
Baling has a "cow Chinese medicine" - the legendary story of the old Chinese medicine doctor Liu Dingguo who treated cancer

author:New Hunan

Baling, a thousand-year-old historical city.

Lou with Wenxian, the city because of Lou Xing. Fan Gong's "Notes on Yueyang Lou", a prominent literary circle, a fan officialdom, Luoyang paper was expensive for a while, and Baling became famous all over the world since then.

One side of water and soil, pregnant with one line of civilization, the Baling feeling of "first worry and then happiness" has infiltrated and cultivated countless heroes and magi in Yueyang.

Huabanqiao, Yueyang City, is a little-known secluded alley in the busy city. Here, as long as the name of Liu Dingguo's old Chinese medicine doctor is mentioned, people all praise him as the "cow Chinese medicine" in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and the "conscientious doctor of mud legs". His chivalrous practice of medicine, the medical ethics and medical style of saving people first and then collecting money, his superb medical skills in treating difficult and complicated diseases, daring to attack terminal diseases of cancer, and rejuvenating people from water and fire have benefited tens of millions of lower-class people, and interpreted a "Huabanqiao myth" in East Dongting Lake.

Inheriting the past and enlightenment, Liu's Chinese medicine has endured for a hundred years

According to the Liu family tree, Liu Dingguo's ancestral home was Jiangxi and he was Liu Bei's 35th grandson. Since Liu Bei has fallen, the Liu clan, the heirs are prosperous, and the people are prosperous.

Ganshui, the waves push each other forward in the noise; Dynasties, replaced in the blood and fire of soldiers' fights. Liu's big tree has undergone the baptism of history and has deep roots. The Liu family, the sons and daughters-in-law, the cangxi and the prosperity, all industries prospered, and the branches and branches sprouted nine branches of the Liu family, including Jun Liu, Guan Liu, Min Liu, Xi Liu and Cha Liu. The nine Liu factions, each performing their own duties and strengths, jointly created the brilliant civilization of the Liu family.

According to Liu Ding's father, the tea Liu of the nine great Liu factions of his family. Cha Liu is good at medical skills, saving lives and helping the wounded, accumulating virtue and goodness, and has a good reputation. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the epidemic in Jiangxi caused Jiu Liu to flee everywhere, dead and injured. Because of their good medical skills, the population was relatively completely preserved, and they went upstream along the Yangtze River, passed through the Jiujiang River, passed Hankou, and landed at Huarong and Diaoguan, and since then they have flourished in East Dongting Lake.

Tracing the genealogical traces, the history of Liu Ding's national family practicing medicine can be traced back to at least the first five generations.

From the time he was sensible, Liu Dingguo knew that his grandfather was a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Huarong Sanfeng Temple. His father inherited his ancestral business, and Liu Dingguo's father became a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor in Junshan Wangjunzhou. Liu Dingguo often saw his father being woken up by the patient's family in the middle of the night, and went to the door to rescue the patient in the dark, and in his little heart, he planted the humanistic concept of "society is great, and human life is at stake".

Since he was three years old, Liu Dingguo has been going up and down the mountain and lake to collect Chinese herbs under the guidance of his father, and the miraculous effects of green plants often make Liu Dingguo feel both excited and curious.

Baling has a "cow Chinese medicine" - the legendary story of the old Chinese medicine doctor Liu Dingguo who treated cancer

The unique feature of Liu's medical skills is that it is not limited by traditional diagnostic methods and medication configurations. Since ancient times, the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine has paid attention to "looking, smelling, asking and cutting", and the dispensing method is nothing more than the proportion of "king, minister, support, and envoy". While respecting the diagnosis and dispensing methods of traditional Chinese medicine, Liu's TCM pays more attention to the principle of pathological verification in diagnosis and targeting in dispensing.

Because his father was illiterate, it was difficult to theoretically explain the knowledge of pathogens, pathology and pharmacology to Liu Dingguo, which made Liu Dingguo feel confused and dissatisfied.

