
The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

author:There is an animistic record

Remember the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who pretended to be deaf and dumb during Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage and endorsed Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage? It may soon run out of money and "shut down".

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

According to Bloomberg news, due to the non-payment of dues by the United States, China and other countries, the agency's budget of 650 million euros this year has a gap of about 220 million euros (about 1.7 billion yuan), and the International Atomic Energy Agency may soon run out of funds and fall into a shutdown crisis.

What is the IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is a United Nations agency established in 1957 with the main purpose of promoting and promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy while ensuring that nuclear energy is not used for military purposes, thereby maintaining global nuclear security and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

It is also responsible for supervising nuclear facilities to ensure that they comply with international nuclear safety standards in order to prevent nuclear accidents and leaks.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

Therefore, in theory, it should be a messenger for world peace.

However, after Japan decided to discharge nuclear sewage without authorization, it not only did not stand up to stop it, but endorsed Japan, claiming that Japan's plan to discharge nuclear sewage was in line with international nuclear safety standards.

However, it was during this period that the current director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, was suspected of accepting a bribe of 1 million yuan from Japan in an attempt to use the agency's credibility to endorse Japan's unauthorized discharge of nuclear sewage.

Therefore, it is unknown whether their supervision of Japan is still effective.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

At the same time, in the recent "US-UK-Australia Nuclear Submarine Transfer Incident", the United States and the United Kingdom provided Australia with weapons-grade nuclear submarine nuclear fuel with an enrichment of more than 85%, which is a clear violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

But the IAEA was indifferent, and Grossi even went to great lengths to find so-called "exemptions" for the United States and did not report violations to the United Nations Security Council, helping Australia evade sanctions.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

Ironically, under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran was immediately sanctioned when its nuclear fuel enrichment level exceeded 20%.

Not only in the case of Australia and Iran, but also on the use of depleted uranium bombs in Ukraine, etc., Grossi violated the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency at the beginning of its establishment.

A deeper investigation found that the IAEA had the largest number of employees from Europe and the United States, totaling 531 or 56 percent of the total.

China has only 34 people, ranking in the bottom three. So who has the final say here, the result is self-evident.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

Last year, the United States was assessed 25.170 per cent of the total, while China's was 11.286 per cent, the two largest assessed contributions among all countries.

Together, the two countries account for 36.456%, so if China and the United States do not pay it, the budget of the International Atomic Energy Agency will be cut a lot.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

How much do China and the United States each owe the IAEA?

According to Bloomberg news, China currently owes about 60 million euros to the International Atomic Energy Agency, while the United States owes 77 million euros, and a full 44% of all member states are in arrears to varying degrees, creating a total shortfall of 220 million euros.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

As a Chinese, I understand very well that the mainland arrears with the IAEA. In fact, in the past, China had always paid its dues on time.

But since Japan proposed a plan to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) not only did not play a role in stopping it, but complicit in its ambiguous attitude, its fairness and justice disappeared, and we began to default on our dues.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

After all, taking my money and doing things that hurt us, then I would rather beat the dog with meat buns, and it is better to go back than bounce back and do a bunch of damage.

On the contrary, this organization has helped Japan and Australia a lot, and I think you can simply find them for this money.

Looking at the money owed by the United States, at first glance, the IAEA not only did nothing to be sorry for the United States, but somewhat benefited the United States, but it still owed 77 million euros.

In fact, the tradition of arrears of the United States began as early as 1982, when the United States was rejected by the International Atomic Energy Agency because of Israel's "nuclear qualification certificate", not only refused to pay its dues, but also refused to attend the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency for five consecutive months.

Not only arrears of the IAEA's dues, such as UNESCO and other United Nations organizations, the United States will "withdraw from the group" at every turn, and still owes more than a billion US dollars unpaid, so the United States is the real "old lai"!

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked


IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said on Monday: "If we don't get the money owed, we could be at a standstill in a month." "It's time for some important countries to act." It is hoped that China and the United States will make up their dues as soon as possible.

The suspension of dues between China and the United States has led to a depletion of funds, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which endorses Japan, has finally panicked

However, in fact, not only China and the United States, due to Grossi's tumultuous operation, many countries have begun to default on their dues. Grossi had previously advocated "voluntary donations" and soon received donations from countries with ghosts such as Japan, and the rumored 1 million yuan bribe may be part of this.

According to statistics, after Grossi took office, the amount of "voluntary contributions" has accounted for more than 40% of the total budget of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and whoever donates more money can help who can cover up to complete some ulterior conspiracies, just like the transfer of nuclear nuclear submarines to the sea with nuclear sewage discharged into the sea mentioned earlier.

It is foreseeable that if the IAEA continues to engage in "voluntary contributions" and selective law enforcement in this way, more and more countries will certainly be in arrears in their dues.

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