
The hot-tempered Jia Yao was the first to apply the principle of onshore settlement to justice

author:Qilu one point

In the sixth year of the Qing calendar (1046 AD), he was a native of Jia Yao, a native of Deng Prefecture (present-day Deng County, Henan). Regarding the origin of this Jia Zhuangyuan, there is also Nanyang in Henan.

According to the "History of Song", Jia Yao "suffered from his youth, prepared for the position of counselor, and achieved the results of words." According to this analysis, Jia Yao did not suffer much when he was a teenager. At the time of the middle rank, Jia Yao was twenty-four years old, which was also young and promising.

Within a few years of entering politics, Jia Yao was promoted to an important position as an adviser, and successively served as Zuo Sijian and Zuo Zhengyan. Jia Yao is a person who dares to speak and tell the truth. He first proposed that Han Qi, Fan Zhongyan, and Fu Yi had both virtue and integrity, and could be of great use. The later performance of these people confirmed the accuracy of Jia Yao's vision. An official named Du Shu was unfairly demoted because he offended Quan Chen by handling the case impartially. Everyone knew that Du Shu was wronged, but no one dared to speak for him, but Jia Yao dared to speak up and complain about it.

After a minority tribe in the south rebelled, the Song Renzong sent Yu Jing and Yang Bi to fight against Pingding. Jia Yao believes that the style of acting and command habits of these two people are very different. If the coordination is not good, it is likely to make the lower side at a loss, it is better to let Yu Jing take unified command alone. After Song Renzong adopted this suggestion, the counterinsurgency went very smoothly.

Because of his outstanding talents, Jia Yao was later entrusted with the important task of presiding over the daily work of Kaifeng Province (Quan Zhi Kaifeng Province). During his tenure, Jia found that prisons in his jurisdiction were poorly managed, with many unnatural deaths every year, and administrators were not held accountable. Therefore, Jia Yao suggested that the number of unnatural deaths of prisoners each year should be used as the main basis for rewarding and punishing prison managers. As a result of this programme, the treatment of prison inmates has improved considerably and the number of non-fatalities has been significantly reduced. This suggestion of Jia Yao reminds the author of the advent of a famous economic theorem - changing offshore settlement to onshore settlement. And Jia Yao was the first to apply this theorem to judicial practice, but he didn't realize it.

The hot-tempered Jia Yao was the first to apply the principle of onshore settlement to justice

It's a pity for his economic acumen.

Due to his personality, Jia Yao is more arbitrary in his work, especially in the issue of employment. As a result, he was impeached by Lü Zhi, Sima Guang, Fu Yaoyu and others. After that, Jia Yao was transferred from the Feng Mansion, demoted to an insignificant post, and went to work as a miscellaneous helper.

It was not until Emperor Yingzong of Song succeeded Zhao Shu that Jia Yao was re-employed, and was successively appointed to the posts of Zhongshusheren, Shizhong, and Yushi Zhongcheng. In the Song Dynasty, the name of the central supervisory organ was Yushi Tai. The highest official of the Goshidai is Mishi Daifu, but this position is rarely actually created, but only as an additional official, it is granted to other officials concurrently. Therefore, Yushi Zhongcheng is the de facto leader of the Yushi Tai, also known as the "director of the station".

Shortly after Jia Yao was appointed as the Imperial History Minister, the official Lü Zhi, who had impeached him, also received a letter of appointment from the "deputy director" of the Imperial History Platform. Lu Yu felt that he had a festival with Jia Yao, and now that he was a deputy, he would inevitably be put in small shoes, at least it was not good to work with, so he deliberately avoided and asked his superiors to change him elsewhere. After Jia Yao learned about this, he proposed to his superiors that Lü Zhi had impeached himself completely for work, not out of personal grudges. For this problem, I see it very clearly, and promise to treat Lu Xu well and unite with him to do a good job. Jia Yao's bright posture and mind made Lu Yu dispel his worries and report to work happily.

Song Yingzong once told Jia Yao that he really wanted to appoint a group of officials, but after thinking about it, he always felt that there were too few qualified people. Jia Yao said that there are not many talents available in the world, depending on how you use them. After this conversation, after some thought, Jia Yao submitted five opinions to Song Yingzong: First, if you want to use good people, you must know people. Second, the growth of talents has a process, which needs to be cultivated slowly, and cannot be rushed. Third, the use of people should be based on their strengths, and they should not be blamed. Fourth, when recommending cadres, officials should first look at the recommender's own moral conduct, and pay special consideration to the cadres of the same type in the industry and type he recommends. Fifth, encourage and promote the practice of recommending subordinates to replace them. This view of employment still has great reference value today.

Jia Yao is a filial son, and his filial piety is also somewhat different. His biological mother and stepmother often quarrel. After Jia Yao became an official and had conditions, he took the two old ladies to live with him. When the two old ladies had a conflict, he was not biased, patiently and thoughtfully mediated and appeased, and said good things at both ends, and finally let the two get along without trouble. Jia Yao's practice is worth learning, and the most important way to deal with family conflicts is to avoid bias and direction, or to say bad things on both sides.

Jia Yao also has his own shortcomings, that is, he has a short temper and sometimes does not consider problems comprehensively. Ouyang Xiu once said of him: "Yami is straight, but his thoughts may not be heard. "There are two things that speak for Jia Yao's character. After he became a Zhong Yuan, he was first appointed as the general judge of Xiangzhou. Once watching a performance, because he suspected that an actor (Youren) was suspected of teasing him, Jia Yao was anxious and asked his subordinates to retaliate against the actor in a very uncivilized way. During his tenure in Kaifeng Prefecture, there was a trial in which Jia Yao was scolded by a criminal suspect. Furious, Jia Yao personally went into battle regardless of his identity and paid tribute to the suspect in basically the same way. Regarding these two events, the historical records record as follows: "However, Bian was anxious, and the first sentence was Xiangzhou, and the doubtful people played on themselves, and the people were killed." In Kaifeng, it is despised by sinners, and it is condemned by others, and the speaker is also reviled. If readers are not clear about the meaning of this word, you can check the dictionary. Entering the annals of history in this way, Jia Yao can also be regarded as having a personality. Fortunately, there was no such thing as online video at that time, otherwise Jia Yao's official would definitely not be able to do it anymore.

Because of his physical illness and because he disagreed with Song Yingzong on some major issues, Jia Yao offered to resign as a Beijing official to serve in the local government. Emperor Yingzong of Song agreed to his request and arranged for him to serve as Zhizhou of Chenzhou. Before he could take office, Jia died of illness at the age of forty-three.

Ichidot Yaogi

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