After Liu Dingguo went to school, he wrote the paperwork, and from the third grade, he began to help his father write prescriptions. The child's mind is a blank piece of paper, the prescription dictated by the father, what prescription cures what disease, Liu Dingguo has firmly remembered in his heart and melted in the blood.

Liu Dingguo first demonstrated his Chinese medicine knowledge and talent when he was in high school at Qianlianghu Farm Layerhill Middle School in the seventies, when he advocated students to study engineering, agriculture, the army, and medicine. In spring, the Chinese herbal medicine garden is full of herbs and flowers, and visitors from other schools in various branches are endless.

Desperate to survive, pick up ancestral business and become a traveling doctor first

"Those who wanted to achieve great things in the ancients must first work their bones, starve their skin, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they moved their hearts and patience and benefited their wisdom."

Character determines destiny. Liu Dingguo's life was not so smooth, he went through several tribulations, fought against fate, survived in adversity, understood the secret recipe on the death line, and fought to the death to kill a bloody road.

Liu Dingguo's childhood dream was not to become a Chinese medicine doctor, his favorite position was to be a people's teacher. After he graduated from high school and worked at home for two years, the three-point field middle school enrolled him as a field teacher. Liu Dingguo was at the top of his class in Chinese and politics in high school, and he was more than enough to teach junior high school Chinese. In the eighties of the last century, the school has paid attention to the quality of teaching, and the classes of the third middle school divided students into top classes and intensive classes. Reinforcement classes are actually lagging students with poor grades. At the meeting to assign the class, the other teachers refused to accept the students in the backward class, and under the stalemate, Liu Dingguo's natural sword went sideways, and the chivalrous instincts were revealed, he thought that the backward students needed better teachers and more care, so he gladly accepted this backward class.

Success is also behind the class, and defeat is also behind the class. Liu Dingguo used all his strength, and in order to teach the language of this class well, I don't know how many cold nights he survived. At the end of the semester, every time in the whole examination, Liu Dingguo's backward class had a poor foundation after all, and the language test of this class ranked first from the bottom in the field. As a result, the backward class and poor teachers of the third middle school became famous in the audience, and parents went to the branch cultural and educational specialist to complain, demanding the removal of Liu Dingguo, an unqualified teacher.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Liu Dingguo was sadly laid off and left his beloved teaching post with grievances. Life was gone for a while.

When he returned home, he climbed the Dongting embankment in Wangjunzhou, and saw the flood wave roaring and roaring, unyieldingly lapping the hemp stone on the embankment, setting off waves and flowers. Liu Dingguo thought that people still have to be like the flood waves of Dongting Lake, and they must have a bit of spirit and momentum to beat the shore. I am still young, I have to live. He made a decision in his heart to inherit Liu's ancestral practice of traditional Chinese medicine, save lives and help the wounded, and become the most powerful traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in the Yueyang area.

Starting a business is difficult, Liu Dingguo has no license to practice medicine and has no funds in his hands. Great oaks from little acorns grow.. Liu Dingguo carried a backpack and a bucket on his head, and under the banner of "Liu's Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ancestral Secret Recipe", he became a "Jianghu Langzhong". He ate a hundred meals, slept in a hundred beds, Huarong, Yueyang, Linxiang and Miluo, all left footprints of his medical practice, and dozens of pairs of straw shoes were rotten.

Through close contact with the lower classes, Liu Dingguo knew better the suffering of the people who lacked medical care and medicine, and strengthened his determination to become a "mud-legged doctor".

After being a "jianghu langzhong" for a period of time, Liu Dingguo gradually had some savings, and his medical skills gradually improved in practice. Liu Dingguo has big ambitions, he is not satisfied with the status quo of "jianghu langzhong", he wants to improve himself and has his own fixed clinic.

