
The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

author:There is a movie Ling Chen

I don't know when it started, Netflix + Korean dramas have become some kind of signboard.

Count carefully, in recent years, Netflix has produced Korean dramas, from "Kingdom", "Squid Game", "Deserter Pursuit Order" to "Dark Glory" some time ago, etc., there are indeed many that break the circle and have a good reputation.

Recently, another Netflix Korean drama with a curious style met us.

The original manga of the series has been well received, so today let's take a look at it together - "Kamen Girl".

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

This drama has a total of 7 episodes, each episode takes a different character as the main perspective, and together tells the bloody and legendary life of "Kamen Girl".

The protagonist of the first episode is naturally the heroine in the title, "Kamen Girl" Kim Miangmei.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Although her name is Meimei, Kim Maung-mi is a girl who is not good-looking.

She has loved singing and dancing since she was a child, dreaming of growing up to be a star and loved by countless people, but because her appearance is not outstanding, even her mother does not support her dream.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

When she was a student, she was ridiculed and bullied by her classmates because of her appearance.

After working, I even felt that in this face-looking society, good-looking and bad-looking people are completely two lives.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Once, she encountered a salty pig hand on the bus and pulled the other party to the police station on the spot, originally wanting to seek justice, but did not expect that her appearance became the handle of the other party's attack, failed to say nothing, and suffered in vain.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Even with this reality, Kim Mae-mi's dream has not changed.

In order to gain audiences, she opened an account on the Internet, wore a mask and danced live every night, and unknowingly became a famous Internet celebrity "Kamen Girl".

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Of course, her loyal fans are basically otaku.

She will also take advantage of this and send side-scratching videos to them as long as they can get likes and compliments.

Despite knowing that these praises are false, Kim still lives in this vanity of joy. Only when she takes off the mask and returns to reality will she become her inferior, painful self again.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Originally, she could have lived this double life all the time.

Until recently, she had a crush on the company's minister.

When she discovered that the minister did not treat her and another beautiful colleague in the same way, she even more identified the minister as a different idea from other men, and thought that he was worth pursuing.

So, she shared it with fans in the live broadcast.

Unexpectedly, a fan was very excited, saying that if the masked girl dated the minister, she would commit suicide.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

This made Kim Mi-mi feel the feeling of being loved for the first time.

But this happiness did not last long, and she accidentally discovered during a night shift that the minister was actually cheating on the beautiful colleague or cheating in marriage.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

On the night her dream was shattered, she went live naked after getting drunk, and woke up the next day to find that she had been banned.

"Kamen Girl" has since disappeared on the Internet, but the story of Kim Maung-mi has just begun.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

In the second episode, the camera turned, and the protagonist turned into an otaku named Zhu Wunan.

He was the radical fan who left suicide threats for "The Masquerade".

Zhu Wunan was also ostracized since childhood because of his appearance and figure. This led him to develop an inferiority personality and develop social barriers as adults, let alone girlfriends.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

In order to meet his physical needs, he was addicted to online pornography, fell in love at first sight with the sexy and mysterious "masked girl", and became popular in her fan forums.

Usually, because of his inferiority, Zhu Wunan does not like to look directly at people, and when chatting face to face, he does not know where to put his eyes, and he will stare at people's hands - this crooked beating makes him find that the position of the mole on the back of the "masked girl" is exactly the same as that of a female colleague.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

In this way, he discovered the secret of Kim Maung Mei.

However, he did not tell anyone this secret, but turned his head and cooked an illegitimate meal, tracking and monitoring Kim Mi-mi's daily life, and obtained some kind of twisted satisfaction from it.

Until one day, he found that there was also a lewd man who was also approaching Jin Meimei.

The other party disguised as a true love fan of "Kamen Girl", in fact, just wanted to see what she looked like under the mask, and after discovering that she was an ugly girl, he posted it on the Internet to ridicule and threatened to cheat the cannon.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Zhu Wunan was angry and corrupted, and in order to protect his beauty, he immediately rushed to the place where the two were dating.

