
The old Red Army Lei Wei and Zhiba of Dabie Mountain shot and killed the traitor Zhang Deshan

author:Lu'an News Network

  "The traitor Zhang Deshan has been eliminated!" This news soon spread throughout the revolutionary base areas of Hubei, Yu and Anhui, giving great encouragement and encouragement to the vast number of soldiers and people who had been engaged in a three-year guerrilla war and were fighting bloody battles; It was a blow to the Kuomintang reactionaries who were trying to "purge and suppress" the Red Army by stepping up their efforts to "purge and suppress." For Lei Weihe, it was a major turning point in his life.

  Who is Zhang Deshan? Not many people know about it now. However, at that time, the Hubei-Yu-Anhui revolutionary base area was a well-known figure. He was a native of Guanmiao, Lihuang County (present-day Jinzhai County). As early as December 1929, Zhang Deshan served as chairman of the Soviet Government of Shangcheng County, and later served as chairman of the Soviet of the Southeastern Yu Special Region and chairman of the Soviet of the Northwest Anhui Province Region, and was one of the responsible persons of the western Anhui region.

  In October 1932, the Red Army failed in its fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, and after the main force marched into Sichuan, the Hubei-Yu-Anhui Soviet region was brutally destroyed by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and thousands of revolutionary soldiers and civilians were pushed into pools of blood. Zhang Deshan, chairman of the Dao District Soviet, was frightened by the white terror, and he sneaked his life from Xiongjiahe to Lihuang County to join the Kuomintang 25th Route Army, and plunged headlong into the arms of the enemy. The Kuomintang immediately appointed Zhang Deshan as the head of the 25th Route Army Work Regiment and the leader of the guerrilla group, with a monthly salary of 150 yuan. The enemy played Zhang Deshan's "trump card" and peddled anti-communist rumors everywhere, shouting: "Even high-ranking Communist Party officials like Zhang Deshan have defected to the Kuomintang, what is the way out for the Communist Party?" Zhang Deshan also said shamelessly: "The Communist Party is an egg, the Kuomintang is a stone, and an egg cannot touch a stone."

  After Zhang Deshan rebelled, he actively served the reactionaries. He led the so-called guerrilla brigades to hunt down communists and revolutionary masses everywhere, and dug up the guns and ammunition that had been buried when the main Red Army was transferred; He used all kinds of despicable means in an attempt to dismantle the Communist underground and undermine the guerrillas. He also threatened young adults in the Soviet region and wounded Red Army soldiers to become bandits and expand his power. In particular, Zhang Deshan was familiar with the local situation and mastered the law of guerrilla activities, so that the Red Army guerrillas were constantly surrounded and attacked by the enemy and suffered considerable losses. Zhang Deshan's existence posed a great threat to the Red Army in a guerrilla war, and the vast number of soldiers and people hated him so much that they wanted to get rid of this traitor.

  In the winter of 1935, Zhang Deshan's working group and guerrilla brigade lived in the area of Caijiawan in Wudian to "clean up" the special forces led by the CPC China's China's China Chinan County Party Committee. Once, Zhang Deshan wrote a letter to lure Chen Yousong, the head of the county party committee, in a vain attempt to bring down the Red Guards and guerrillas in China. After Lei Wei and several of their soldiers knew about this, they further felt that Zhang Deshan was shameful, hateful, and hateful. They realized that if the traitors were not eliminated, they would not know how many more revolutionary soldiers and civilians would be brutalized, and it would be difficult to win the guerrilla war.

  It turned out that in Zhang Deshan's guerrilla brigade, some of them had served in the Red Army, some of them were wounded, some were left behind, and some left the army because of the arduous struggle. Lei Weihe was forced to send to Zhang Deshan's guerrilla brigade by the reactionary security chief.