In the process of practicing medicine, Liu Dingguo felt that his theory of Chinese medicine was poor, so he began to read at night and study the classics of Chinese medicine. He carefully studied and wrote down many reading notes on Chinese medicine classics such as "The Classic of Soup Liquid", "The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor", "The Essential Prescription for Emergencies", and "The Prescription of Medicine". Zhang Zhongjing's "Typhoid Miscellaneous Diseases" and "Outline of Jin Kuang", Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", Liu Dingguo was even more volatile, reading it over and over again.

The more he studied the classics, the more Liu Dingguo felt that he lacked the knowledge of Chinese medicine. So, he enrolled in the junior college class of the "College of Chinese Medicine" sponsored by Health News, and after three years of systematic training, he studied hard and obtained a diploma in Chinese medicine with an average score of 92 in various subjects.

Doctors are a profession that plays with people's lives, and the qualifications of doctors are related to the lives and health of millions of people. Although Liu Dingguo has a college diploma in traditional Chinese medicine, he must pass a strict national examination to obtain the qualification to practice medicine.

In the spring of 1998, a season full of challenges and hopes, the Ministry of Health decided to standardize the national TCM qualification and held the first TCM physician qualification examination in the country. In the Yueyang area, Liu Dingguo was the only candidate who did not take the exam without a TCM undergraduate examination. The Yueyang Municipal Health Bureau issued him with a certificate of Liu's ancestral TCM qualifications and his self-taught talent, so that Liu Dingguo could participate in the exam.

Kung Fu lived up to the hard work, perhaps God's mercy, Liu Dingguo passed the National TCM Physician Qualification Examination with a total score of 358 points, and won the TCM Physician Qualification Certificate in one fell swoop. In that examination, only Liu Dingguo in the group of old Chinese medicine practitioners in Yueyang City passed the exam once, which shows that the national TCM qualification examination is difficult and the competition is fierce.

Theory, practice, qualifications and ancestral essentials are all in place, and the heavens will descend on Siye. Liu Dingguo went to the next level and raised funds to open the "Liu's Old Chinese Medicine Clinic" in Huabanqiao, Yueyang, completing the historic transformation from "Jianghu Langzhong" to "sitting in class Chinese medicine".

Baling has a "cow Chinese medicine" - the legendary story of the old Chinese medicine doctor Liu Dingguo who treated cancer

Liu Dingguo fought for people and practiced medicine chivalrously. He first considers the interests of patients, always sees a doctor first, then collects money, and charges are low, he will charge as much as the patient says, never bargain with the patient, and is called the "conscientious doctor" of Hua Banqiao by the patient.

Shortly after the clinic opened in 1991, a man in his forties who suffered from parotid gland cancer was traveling in Yueyang and accidentally discovered that "Liu's Old Chinese Medicine" specializes in treating incurable diseases and a variety of cancers, so he found Liu Dingguo, and the two started talking. It turned out that this gentleman was diagnosed with advanced parotid gland cancer by a third-class hospital in the province, with only three months to survive, and the doctor told him to go home to recuperate, "eat well, drink well, play well." This gentleman is also very open-minded, and he really ran to Yueyang to climb Yueyang Tower to worry about the world.

Liu Dingguo thoroughly examined the gentleman's body and solemnly told him that his illness could be treated. The gentleman said that he did not have much money in his hand and was afraid that he would not be able to pay for it. Liu Dingguo waved his hand: "Don't talk about money first, let's talk about it when it's cured!" ”

Liu Dingguo took out the secret recipe of ancestral exorcism and disinfection, and then added some drugs according to the patient's condition, made decoctions and dressings, took medicines and changed medicines on time every day, and after nearly a month of treatment, Mr. Lingguo's parotid gland cancer completely recovered. Before leaving, the patient said that in addition to the travel expenses, only 300 yuan was left to pay the medical expenses. Liu Dingguo only said two words: "Enough", and collected the three hundred yuan, in fact, these three hundred yuan just paid the medicine fee.