However, when he arrived, the scene was already in shambles, and the lewd man fell in a pool of blood.

It turned out that he tried to rape his beauty, but was killed back. Meimei wanted to call the police, but was stopped by Zhu Wunan, who persuaded Meimei to leave the scene and stay to help her dispose of the body, thinking that such a practice would definitely move the "goddess".

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

But after suffering this series of blows, Meimei was already dead.

She decided to quit, get plastic surgery, change to another city and start her life with a new identity.

This made Zhu Wunan unacceptable, and he came to the door to confess to Meimei and forcibly had sex with her. But I didn't expect that I also suffered the same ending as the lewd man...

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Two episodes later, there are already two murders.

The two mutilated bodies were quickly discovered by the police, and the "masked girl" was undoubtedly on the suspect list. But at this time, Jin Meimei after plastic surgery is like evaporating from the world, and no one knows where she went.

Until the protagonist of the third episode, Zhu Wunan's mother Jin Qingzi appeared.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Jin Qingzi had an unhappy marriage when he was young, and worked hard alone to raise Zhu Wunan.

In her heart, Zhu Wunan is a kind, honest and introverted baby son, but because he is not good at words, he is always bullied by outsiders.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

When she was a child, she would show a very strong side in order to protect her son;

But Zhu Wunan, who has grown up, can no longer stand this strong and controlling mother, moves out of the house to live alone, and even deliberately reduces contact with his mother.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

But I didn't expect that when Kim Kyungko found his long-lost son again, he only saw his body.

The pain and anger suddenly ignited the flame of revenge.

For the next half of her life, she sold her family property like a madman, and even went to learn computers and shooting, just to find the disappeared "masked girl" and avenge her son with her own hands.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

However, when she finally found Kim Mi-mi after plastic surgery and tied her to the outskirts, intending to assassinate her, the other party told her that the "Kamen Girl" was someone else...

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

It is not difficult to see that the narrative of this drama is very ingenious. The way each episode changes the protagonist not only complements the information from multiple perspectives and constantly reverses the truth, but also allows each character who appears to have a detailed story branch.

And these characters, without exception, are some kind of "evil people".

The heroine escapes after murder, thinking that she can restart her life with a different face;

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

When Zhu Wunan disposed of the corpse of the lewd man, he found that he was not actually killed by Meimei, but just fainted.

But he did not tell Maomei, but out of the hatred of "love enemy", he mended the knife and killed the other party on the spot, and tried to control Meimei with this.

This is enough to show that his love for "Kamen Girl" is nothing more than twisted possessiveness.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

Zhu Wunan's mother refused to accept her son's murder and rape.

The reason why she is crazy for revenge is because only by pushing all the mistakes on the "masked girl" can she be better consistent.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

And the "fake beauty" and beautiful daughters who appeared one after another after another are also the same.

Each character struggles with some kind of painful predicament, and thus forms a large web of love and killing.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

It is worth mentioning that the story of the entire show spans decades.

The heroine Kim Maung-mi will appear from three main perspectives, telling her experiences during the "Masquerade" period, plastic surgery escape, and imprisonment.

Three actors are also used in the play, so that the audience can clearly see her mood changes in three stages, but in just 7 episodes, she has shot a sense of embarrassment.

When the audience sees the final ending of the beauty, they will definitely sigh at her horse-grabbing, crazy and legendary half-life.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy

In my opinion, the life of each character in this drama points to a kind of tragedy, and the commonality of their tragedies is not only in the desire but not getting love, but also in the deviation of the understanding of "love".

For the inferiority of the beauty of the appearance thinks that the attention and pursuit of others is love, Zhu Wunan regards self-touching sacrifice as love, and Wuman's mother believes that desperate protection is love... When they are paranoid in their pursuit of what they think of as "love", trying to influence or even destroy others, the result is naturally not difficult to predict.

The war between female Internet celebrities and male mothers is too crazy