
Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

author:Wah Seng Online
Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

Higashitou Noto.

Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

Yongxing "China Silver Building".

Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo National Gift Cloisonné Tea Set - Longteng Tsunami.

Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

Night view of Banliang Ancient Village.

Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

Yu Farm in Baokuchi Village.

Yongxing's brilliant silver shines

Former residence of Huang Kecheng. (All pictures in this edition are provided by the Propaganda Department of Yongxing County Party Committee)

■ Li Bingjun, Kwong Chenggang, Li Danxia

Yongxing is the hometown of the founding general Huang Kecheng, an excellent eco-tourism city in the country, known as the "silver capital of China" without silver mines, and a county with unique characteristics of mountains and rivers in Chenzhou.

In the past year, the county has regarded the second Hunan Tourism Development Conference as a "top priority" project, quickly set up special classes, formulated combat plans, held oath meetings, adhered to the principle of "project is king, wall chart operation", insisted on "sprinting at the beginning, decisive battle at the beginning", and launched the cultural tourism brand of "Bishui Danxia Brilliant Silver Capital".

"Chenzhou's hosting of the second Hunan Tourism Development Conference is not only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yongxing, but also an unshirkable responsibility." Liu Zhaohui, Secretary of the Yongxing County Party Committee, said that Yongxing takes the initiative as a gesture to actively integrate into the province's tourism development strategy, takes the opportunity of hosting the second Hunan Tourism Development Conference and aims to help Chenzhou build a world tourism destination, vigorously implement the strategy of improving the quality and upgrading of the cultural tourism industry, and on the basis of actively building the spatial layout of the tourism industry of "one core, two wings, two corridors and four zones", stabilize the stock, expand the increment and improve the quality, and make every effort to build a leisure and health eco-tourism boutique area in southern Shonan.

Grab the activity and push the brand

In order to create a good atmosphere for the conference, Yongxing County has vigorously carried out the "monthly meeting" activity, and has carried out more than 20 related cultural and tourism festival activities. For example, special cultural tourism and sports activities were carried out, a series of themed activities such as the 9th "Reading Carnival - Books and Fragrance Yongxing National Reading Festival" and "Travel to Reading Yongxing, Reading in the Silver Capital" were held, and four "Reading and Traveling in the Silver Capital and Colorful Yongxing" book fragrance cultural tourism boutique routes were planned; Combined with the cultural characteristics of Yongxing Xiake tour, works such as "A Letter of Thanks from Yongxing Readers to Xu Xiake" and "Xu Xiake Tour of the River" were launched to promote the integration of culture and tourism.

On May 30th, Yongxing County held a series of activities such as "Xiawei China Guest to Yongxing" Xu Xiake's trip to Yongxing in Dongtou Yedu, and successively launched the completion ceremony of Xu Xiake's travel milestone, the awarding ceremony of "Xu Xiake Study Tour Base" and "Home of Overseas Chinese", and the 2023 Xu Xiake Culture and Yongxing Cultural Tourism Integration Development Seminar, opening a new chapter of Yongxing's "Xu Xiake River Tour".

The county promotes the integration of sports and tourism in the form of national fitness, such as carrying out sports events such as gas volleyball and badminton in the county to "help the development of tourism and sports are in progress"; In particular, sports set up the stage, cultural tourism singing, Yongxing Martin team won the provincial village BA finals championship, setting off a wave of basketball fever in the province. On September 9, the champion team represented Hunan in the southeast division of the National Hemei Rural Basketball Competition (Village BA).

At the end of August, Yongxing County successfully hosted the first cross-strait college basketball exchange tournament in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province in 2023, during which college students from both sides of the strait visited the China Silver Cultural Park, allowing college students on both sides of the strait to experience the unique silver cultural connotation of Yongxing.