Three years later, the gentleman who had recovered from parotid gland cancer came to Huabanqiao again, gazing at the "Liu's Old Chinese Medicine Clinic" across the street, unwilling to leave for three consecutive days. After Liu Dingguo found out, he invited him into the clinic for a re-examination, and also prepared wine and dishes to entertain this gentleman.

After three rounds of drinking, Liu Dingguo asked him in amazement why he couldn't enter the door and secretly monitored him for three days? The husband said that he was cash-strapped and had no money to buy gifts to repay his mentor, so he could only look far away to wish the life-saving benefactor good fortune. Liu Dingguo laughed after hearing this: "What etiquette do you talk about, the doctor and patient are a family, we have a fate in this life." ”

The news of Liu's old TCM clinic curing advanced cancer spread, Liu Dingguo's reputation became more and more famous, and cancer patients from Shanghai, Guangzhou and Northeast China came to treat them carefully. A female reporter from China Youth Daily suffered from lung cancer, could no longer walk, and was "sentenced to death" by the hospital. The female reporter wrote to Liu Dingguo asking for treatment. According to the reporter's letter, Liu Dingguo sent the medicine to Beijing on time, and the female reporter lived for another two years after insisting on taking the medicine. Liu Dingguo said that if she could come to the clinic for a face-to-face consultation, the treatment effect would be better.

With life, bravely swallow experimental soup medicine and realize the secret recipe for treating bone cancer

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a divine doctor Li Shizhen, carrying a bamboo basket, climbing a cliff, tasting hundreds of herbs, and tempering the Chinese TCM classic "Compendium of Materia Medica". In contemporary times, there is also a cow doctor Liu Dingguo, who bravely swallowed the test soup medicine and realized the secret recipe for treating bone cancer, cured his bone cancer, and wrote Yueyang's "Huabanqiao Myth" in one fell swoop.

There are unpredictable storms in the sky, and woe to people. Liu Dingguo unfortunately suffered from bone cancer at the age of 58, and there was pain in the places where there were bones in the body, and it was the kind of pain of cutting the bones with an axe.

Bone cancer is one of the most dangerous and refractory cancers, and there is no complete cure in the world's cancer treatment record. Liu Dingguo also knew that doctors were difficult to treat his own diseases, and he had also been to major cancer hospitals, and the doctors shook their heads that he had been poisoned into the bone marrow and could no longer be treated.

Liu Dingguo's condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was often overwhelmed by pain and fainted. When he woke up, Liu Dingguo's brain cells were still active, his brain was running like a high-speed computer, he thought that he was only 58 years old, uncovering the secret of cancer, and finally defeating the cancer of Mount Everest was only climbed on the mountainside, he wanted to complete his unfinished business and launch a general attack on the bone cancer of Mount Everest.

Liu Dingguo recorded while thinking, and when he was sleepy and awake, he wrote down the inspiration flashing in his mind at any time, he reviewed the theory and practice of repelling evil spirits and disinfection in the Chinese medicine classics he was familiar with in the past, synthesized the secret recipe of Liu's traditional Chinese medicine, carefully scrutinized, pondered, and boldly formulated a secret recipe for himself to cure bone cancer.

Baling has a "cow Chinese medicine" - the legendary story of the old Chinese medicine doctor Liu Dingguo who treated cancer

Liu Dingguo called his lover Xie Jinlian to the bedside and told her that he wanted to fight for his life, and he wanted to swallow the secret recipe he had concocted himself.

Xie Jinlian cried after hearing this, persuading him not to take such a big risk, maybe God would have mercy on him, and a miracle would come.

"Miracles are created by man, not waited." Liu Dingguo said firmly. He first explained the family's affairs, instructed Jin Lian to pass on the Liu family's ancestral secret recipe to his son after his death, and then asked Jin Lian to help him put on his life clothes and shoes, dressed in plain clothes, and Liu Dingguo waited for the moment to take medicine with the spirit of a strong man who would never return.

