
September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

author:Flowing Water International

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September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

News 1: Nikon wants to have a technology ban on Huawei? This means that Huawei will also have to do CMOS itself?

In recent years, with the continuous development of technology and consumers' pursuit of high-quality shooting experience, camera sensors have received increasing attention as one of the key core components in electronic devices such as mobile phones.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

In this competitive and innovative field, Huawei announced plans to develop its own camera sensors and reduce its dependence on suppliers such as Sony.

It is reported that in the upcoming Mate60 series mobile phones, Huawei is expected to be equipped with a new self-developed camera sensor.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This move signifies that Huawei is increasing investment and accelerating its breakthrough in hardware manufacturing, and intends to gradually reduce its dependence on external suppliers.

If successful, this will undoubtedly be an important milestone.

In addition to self-developed camera sensors, Huawei also plans to improve video shooting capabilities through the Harmony system.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

As a next-generation operating system based on the principle of openness, built with a security and trustworthy architecture, and oriented to all-scenario intelligent terminals, the Harmony System will greatly improve the shooting experience of Huawei mobile phones.

The Harmony system has more efficient resource management and scheduling capabilities, and improves image processing performance through optimization algorithms, so that users can shoot videos with better image quality in different scenarios.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

At the same time, after the breakthrough of domestic flash memory chips, it is widely believed that camera sensors may become the next breakthrough.

The technical level of flash memory chips is closely related to the camera sensor, and the two complement each other.

Some analysts pointed out that as the mainland makes important breakthroughs in the field of flash memory and gradually reduces its dependence on imported products, "Made in China" may usher in a new round of development opportunities.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This also means that from hardware to software, from the materials required at the bottom layer to the application at the top will usher in a comprehensive change.

It is also worth paying attention to the news that DJI's Hasselblad brand is expected to enter the field of camera sensors.

DJI's subsidiary Hasselblad is one of the companies of the drone giant Corporation, and since its inception, it has been known around the world for its professional-grade mid-format film cameras.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

Now Hasselblad may expand its business to enter the field of camera sensors.

If successfully implemented, this plan will bring more competitiveness and innovation to the entire industry.

To sum up, the rise of Huawei's Hongmeng system and the plan to develop its own camera sensor mean that ZTE Technology is moving towards a new stage.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

In this increasingly competitive market environment, constantly promoting technological innovation, reducing external dependence and improving product quality have become the way for enterprises to survive and develop.

With the breakthrough of domestic flash memory chip technology and the entry of DJI's Hasselblad brand into the battle, it is foreseeable that the camera sensor market will appear a richer and more diversified competitive pattern in the future.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

It is for these reasons that we believe that the rise of Huawei's Hongmeng system and independent development of camera sensors will lead the industry change, bring users better enjoyment in terms of shooting experience, and promote Made in China to win respect and recognition with advanced technology."

As ordinary consumers, we also expect these latest technologies to truly serve the people and provide a better user experience.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

News 2: Hongmeng's progress exceeded expectations! In Ni Guangnan's words, OPPO officially expressed its position, and the US media also sighed

Recently, Huawei officially released the highly anticipated Hongmeng operating system (OS), which not only caused a sensation in China, but also attracted global attention.

As a self-developed operating system, HarmonyOS is expected to be high, but it also faces many doubts.

First of all, there has been widespread discussion about whether HarmonyOS can be compatible with Android applications.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

However, at the press conference, Huawei announced that HarmonyOS will support Android apps and achieve seamless migration through simple conversion tools.

This news aroused a stronger sense of curiosity and anticipation among users.

Subsequently, shortly after the market launch, users showed high interest and enthusiasm for HarmonyOS OS.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

According to statistics, within a few days a large number of users downloaded and started using the system.

And because of its openness and easy to use characteristics, it has been widely recognized by the general public, which has produced great repercussions in the entire market.

In addition, the high growth has also attracted many well-known enterprises to join the "Ark Plan" to jointly build the Hongmeng ecosystem.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This series of actions further consolidates Huawei's leading position in the technology field and strengthens users' confidence in the future development potential of Harmony OS.

Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Academy of Engineering, also affirmed the technical advantages of Hongmeng OS.

He said that through the unified core architecture and distributed capabilities, Harmony will achieve seamless switching between multiple devices and provide a smoother and more efficient user experience.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This new operating system design concept shows Huawei's never-ending determination and pursuit of technological innovation.

However, despite such impressive achievements, as a new operating system, HarmonyOS faces great challenges.

The first is the need to win more support, there are many people watching among domestic mobile phone manufacturers, and there are doubts about whether to adopt the system;

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

Secondly, it is necessary to create a complete healthy ecosystem to smooth the channels for functional expansion; In addition, it is necessary to deal with issues such as competition in the international market.

In short, the long-term development path seems to be a long way off.

Even so, in fact, with the transformation of Made in China to Created in China, the likelihood of success in our country's mobile operating system has increased.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

As an independent and controllable, open and shared operating system platform, HarmonyOS can not only meet the needs of users, but also usher in new opportunities in technological innovation and industrial development.

This incident has had a huge impact on the global IT industry.

With its strong strength and leading technology, Huawei is promoting the digital economy and intelligence process on a global scale, and has become the preferred partner for more enterprises to carry out technology cooperation.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

In short, as the release of Huawei Hongmeng OS has attracted attention and doubts at home and abroad, it will bring changes to the entire industry in the next few years.

This change is happening slowly and continuously.

It is believed that through the joint efforts of Huawei and its partners, our country can break the shackles of relying on the monopoly pattern of external operating systems in the past, and realize the localization of mobile phones and other devices in the true sense.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

News 3: Huawei enlarges the move! The iPhone was hit hard just a day after it was released, and this time Cook was uncomfortable!