  Here's what happened. In October 1935, Zhang Deshan secretly contacted the special agent battalion of the 82nd Division of the 28th Red Army because he was a local and had served as a senior cadre of the Party and the Red Army, which was extremely confusing. After Lei Weihe found out, he was afraid that he would be taken to the enemy's side as a counter-revolutionary. He thought: It is better to be a counter-revolution than to go home and be a common man. Lei Weihe wanted to go home to find a child bride, so he left the special agent battalion of the 82nd Division of the 28th Red Army and walked towards Xiaohe Village in his hometown. Unexpectedly, when passing through Wujiadian Village, Lihuang County (now Wujiadian Village, Wujiadian Town, Jinzhai County), he was forced by the reactionary security chief to send to the guerrilla brigade of the 25th Route Army Work Group of the Kuomintang.

  In this way, Lei Wei and his family did not return, and the child bride was not found (it was later learned that the child bride had been sold to others), and was forced to serve as a soldier in the Kuomintang reactionary army. He regretted and suffered for leaving the 28th Red Army by mistake and even falling into the hands of traitors, often arousing nostalgia for the combat life of the Red Army troops from his heart, and even more bitterly hating Zhang Deshan's defection against communism.

  One night, Lei Wei and Du sat by the fire to keep warm, and two people came, one named Chen Shaotang and the other named Li Deshou. In the past, in the 28th Red Army, Chen was the battalion commander, Li was the political commissar of the battalion, and Lei Weihe was a soldier in this battalion. In the dead of night, the three people who were in Cao Yingxin and Han were roasting the fire and talking at the same time, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, and they poured out their common hearts to each other: Get rid of Zhang Deshan and go back to the Red Army!

  It is not easy to get rid of Zhang Deshan. After Zhang Deshan defected to the enemy, he was "under the guardianship" of the Kuomintang, and he led the guerrilla brigade to follow the regular Kuomintang troops wherever he went. Zhang Deshan had a ghost in his heart, lest he be miserable, but he was fortified step by step, living on weekdays, the guards never left his body, and rarely acted alone. This brought great difficulties to the anti-adulterous operation, and if the matter was not revealed, not only could not defeat the jackal, but also killed the tiger. After discussion, it was decided: do not rush into action, first connect those who are forced to become soldiers and have a certain consciousness, organize forces, and when the time is ripe, then start to eliminate the traitors.

  Soon, Chen Shaotang developed Shen Chahui. Lei Weihe also developed Yue Youchuan (a native of Nanxi, Lihuang County), who had fought together with guerrilla divisions in Chinan. After a period of tandem, the anti-rape group grew to more than a dozen people.

  In the first lunar month of 1936, Zhang Deshan's working regiment and guerrilla brigade, in cooperation with the Kuomintang regular army's "liquidation" of the Chinan special agent, were stationed at Fengshupu, at the junction of Lihuang, Yingshan, and Luotian counties. Early in the morning of the 15th day of the first lunar month (February 7), Zhang Deshan led the guerrilla brigade up the mountain to reconnoitre the traces of the Red Army partisans, and after a whole day on the mountain, he did not see the shadow of the partisans. That evening, Zhang Deshan stayed at the Shengren Tang Hotel near the monastery.

  The anti-rape group believed that the time had come to get rid of Zhang Deshan: the Shengren Tang Hotel was backed by a mountain forest, the terrain was relatively remote, and a battalion of the Kuomintang 25th Route Army lived in Fengshupu, one or twenty miles away from here, and the anti-traitor operation would not alarm the enemy; Zhang Deshan ran everywhere with the guerrilla brigade during the day, and he must have slept very dead at night, which was conducive to eliminating adultery; Nearby is the area of activity of the partisans of the Red Army, and immediately after the incident, they defected to the partisans of the Red Army.

  As expected, that night, the restaurant was filled with snoring and dreams. Zhang Deshan lived with the guards in a single room, and more than 100 soldiers slept on the straw of the hall house. Lei Weihe lay on the grass bunk, thinking of the action that was about to begin, and he was particularly excited.