Xie Jinlian carried the boiled soup medicine, step by step, step by step, she repeatedly called her husband's name, her whole body trembled with tension and heartache, and the soup medicine in the medicine soup bowl in her hand also seemed to sob in the bowl, rippling.

Liu Dingguo sat up with strong support, slowly took the medicine bowl from Jin Lian's hand, opened his eyes and looked around, he was extremely nostalgic for this warm home, he wanted to see his wife for the last time. Then, Liu Dingguo raised his head, opened his mouth, and kept sending a large bowl of soup medicine into his stomach.

"Life and death, success or failure, just these three seconds!" He yelled and fainted.

Liu Dingguo took the medicine at eight o'clock in the evening, and he didn't wake up until three o'clock in the clock. He touched his ribs, not believing it was his body, because the pain was gone. He touched his face and legs again, and he didn't feel the pain earlier, this is the real Liu Dingguo, this is the Liu Dingguo who has gained a new life in Phoenix Nirvana!

"I'm alive! It worked! Liu Dingguo couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and shouted, waking up Xie Jinlian, who had been lying by her bed and waiting, and the husband and wife hugged each other and cried.

After the first dose of strong medicine took effect, Liu Dingguo halved the dosage, took three meals a day, and after one month of continuous treatment, Liu Dingguo's bone pain all disappeared, bone cancer was miraculously cured, and it has never recurred for 14 years.

Liu Dingguo did not hesitate, sacrificed his life and forgot death, and refreshed the history of curing bone cancer! In ancient times, Li Shizhen tasted hundreds of herbs, and now Liu Dingguo Niu Doctor swallows the secret recipe.

After Liu Dingguo recovered physically, he immediately used the secret recipe for treating bone cancer in clinical practice. An old woman in Changsha had bone cancer, she came to admire and found Liu Dingguo in Huabanqiao, and after examination, Liu Dingguo told her that the old woman's bone cancer was still early and easy to treat. She prescribed Chinese medicine to the old woman, and the pain disappeared after the old man took the medicine for a week, and the bone cancer was cured.

Liu Dingguo used his secret recipe to successfully cure four bone cancer patients and delay the lives of more than a dozen advanced bone cancer patients.

Challenge uremia and leukemia and advance to the Mount Everest of medicine

Life is beautiful. Liu Dingguo believes that doctors should not be a profession that makes a fortune, that the medical profession has social responsibility and moral commitment to patients, that doctors save lives and help the wounded, that they are in awe and respect for life, and that the industrialization of medical treatment violates humanistic principles and pollutes thousands of years of Chinese medical ethics.

Liu Dingguo acted chivalrously, practiced medicine righteously, he practiced medicine for decades, did not get rich from this, he gave benefits to patients, he returned life and happiness to patients, and left poverty and hard work to himself. His clinic is thriving and famous. He specializes in treating incurable diseases, admitting patients who are not accepted by hospitals, and treating cases that other doctors do not treat.

Since Liu Dingguo has made achievements in the treatment of bone cancer, he has expanded the scope of his tackling to challenge the two major incurable diseases, uremia and leukemia, to benefit more patients.

Uremia and leukemia are recognized by the medical community as two incurable diseases, just like the high summit of Mount Everest, difficult to climb and conquer, countries around the world invest astronomical funds every year to overcome these two diseases, but have not seen significant results. Liu Dingguo did not believe in evil, and he began to study the prescription for the treatment of these two stubborn diseases, and soon there were results.

One day, a 25-year-old female patient went to Liu Dingguo's clinic for treatment, only to see her whole body swollen, and the patient complained of difficulty urinating, which was very painful. Liu Dingguo immediately concluded that she had uremia, prescribed medicine for two days and told her that the disease would not be treated elsewhere, and there was no technical cure for it, and told her to come back for follow-up in two days.

