
Text message to daughter 1. Something happened to you. Much about nothing. Life is very...

author:I lost my sleeve

Text message to daughter

1. Idle accidents. Much about nothing. Life is precious, don't spend your time on things that don't matter, I never play mobile games, TikTok and gossip, because I know that these are not good for life growth. Of course, appropriate relaxation is the spice of life, such as playing cards, it is social, small gambling is pleasant, big gambling hurts the spirit, but if people do not practice to the home, they can not play cards, even small fights, because it will be addictive, only if they practice to a certain extent, can they control themselves freely, can participate. People must not be idle, if they have nothing to do all day, it is easy to think crookedly. The ancients said: "Full of lust" (lust, refers to greedy and indulgent desire), now playing mahjong gambling everywhere in Shenzhen society, that is, some people have some economic foundation, there is nothing to do, no spiritual sustenance. When I have free time at work, I either read or walk and exercise, and people must have something to do in order to have spiritual sustenance.

2. When you are not satisfied with the status quo, don't just want to do nothing. Dare to act, dare to act. It is useless to imagine by one's head alone, empty talk misleads the country, and fantasy is ultimately empty. When people are dissatisfied with the status quo, it is often caused by their own strength and reality, so they need to constantly work hard to learn, break through themselves, constantly tap their potential, build confidence, and then change the status quo.

3. Having good interests and hobbies can not only cultivate emotions, but also regulate emotions and reduce the pressure of our heavy life. However, bad habits can make you addicted to it, and in the long run, seriously damage your physical and mental health. The most important thing for people is to cultivate the mind. I told you that the place where Sun Wukong learned his skills is the three-star cave of the inclined moon, and the square inch mountain of the spiritual platform, which actually refers to the heart. Whether Buddhist, Confucian, or Taoist, the core doctrine requires people to be able to cultivate the mind. What are bad habits and low-grade funny? Those things that seduce oneself not to obtain stimulation through the mind and mind, but only through the senses, are relatively low-level. People can cultivate their minds, that is, they must be able to control their tendency to the temptation of low-grade tastes, they must be close to the gentlemen and far from the villains, and they must be noble and virtuous to avoid ugliness. Appropriate hobbies and elegant extracurricular activities will help to improve the effect of self-cultivation.

4. Since ancient times the benevolence of healers, for healers, cultivation of the mind is more important. But now our society has been kidnapped by the market economy, many people have lost their correct values and outlook on life, forgotten the excellent traditions of the Chinese nation, everything is based on money, and even some doctors take the pursuit of economic interests as the ultimate goal, resulting in serious disputes between doctors and patients, some bad doctors rush people's lives, and some treat patients with money and medicine, these are all taboos as doctors. Originally, being a doctor is to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, but because these people are fascinated by money, they are doing bad things that lack morality, their blessings will definitely be frustrated, and some descendants may not end well, so from now on, you must develop the belief that you want to hang the pot and save the world, always maintain a humble heart, treat others kindly, not extreme, not stubborn, not frivolous, will be moderate, can be calm, and have a good heart.

Text message to daughter 1. Something happened to you. Much about nothing. Life is very...
Text message to daughter 1. Something happened to you. Much about nothing. Life is very...
Text message to daughter 1. Something happened to you. Much about nothing. Life is very...

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