
Liu Yifei, a rural woman, has strict eyes and wide eyes, and it turns out that opening her eyes and saying nonsense is the most testing of acting skills

author:Stop-and-go 159 all the way

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Today's film and television dramas seem to be more and more casual in terms of casting. It is becoming more and more common for a group of actors with ordinary appearance and insufficient temperament to play the role of the country in the main role, and it seems to have become a trend. At the same time, those beauties who have made a sensation in the entertainment industry with their beautiful images are always assigned to the scripts of "ordinary" characters, which is really uncomfortable.

Liu Yifei calls herself a country woman, Yan Yikuan is ridiculed as a thief, and Jiang Qinqin is described as an "ugly woman", these former prosperous beauties are no longer regarded as the darlings of the entertainment industry. This is very regrettable, because these beauties can obviously be qualified for more roles, not just limited to specific types of scripts.

Liu Yifei, a rural woman, has strict eyes and wide eyes, and it turns out that opening her eyes and saying nonsense is the most testing of acting skills

First of all, let's take a look at some actors who play the big heroine, they obviously have excellent acting skills, but they are difficult to be qualified for the aura of the big heroine in costume dramas. Zhou Dongyu is a clear example. Her acting skills are undoubted, but her appearance does not seem to be very suitable for costume dramas. In "Palace Lock Agarwood", compared with Zhao Liying, her appearance advantage is not obvious, and she is even inferior. This may be because she has a clear perception of her appearance and therefore refuses to play the role of Century Beauty. However, she later took over "Ancient Jue Dust", and the result was that her appearance seemed out of place in the role of the big heroine, and even her excellent acting skills in the movie could not hide this incongruity.

Liu Yifei, a rural woman, has strict eyes and wide eyes, and it turns out that opening her eyes and saying nonsense is the most testing of acting skills

The same happened to other actors, such as Li Gengxi's performance in "In the Snow". The ginger mud in the original work is described as a woman with a beautiful face, but Li Gengxi's appearance and image do not match it, which caused disappointment among the audience. This situation also happened in the plot of Chen Yanxi starring Xiaolongnu, and her image was incompatible with Xiaolongnu's fresh and beautiful setting, which made the audience confused and disappointed.

However, what is more confusing is that some directors obviously invite actors who are recognized as beauty, but arrange "ugly" scripts for them. This happened to Liu Yifei, Yan Yikuan and Jiao Enjun. Liu Yifei's role in "Menghualu" was contemptuously described by the male protagonist as a "village woman", which caused dissatisfaction among the audience. However, Liu Yifei's beauty and temperament are not fully displayed in the play, which makes people feel regretful. The same situation also appears in the role of Yan Yikuan, who is obviously a handsome man, but is known as the "thief's eyebrows". This kind of character positioning is completely inconsistent with his appearance and confuses the audience. And Jiao Enjun's role in "Xiao Li Feidao" is also described as a "middle-aged man", which is completely inconsistent with his appearance and image.

Liu Yifei, a rural woman, has strict eyes and wide eyes, and it turns out that opening her eyes and saying nonsense is the most testing of acting skills

Finally, Jiang Qinqin suffered similar treatment and was described as an "ugly woman" in "Fengyun". However, the audience generally believes that she is not ugly, and her beauty is still attractive. This unreasonable script arrangement makes the audience confused and dissatisfied.

In general, the issue of casting in film and television dramas has become an issue worth paying attention to. It seems that directors need to better understand the appearance and image of the actors to better match their characters. The audience wants to see more suitable role assignments to fully showcase the talent and beauty of the actors. Otherwise, the audience may be confused and disappointed, and have a negative evaluation of the film and television drama. Let's hope that future film and television dramas can better deal with these problems and bring a better viewing experience to the audience.

Liu Yifei, a rural woman, has strict eyes and wide eyes, and it turns out that opening her eyes and saying nonsense is the most testing of acting skills

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