Two days passed, the female patient did not return for a review, and Liu Dingguo thought that she had recovered, so he did not pay attention to it. A week later, the patient finally returned, her condition worsening, and her eyes were swollen into a slit. It turned out that after she took the medicine prescribed by Liu Zhongyi, the swelling disappeared by half, and on a whim, she went to other clinics for diagnosis and treatment, and the more serious the treatment, she had to run back to Master Liu for help.

Liu Dingguo did not blame the patient, he felt that the patient had the right to choose a doctor, and during the conversation and laughter, he prescribed her a month's worth of Chinese medicine, telling her that after taking these medicines, she would not have to see him again. Mr. Liu said he was reluctant to do a business of returning patients. Sure enough, the patient never came to Liu Dingguo again after recovering.

"Wood shows in the forest, the wind will destroy it." Liu's old Chinese medicine clinic is getting better and better, naturally causing the jealousy and dissatisfaction of peers, in a praise of "Liu Daxia", "Niu Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Liu Shen Doctor", Liu Dingguo also heard some noises, he is open-minded by nature, people who have passed through life and death, did not take these to heart, he said domineeringly, those who do not obey come to fight. He still works at sunrise and rests at sunset to see doctors and save people.

It was an autumn morning, and a nearby doctor Liu suddenly came to Liu Dingguo's clinic, and mocked Liu Dingguo without a good voice, saying: "Everyone else says that you are a cow god doctor, not a cowhide king, right?" Liu Dingguo replied: "Cowhide is not cowhide, it depends on the real guy." You say I'm a cowhide king, I am? ”

Dr. Xiao Liu blinked, and said in a battle letter: "I have an eighteen-year-old girl here, who has gone to more than a dozen hospitals, even if the high fever has not subsided, I am helpless, if you bring her fever down, I will call you Liu Shenyi in person." ”

"Hello!" Liu Dingguo smiled heartily and accepted Xiao Liu's bet.

The girl was sent to Liu's old Chinese medicine clinic, Liu Dingguo was taking the pulse again, and touching the forehead to see the tongue, after some examination, Liu Dingguo had a number in his heart, which is a typical early symptom of leukemia. Liu Dingguo obtained the consent of the patient's parents and prescribed medicine to her. Half a month later, the girl's high fever finally subsided and she quickly recovered her health. Xiao Liu admitted that he had lost the gamble and personally went to the door to call Liu Dingguo "Liu Shen Doctor".

The sun and the moon are like shuttles, and time is like arrows. In the blink of an eye, Liu Dingguo entered the ancient year, and his relatives and friends made a wedding banquet for his seventieth birthday, and he was ready to unload his armor and return to hiding, put his knife and gun into storage, put his horse into Nanshan, and spend his old age in peace.

After spending most of his life with a patient, he really needs to slow down and take a break.

Not long after Liu Dingguo retired, several nationally renowned Chinese medicine halls came to him to hire Liu Dingguo as an expert doctor. Liu Dingguo declined one by one.

It was also the owner of Guangdong Guoputang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall Co., Ltd. who moved Liu Dingguo, and they prescribed superior benefits and high salaries to hire Liu Dingguo as a special expert doctor of the medical hall. The boss also said that saving lives and helping the wounded is a doctor's duty, and Liu's ancestral secret recipe should continue to be carried forward and continue to benefit mankind, so it went out of business, wasting resources and wasting the secret recipe.

In mid-autumn, the maple leaves are red.

Lao Ji is determined to be thousands of miles. The years are quiet and the sunset is gorgeous. Liu Dingguo left Yueyang Huabanqiao and set off for Guangzhou, beginning his new journey of practicing medicine.

People expect that the Niu TCM doctor in Yueyang Huabanqiao will continue to tell the good story of Liu's TCM in Yangcheng and write a new chapter of TCM with more cattle and more cattle!

Written by Hu Jiajian