
The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

author:Dr. Lou popular science

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Remembering history has always been the basic principle of a Chinese, and since we, as people of the new era, have not experienced the miserable life of the older generation, we cannot easily erase or tamper with those past existences. In the early days after the founding of New China, every one of our people was pointed to the throat with a sharp sword by others and suffered many inhuman tortures. Although it is long gone, the scars of wounds will never disappear, and no one can erase those sins for others.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

Earlier, an interview published by the Beijing News attracted the attention of many people. In this "unreasonable" interview, a mainland history professor expressed his views on Japan's germ warfare. He believed that the germ warfare carried out by the Japanese invading army against China did not exist and was fabricated by people. This remark can be regarded as a denial of the evil deeds committed by Japan against China in those years, and this earth-shaking remark caused many people to be dissatisfied with it, believing that it was suspected of clearing the crimes of the Japanese army, but the famous history professor Cao Shuji disagreed, and firmly believed that he had corrected the mistakes in history.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

As the person at the center of this storm, Professor Cao Shuji is also a highly educated talent, he graduated from the history department of Jiangxi Normal University, and then obtained a bachelor's degree, and then rose all the way, from graduate student to professor in only 7 years, and also served as a professor at East China University of Science and Technology and Fudan University. Such a highly educated history professor was supposed to contribute to the cause of Chinese history, but now it can be seen that this professor's ambition does not seem to be there. Cao Shuji has been named a second-class professor since 2009, and began to enjoy a special allowance from the State Council, and later became a doctoral supervisor at a prestigious university in Shanghai.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

These crowns were placed on Cao Shuji's body, which originally represented the country's trust in him, but now the professor has no clear evidence of Japan's evil deeds to whitewash the Japanese army, and this traitor's remarks are also infuriating. Many netizens believe that this kind of insulting remarks should not be put in the public eye, but apparently the Beijing News did so for its own reasons, and quickly deleted the interview after causing a huge uproar.

At that time, Japan's bacteriological warfare was a microbial invasion war launched against China with Unit 731 as the main force. The poisonous gas of that year drove countless Chinese people into a corner, and even now those sequelae are hurting those survivors all the time. This is not just a simple aggression, but an anti-humanity massacre, and now Cao Shuji's simple phrase "no evidence" has covered those inhumane acts with a fig leaf in order to deceive everyone.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

According to the reporter's interview with Cao Shuji, Cao Shuji said that he came to this conclusion during the epidemic, he carefully studied the past historical records during the epidemic, and summarized the reasons why he thought it was impossible, he thought that if Japan was poisoned, then he would also suffer, so he denied everything based on this simple idea. This remark is really ridiculous, I can't believe that this is from the mouth of a history professor with a high degree, and some netizens even questioned whether this professor burned out his brain during the epidemic? Now Cao Shuji's behavior is equivalent to a grandstanding clown, wearing a top hat and brazenly telling his own ridiculous jokes in front of people.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

As a Chinese, receiving a monthly allowance from the state, in the end he beautifies the crimes committed by Japan and maliciously smears the facts that have been concluded, this kind of behavior will never be tolerated by the Chinese government and people. Under the sound of the crusade, Cao Shuji had no intention of repenting, and even loudly replied that netizens did not understand history, as if the rebuttal of netizens was ignorant nonsense in his opinion.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

Human vivisection, cryonics tests, human poison gas experiments, this cruel behavior that can be seen from the name is now something that some people vainly try to pass by without pain, which will never be allowed. The scars that remain on our compatriots, the families who have been separated by their wives, are the hard evidence of this more convincing than what is written in the book? Some people are immersed in books without knowing that books are written by people, and everything in them cannot be believed, but the eternal scars on those bodies are obviously warmer and heavier than words written in ink.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

As a talent on the mainland, the state even entrusted him with teaching, but he did not fulfill his responsibility as a teacher, and he also made insulting remarks in front of the public, which is really chilling. Although we succeeded in getting Japan to apologize, history can never be easily changed. Although all the evidence cannot withstand scrutiny for those who have intentions, we must resolutely safeguard the original appearance of history in the midst of doubts, we must not only demand an apology from the perpetrators, but also resolutely safeguard the truth and justice of history, so as to defend the dignity and rights of every victim. Strive for our descendants to learn the real history, do the right thing, and let everyone not forget the national shame and maintain their original intention.

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

"Germ warfare" will always be a scar in every Chinese's heart, and the scars on the body may fade over time, but the scars in the heart will be hidden in the heart over time, and finally penetrate deep into the bone marrow. Relations between nations can be reconciled, but every victim cannot reconcile with memory, and everyone will try to remember this history and believe that justice will come. Most of the victims of that year are now old, but despite their age, everyone still remembers the horrific experiments of that year, and the rampant and terrible Japanese will still play out again and again in their dreams, and these terrible experiences will always surround their minds, and who can empathize with these consequences?

The history professor openly whitewashed the Japanese army, Unit 731 did not exist, and the university has not expelled him

Today's society is too comfortable, so there are many non-compliant behaviors. In today's universities, some teachers and professors use their state-given power to act recklessly, openly accepting bribes and neglecting their duties. As a place for nurturing talent, if even the teachers who teach do not set the example they should have, what terrible consequences will it be. The holy places where teaching did not teach and educate, failed to convey correct values to young people, but became a tool to satisfy their own selfish desires, and highly educated talents such as Cao Shuji also whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China. The crimes brought about by war will eventually be judged by history, and we only need to remember history and turn grief into motivation to build the motherland stronger.

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