
Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

author:Here's the answer

The ancients' understanding of natural phenomena is often condensed in the proverbs that circulate among the people, and people at that time may not be clear about the internal mechanism, but they still summarize some causal relationships through experience, and can often help others prevent disasters and avoid disasters in daily life. Among them, there is a saying that bamboo blooms, move immediately, the ancients believe that once you see bamboo blooming, this phenomenon means that disaster is coming, so to move immediately, is this really reliable?

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

Rare natural phenomenon

Bamboo is a plant that Sichuanese must be familiar with, bamboo is not only the main food of giant pandas, but also an extremely common planting landscape in the city. Although bamboo has been seen a lot, I have never heard that bamboo also blooms. In fact, our understanding of bamboo has always had some deviations, although bamboo is known by the ancients as one of the four gentlemen in flowers, and it is a member of the three friends of the cold years, but bamboo is not actually a flower.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

As a very special natural material, bamboo has become a very important member of the human development process. The ancient Chinese made bamboo into different crafts and musical instruments, and even the chips of the abacus were made of bamboo. The hollow characteristics of bamboo were also used by the ancients to make the world's first water pipe, and it can be said that bamboo has made great contributions in all fields of human life.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

In addition to using it, bamboo can also be eaten, bamboo can be described as a treasure, each part can be used for medicine, and used to treat different diseases. The fresh bamboo asphalt purchased by many parents in China when their children are sick has an excellent effect of clearing heat and phlegm, and has become a standing medicine in Chinese family medicine boxes. Also high in nutrients, bamboo, that is, the fruit of bamboo, is not only sweet, but also a medicinal herb.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

Although bamboo is common, bamboo blooming is extremely rare, bamboo flowers are yellow-white, and the citi is not short, full 4 months. Clumps of yellow-white flowers in the emerald green bamboo forest are a beautiful sight, but because the flowering cycle of bamboo is much longer than that of ordinary plants, it is extremely difficult to see. According to the research of botanists, most bamboo flowering cycles are even greater than 60 years, and some special varieties are as high as 100 years.

The difficulty of bamboo flowering actually has a lot to do with the special reproduction method of bamboo, bamboo does not need to bloom and pollinate, relying on its own underground stem can achieve asexual reproduction, bamboo forest is how this appears, we see clumps of bamboo are often born from a mother of other individuals. Therefore, according to normal conditions, bamboo flowering is an abnormal phenomenon.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

The ending of bamboo after flowering also seems to illustrate this, after a bamboo forest blooms, it often begins to wither and eventually die, and due to the symbiotic relationship of the bamboo forest, death is a piece. This also makes the blossoming of bamboo a bad omen. From a biological point of view, bamboo dies after flowering because the flowering results squeeze out the nutrients of the bamboo, so it will deplete and die.

Summary of the ancients

The ancients also found in long-term practice that bamboo blossoming is not only difficult, but also as soon as the bamboo blooms will die, without a correct understanding of bamboo, naturally feel that this is a very obscure scene, if someone sees bamboo blooming, they will also feel that they are contaminated with bad luck, and recently will be a disaster. However, if you put aside psychological factors, bamboo blooms, and moving immediately actually has a certain reason in it.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

Because the flowering time of bamboo is very stable, if the natural environment of survival suddenly deteriorates, it is possible to stimulate bamboo to bloom early. Once the bamboo deems the place unsuitable for growth, it will actively bloom and bear fruit. Bamboo has also become a way to detect the surrounding environment, and the ancients knew that the land was undergoing bad changes when they saw bamboo blooming, so it was reasonable to choose to move.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

A variety of environmental changes will cause bamboo to bloom, the most significant of which is drought, and for the ancient Chinese agricultural society, drought is also a killer, if you encounter a year of drought, it is inevitable to cause famine. You must know that the famine in ancient times was quite terrible, and even there would be a terrible situation of starvation, so it was very necessary to move to a safe place in time.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

Even if it is not drought, bamboo flowering itself will cause some environmental problems, bamboo in addition to certain medicinal value, but also is the favorite food of mice, as long as there is bamboo forest flowering and fruiting, local outbreaks of rat infestation. Of course, for greedy rats, bamboo has to eat, and humans have to eat the grain hoarded, so it often causes unimaginable losses to local granaries.

At the same time, because rats are rampant, it is also likely to cause some infectious diseases, so it is not completely unreasonable for the ancients to associate bamboo flowering with catastrophe, and bamboo flowering will indeed have an immeasurable impact on the surrounding human settlements. Being able to notice the warning of bamboo blooming in time can often save an ordinary Chinese family from a catastrophe.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

Fortunately, today, human beings are not so deeply dependent on the natural environment, and encountering bamboo blossoms can be appreciated as an adventure. However, this does not mean that the wisdom left by the ancients has no effect, modern technology is to transform nature on the basis of understanding nature, but this transformation can not break through the bottom line of nature, otherwise it will also cause natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Bamboo blooms, move immediately, is the blossoming of bamboo really a precursor to cataclysm?

There are many ancient proverbs similar to bamboo blossoms, move immediately, and by studying the birth of these proverbs, scientists can restore the geological changes on the Chinese land and have a deeper understanding of the development of ancient Chinese farming culture, proverbs sound ordinary, but have great research significance for culture and history.

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