After generations of hard work, Yongxing has created a mythical miracle of silver capital without silver mines "out of nothing". The county makes full use of the two golden signboards of "China Silver Capital" and "China Silver Products Wholesale Center", vigorously implements the "industry + tourism" integrated development project, promotes the construction of the national industrial tourism demonstration zone, and strives to build a boutique route of "China Yindu Ancient Village Tour".

In the Yongxing China Silver Culture Square, the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity anchors is very lively, and the sales of various creative silver products are hot; In the offline production display area, visitors interact with craftsmen in an orderly manner and feel the new charm of Yongxing silver culture.

In the Zhongyong Silver Industry Cultural and Creative Park, not far from China Silver Culture Square, a similar scene is more lively, and this platform is committed to creating a never-ending Yongxing Silver Expo. At the same time, through the construction of the silver industry cultural and creative park, we will build a zero-loss business incubation base, an open innovation exchange base and an intuitive silver cultural tourism research base to promote the gathering and upgrading of the silver industry.

The charm of Yongxing silver culture is precisely due to its continuous innovation in technology and technology, "high-purity silver electrolysis process" won the national gold award, "Jiulong silver cup" won the national silver award, "double-layer silver cup" became the industry standard, "Success Baoding" won the national gold medal and other awards, creating a national industrial tourism demonstration point brand. In the past three years, industrial tourism in Yongxing County has received about 300,000 tourists every year, achieving tourism and shopping income of 260 million yuan.

The county has also excavated and created red, green, orange, silver and antique "five-color" cultural tourism products, promoted the construction of high-quality tourism routes, strongly built Internet celebrity check-in points such as China Yindu Cultural and Creative Park and Dongtou Yedu, successively improved the construction of Internet celebrity infrastructure such as Panyuan Wharf, Shuyuan Road, and Longhua Road, and built night cruise corridors such as Yuelongmen and Youweijia Fish, accelerating the integration of culture and tourism and helping rural revitalization.

Zhang Xu, member of the Standing Committee of the Yongxing County Party Committee and director of the Publicity Department of the county party committee, introduced that the county will take the opportunity of the second Hunan Tourism Development Conference held in Chenchen to take the initiative to hold the second Yongxing County Tourism Development Conference and the opening of the China Yindu Cultural and Creative Park on September 20.

Grasp the project and attract funds

The project is king. The county has set aside four major war zones for the construction of the conference project, with a total of 13 key cultural and tourism projects, according to the model of "one project, one set of teams, one plan, and one grasp to the end", comprehensively implemented the "decisive battle in different areas" and "wall chart operation", fully promoted the construction of the project, and ensured the completion in accordance with the time node of the conference.

The county combines the construction of Yongxing urban IP image, the improvement of Yongxing Square, the renovation of night market parks, the construction of Baiyin Cultural Park, and China Yindu Cultural and Creative Park, to deeply promote the integration of culture and tourism, and form a unique Yongxing characteristic. The 13 cultural tourism projects in the county have completed an investment of 260 million yuan this year, of which 109.7% has completed the annual planned investment of the city-level observation project. In the evaluation of mobile red flags for the construction of tourism development projects in Chenzhou City, the Dongtou Yedu project won 12 mobile red flags, 9 were awarded for the protection and quality improvement projects of Shilangtan and Guanyinyan, 4 were awarded for the Yindu Cultural and Creative Park project, and 4 were awarded for the Xihe Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt Construction Project.

Project construction is inseparable from the "source of living water" of funds, and Yongxing has repeatedly connected with provincial and municipal counterparts according to the relevant documents of Chenzhou City. In the first eight months of this year, the county has completed the upward competition for 2.603 billion yuan.

The county has established liaison service stations in Changsha, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Beijing for the return of Xiangxiang businessmen and entrepreneurs returning to their hometowns; It has successively connected more than 300 villagers, reached the intention to return to their hometown to invest in more than 30 entrepreneurial projects, and introduced nearly 5 billion yuan. At present, the projects that have been signed and started construction include China Yindu Cultural and Creative Park, high-quality hotels (five-star standard), Yongxing Plaza and night market park, and Anling Academy quality improvement and renovation projects.