In the highly competitive tech market, patent disputes are a common means between large mobile phone manufacturers.

However, in a recent incident, two leading Chinese smartphone brands, Huawei and Xiaomi, reached an unexpected settlement and began to cooperate strategically.

This news has attracted widespread attention inside and outside the industry and is regarded as a positive sign.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

Patent mutual litigation is a normal means commonly used in the process of big manufacturers' games.

Due to many factors such as huge market share, strong innovation, large user base and global influence, Huawei and Xiaomi will inevitably fall into patent disputes.

However, under this special circumstance, the two sides chose to put aside their hostile positions and move towards win-win cooperation.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This time, Huawei and Xiaomi have successively announced that they have reached a settlement and launched strategic cooperation, which has undoubtedly brought important enlightenment to the entire domestic mobile phone industry.

In the face of the increasingly fierce international competitive environment and the continuous growth of other major brands to squeeze out market share, only through unity and cooperation can the sustained rise of domestic brands be achieved.

Huawei's settlement with Xiaomi, a leading Chinese mobile phone manufacturer, has had a positive impact on the entire industry.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

First, it shows other brands a new model for pursuing the common good.

In the past, there was often fierce competition and hostility between domestic brands, and this collaboration breaks this traditional way of thinking.

The announcement of prices for the Huawei Mate60pro+ and the upcoming Huawei MateX5 during iPhone sales also shows another important signal - domestic phones are challenging the market position with innovative technology and reasonable pricing.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

Due to global supply chain turmoil, rising raw material costs and other factors, Apple has continuously raised product prices in recent years, which has caused antipathy among some consumer groups.

In contrast, domestic mobile phone manufacturers are attracting users by insisting on independent innovation and seizing market opportunities for moderate pricing.

However, there is also a little regret behind the good news: the glory conference has been delayed.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

As one of Huawei's sub-brands, it has not yet been clearly positioned in this cooperation.

Although the specific reasons have not been publicly disclosed to the outside world, it is conceivable that Honor's participation is crucial to the integrity of cooperation in the entire domestic mobile phone industry.

In summary, the settlement and strategic cooperation between Huawei and Xiaomi are regarded as a milestone event in the development of the domestic mobile phone industry.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This is not only good news for the end of the patent dispute between the two companies, but also reflects the strong call for Chinese brands to unite and cooperate and make common progress in the global market competition.

Only through continuous innovation, adherence to independent technology and moderate pricing can domestic mobile phone manufacturers truly rise and achieve long-term sustainable development.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

With the birth of this case that breaks through the traditional thinking mode and cross-brand win-win cooperation model, we believe that there will be more successful stories of similar enterprises actively working together to achieve goals in the future.

News four: 5G may just be a smoke bomb, Huawei Mate60Pro is probably not a 4G mobile phone, nor a 5G mobile phone

In the digital age, people are increasingly demanding the speed of mobile phone networks.

With the gradual maturity and commercialization of 5G technology, users expect to experience faster and more stable network speeds.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

However, in the recently released Huawei Mate 60 Pro, we not only saw more than 5G levels, but also achieved an unprecedented breakthrough.

According to reports, the network speed of the "Huawei Mate60Pro" has been higher than the 5G level and is between 5G and 5.5G.

This is certainly an amazing and exciting news.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

As one of the most influential and innovative technology companies in the market today, Huawei has once again proved to the world that it has made a major breakthrough in leading communications technology.

To achieve such excellent performance, it is inseparable from the domestic chip of the Kirin 9000S chip.

"Huawei Mate60Pro" is equipped with this proud processor, known as a milestone of domestic chips.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

It outperforms its peers and has ushered in a new era of smartphones.

In addition to excellent performance, the Huawei Mate 60 Pro also has satellite call function, which is a key advantage.

In remote areas or emergencies, users can stay connected through satellite communications, so that people are no longer limited by the coverage of traditional networks.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This undoubtedly provides a more reliable and secure means of communication for those whose work requires frequent travel, adventure enthusiasts and rescue teams dealing with natural disasters.

The advent of Huawei's Mate 60Pro has also frustrated U.S. officials' efforts to curb Huawei's development.

In the face of the power of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro and its performance beyond 5G level network speed, there is a clear gap between US officials and their attempts to suppress the development of Chinese technology companies.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

Undoubtedly, the "Huawei Mate60Pro" has reversed the unfavorable situation for China and proved China's innovative strength to the whole world.

In addition, "Huawei Mate60Pro" will also help the rapid development of domestic chips.

The breakthrough progress of "Kirin 9000S" will undoubtedly lead the industry trend and drive other domestic chip manufacturers to accelerate the pace of innovation.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

It is believed that with the passage of time, the quality and innovation represented by the "MadeinChina" label will gradually be more recognized.

On the whole, the advent of "Huawei Mate60Pro" not only brings users an unprecedented communication experience, but also has a far-reaching impact on the industry.

It redefined mobile network speed and pushed domestic chips to new heights.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

This undoubtedly makes people look forward to and proud of Chinese technology companies, and the "Huawei Mate60Pro" has become an important milestone to achieve this goal.

In short, the Huawei Mate60Pro once again proves Huawei's strong strength in technological innovation with its key advantages such as excellent performance, breaking through the limit of 5G network speed, and having satellite call function.

At the same time, it also represents a great change and breakthrough in the development of the domestic chip industry, which has attracted widespread attention around the world.

September 14: 5G could just be smoke bombs! The situation turned sharply, and 4 news came from Huawei

We believe that the advent of "Huawei Mate60Pro" will promote the progress of the entire industry and bring users a more perfect digital experience and convenience.

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