
2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

author:Investment research and logic

Although the new generation of Apple's iPhone 15 series faces continuous complaints, such as lack of innovation, consumers are expressing their attitude with actions: buy. On, in just one day after its release, the number of pre-ordered users of the iPhone 15 series has exceeded 2.307 million. Given that when Huawei's Mate60 series was first launched, the e-commerce platform sales data within four days was only 800,000 units, so in comparison, the iPhone 15 series is undoubtedly a big victory.

Today, someone also broke the news that Apple's official website humiliated China.

2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

However, why consumers are so keen to complain about products, let's take a closer look.

2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

First of all, the number of loyal fans of the world-class brand Apple in the Chinese market cannot be underestimated. According to statistics, Apple has more than 200 million fans in the Chinese market, which is undoubtedly an astronomical number for many mobile phone brands. A large part of them will replace their phones once in 2-3 years, or 3-5 years, so if one-fifth of them have the need to replace phones, Apple may sell more than 40 million phones in the Chinese market. This huge user group is the source of Apple's huge sales.

2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

Secondly, as a leader in the technology industry, Apple's influence in the Chinese market is undoubtedly a major advantage. Over the years, Chinese consumers' deep dependence on Apple has become a belief. For example, when many Apple users change mobile phones, they will be unwilling to easily switch to other mobile phone brands because of their habits to Apple's operating system, which is very common in the consumption process of technology products. Therefore, even if the new iPhone has no innovation, as long as it meets the needs of users, they are still willing to replace the new iPhone.

2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

In addition, for users with special needs such as mobile phone photography, video, and games, iPhone 15 also provides more possibilities. For example, the iPhone 15 series has made excellent upgrades in images, which is undoubtedly a big temptation for many video, photo enthusiasts and game parties. In particular, Apple has introduced new sensor 3D displacement stabilization and other technologies in the process of improving photography and video, so that every clip shot with an iPhone can present excellent picture quality. At the same time, with the blessing of the new A17 Pro chip, the performance of the new iPhone in handling advanced graphics applications and large-scale 3D games has been significantly improved.

2.3 million reservations: iPhone 15 still sells? The official website was exposed to humiliation, when is far ahead

To sum up, the phenomenon of "verbal scolding, actual private purchase" is not new among consumers, and most of them are subject to existing habits and the extremely high temptation of new products. Obviously, even in the case of weak innovation, Apple is still digging and identifying the needs of consumers, and using this to capture the hearts of consumers. For this market phenomenon, in fact, from the perspective of consumers, it is not only to pay attention to the satisfaction of demand, but also to a certain extent to face the rational attitude of market changes.