In the past year, the county has successively carried out more than 20 batches of outbound investment promotion, received more than 80 batches of merchants, and negotiated more than 50 projects such as energy conservation and environmental protection, fine chemicals, cultural tourism and health care, new energy development, and modern logistics.

Pay attention to service and improve quality

According to the work arrangement of "Chenxin Service" in Chenzhou City, Yongxing County held the "Chenxin Service" 2023 Yongxing County Tourism Service Quality Improvement Year Action Mobilization Conference, established the Yongxing County "Chenxin Service" Yongxing County Tourism Service Quality Improvement Leading Group and Work Class, and issued a work plan.

The county carried out publicity and training guidance on the "Chenxin Service" tourism quality service for the responsible persons, enterprise leaders and management personnel, and organized 2 enterprises to participate in the "Golden Key" high-end brand service training in Chenzhou, 18 enterprises to participate in the city's tourism service senior management personnel training, and 14 enterprises to participate in the city's second vocational skills and "Chenxin Service" tourism service skills competition.

From March 28 to 30 this year, Yongxing organized 55 young volunteers at the Party School of the county party committee to participate in training on etiquette and reception expertise, so as to reserve talents to improve the level of tourism reception in the county. On June 28, the 2023 Yongxing County "Chenxin Service" tourism service improvement and tourism marketing new model training course was held, and more than 100 people from tourism-related enterprises in the county participated in the training.

Yongxing grasps the quality of tourism services with one hand and the urban and rural style with the other. The county demolished the dangerous and demolished the old so that it should be demolished. At present, a total of 3.175 million square meters have been demolished in the county, and 2.51 million square meters of land have been vacated. At the end of February, 28 administrative villages and 4 communities in seven key townships (subdistricts), including Xiangyindu, Bianjiang, Gaotingsi, Matian, Youma, Huangni and Berlin, completed the task of demolishing old dangers and demolition of old people, with a total area of 381,000 square meters and a total land area of 326,000 square meters.

Yongxing also took the Xihe Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt Baokou Village, Songbai Village and Youtang Village as models, and built 1,315 "four small gardens" in 7 key townships (streets), 28 administrative villages and 4 communities combined with their own actual characteristics, including 601 small vegetable gardens, 202 small orchards, 372 small gardens and 139 small amusement gardens.

At the same time, it is committed to building a boutique area of the Xihe Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt, planning and developing rural tourism in the way of "one line and two points", focusing on Songbai Village, Youtang Village and Xihe Village, focusing on the development of leisure and health rural tourism, and creating a rural tourism brand of the Xihe Scenic Belt integrating eating, living, traveling, traveling, shopping and entertainment.

Songbai Village invested 200,000 yuan to build two beautiful house demonstration sites, with wall paintings of more than 2,000 square meters. Niuya Village excavates the water culture of the watershed, and Laowan Group Beach Park has become a well-known Internet celebrity check-in place, with an endless stream of photographers and anglers, and cyclists. The 14 villages along the West River shoulder their responsibilities and continuously promote the integrated development of culture and tourism in the demonstration belt to achieve new results.

In terms of continuing the red culture, Yongxing County has sorted out more than 100 red stories, edited and published red books such as "The Red Mark of Yongxing", created literary and artistic works such as the local party history red flower drum play "Sister-in-law Delivers Rice", developed a series of on-site teaching courses on party spirit education such as "Strong Party Spirit, Model of Learning - Huang Kecheng's Party Spirit Cultivation and Its Contemporary Value", built the city's first children's red reading room, and created "General's Former Residence + Banliang Riot Site", "County Museum + People's Park", "He Kun's Former Residence + Long Housheng's Former Residence" of the clustered red culture core brand.

Today's Yongxing, the new appearance of urban and rural areas, makes China's silver capital charming.