  In the middle of the night, the members of the anti-rape team pretended to be untied and quietly sneaked into the wheat field outside the house one by one. According to the division of labor, Lei Weihe and Yue Youchuan first had to take down the two guards at the door of the hotel. Lei Weihe and Yue Youchuan came to the sentry, and the sentry asked, "You guys go out to untie your hands, it will take so long?" Before the words fell, the sentry's gun was confiscated, his mouth was blocked, and then he was taken to the vegetable garden behind the house, where Yue Youchuan was in charge of guarding.

  After taking down the two sentries, Chen Shaotang and Li Deshou led everyone to quietly enter the hall to collect and rob. The members of the gang stood in a long row from inside the house, gently passing the guns and grenades on the grass to the vegetable garden behind the house. The soldier slept soundly and unconscious.

  When Chen Shaotang and Li Deshou sneaked into Zhang Deshan's house, Zhang Deshan slept in a daze and did not know that death was coming. The guards were holding a gun in their arms, and they were also breathing and sleeping, and they didn't even notice that Chen Shaotang had dropped his bolt.

  Chen Shaotang came to Zhang Deshan's bed and shouted in panic: "Captain! Group Captain! The Red Army came and surrounded us!" Zhang Deshan jumped up from the bunk, shocked, and said, "Quick! Rush out! Rush out!" Saying that, he took out his pistol, and Li Deshou grabbed the pistol: "I'll cover, the captain go quickly!" Zhang Deshan ran out desperately, and as soon as he arrived at the gate, Li Deshou fired three shots at him in a row, and Chen Shaotang took the axe and slashed at him again! Three shots and one axe, ending the criminal life of a traitor.

  The soldiers on the grass bunk heard the gunshots, panicked, shouted, and became a mess. In order to prevent resistance from being among the soldiers, members of the anti-rape team had already pointed their pistols at them. At this time, Chen Shaotang said loudly: "We are the Red Army, and the Red Army does not kill prisoners. You are all poor soldiers, those who want to do the Red Army follow us, and those who do not want to go home. ”

  Zhang Deshan and his working group completely collapsed! When the enemy learned about this, he thundered, but he was helpless. Even the regular troops of the enemy stationed nearby did not dare to come out in pursuit.

  The next day, the members of the anti-rape team found the Senan special forces with a part of the Red Army and captured guns.

  Soon, Gao Jingting, political commissar of the 28th Red Army, and Fang Yongle, political commissar of the 82nd Division, received members of the anti-rape group. That day, Lei Weihe saw: Gao Jingting was wearing an old gray cloth military uniform, a belt tied at the waist, a barge gun, leggings, and straw shoes made of hemp tendons and cloth strips, with a straight waist, bright eyes, and heroic majesty. Gao Jingting and Fang Yongle shook hands with the members of the anti-rape team. In his speech, Gao Jingting praised them for "doing a good thing for the people."

  Lei Weihe returned to the Red Army unit and was assigned to the 7th Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 244th Regiment of the 82nd Division of the 28th Red Army as a squad leader, and began a new life. The 244th Regiment was reorganized from the Red 218th Regiment established in November 1934 by the Northwest Anhui Provincial Committee after the transfer of the Red 25th Army to northeastern Hubei, with three battalions.

  During the three months that Lei Weihe was forced to serve in the Kuomintang army, he did not turn himself in, did not betray his comrades, did not do anything to endanger the revolutionary cause, and did all his strength to extricate himself and did some revolutionary work within the enemy. After returning to the ranks of the Red Army, Lei Weihe directly served as the squad leader, which was the greatest affirmation and praise of the Red 28th Army for his participation in the eradication of the great traitor Zhang Deshan. In fact, in this hoeing operation, the anti-rape group in the Kuomintang guerrilla brigade played a role that the Red Army contingent could hardly play outside.

  Through the struggle against the traitor Zhang Deshan, Lei Weihe raised the consciousness of the proletariat and strengthened his revolutionary faith. Since then, no matter how cruel the environment and how complicated the struggle, Lei Weihe has always followed the party to carry out the revolution and forged ahead without looking back. (Edited by Zhang Zhengyao)