withdrew sadly, and both educational institutions and teachers themselves shrank back in the face of "safety responsibilities" that they could not afford.

"How many schools are there that keep the spring outing?" During his speech, Han Xin asked: "How many schools are willing to put students into social classrooms, natural scenes, and humanistic experiences, and receive wildflower-like growth education?" ”

"Where are brave students without a brave principal?"

"Where are brave students without brave teachers?"

In view of the excessive psychological pressure and mental illness exposed by some primary and secondary school students, Han Xin believes that children need to "sprinkle some wilderness" and "vent" through study trips, so that the stasis in their hearts can disappear.

He said in a very infectious tone: "Do you see that stone and that big tree in the field? Approach it, put your arms around it, and maybe it's your counselor, not at school. ”

Shandong research resources are very rich

In the eyes of the tourism industry who participated in this study and exchange meeting in Yishui Tianshang Wangcheng Scenic Area, Han Xin is a passionate person, especially with great enthusiasm for study trips. His 90-minute speech was like dropping a thunder at the venue, which strongly shocked everyone's hearts.

Han Xin has inspected Shandong's research and tourism resources seven or eight times, and recalled the past, he has repeatedly expressed his "emotion" and is very envious of Shandong's rich research resources.

In the Glowworm Water Cave Scenic Area, another famous 5A scenic spot in Yishui County, he lamented that "a small butt of a firefly can illuminate a cultural tourism industry", providing unique conditions for carrying out insect and geological ecological research tourism; Standing on the 100,000 mu red lotus side of the Zaozhuang Red Lotus Wetland Scenic Area, he was full of emotion at the endless magnificent red lotus wonder; During the epidemic in 2020, Han Xin stood on the top of Mount Tai, saw the Confucius Temple at the highest altitude in the world, and thought that Confucius was not only a saint of education, but also the earliest advocate of "study tour", and his heart was full of emotion... He looked at Shandong from the perspective of a study travel expert, and repeatedly expressed "thousands of feelings".

How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Firefly Water Cave

This time he went to the Heavenly King City Scenic Area, which made Han Xin particularly shocked and emotional. When he stood at the top of Jiwanggu (Heavenly King City Scenic Area) at an altitude of nearly 600 meters, he heard that this place was the bottom of the sea hundreds of millions of years ago, and a special feeling of "vicissitudes of the sea" welled up in his heart. There are also relics of early human activities, as well as beautiful historical legends and authentic relics left by an ancient country of Spring and Autumn about 2,600 years ago.

How to return to the "tasteless" study trip without studying? Hear what the experts have to say

Geography and landforms of the Heavenly King City (Jiwanggu).

Han Xin said with emotion that as an integral part of the moral education of primary and secondary school students, study trips need to be guaranteed by a research base, and the types of resources can be divided into six categories: nature, history, geography, science and technology, humanities, and experience. This day, the scenic area of the royal city is almost completely covered, and in this "research outdoor classroom", it will definitely be possible to develop a study trip course that cleanses people's hearts and become the place where countless young people's lives are lit up.

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