
Penetrate the fog of history to see the truth of the demise of the Shang Dynasty

author:When Dad talks about stocks and gold
Penetrate the fog of history to see the truth of the demise of the Shang Dynasty

As the king of the Shang Dynasty, the king of the Shang Dynasty can be described as a household name, especially after the advertising effect of the list of gods, the image of the king of the king is even more smelly, becoming the second Internet celebrity tyrant in Chinese history (the first is Xia Jie), firmly nailed to the column of shame of history.

Let's take a look at the well-known King of Gong. He spoiled himself, was close to villains, did not listen to advice, and liked to be extravagant and lascivious, build deer platforms, set up wine ponds and meat forests, and seek pleasure every day. To the loyal subjects who put forward opinions, they invented the punishment of cannon branding, and dug up more than dry hearts to harm Zhongliang. He was cruel by nature, killing pregnant women at will to take fetuses, and saw people crossing the river in winter to cut off people's legs to study bone marrow. The crimes are truly heinous! These are all depictions and folk traditions written by literati throughout the ages, so how is the rigorous history book written? Unfortunately, because history is written by the victors, is a little girl dressed as a person, the image of the King of Lu is equally unbearable, but the history books also acknowledge that the King of Lu is brave and powerful, the martial arts are strong, and the merits of leading the army to conquer Dongyi to win a complete victory, while vaguely saying that he is wise but self-conscious, and since then, the King of Lu has finally had some advantages.

The brutality and fainting of the King of Sui led to the demise of the Shang seems to have been conclusive, but then let us penetrate the fog of the history books and further study and explore the truth, and we will find some different mysteries.

Merchants believe that "the major affairs of the country, in the worship and Rong", and the merchants are particularly superstitious, every major event must be divination, according to the oracle bone Bu Ci records, the king of The Three Imperial Guards personally conquered Dongyi, spanning fifteen years, due to the backward traffic at that time, prepared to taste hardships, the road to and fro once it will take a year, after a difficult war, finally defeated Dongyi, triumphantly returned to the dynasty. This raises the question, if the King of Qiu is really a tyrant, the people and the army should have been separated from Germany long ago, how can they have such loyal and courageous soldiers and win the victory of the arduous expedition? It should be known that Tang Taizong's generation of Ming Jun, the expedition to Korea was still a big defeat, not to mention the sui dynasty caused the fall of Sui in the heyday of the Sui Emperor. The king of Lu won three expeditions, and if there was no Zhou people invading the throne and sitting firmly, it can be seen that at that time, the hearts and minds of the people were all available, and it was definitely not the people in the history books who fled to Xiqi in large numbers to stay away from tyranny. From the perspective of time, every expedition must be carefully prepared for a long time, pouring out the strength of the country, with the low level of productivity at that time, it is difficult for the king of Lu at the same time, and there is time and financial resources to build Lutai to engage in wine pond meat forest to enjoy day by day.

The second loophole in history's depiction of the image of the King of Lu is exactly what Zhou Ren himself provided, that is, the Shang Shu. Pastoral Oath". This is the oath and battle text issued by King Wu of Zhou before the Battle of Makino. The oath is divided into three parts: the first part is to comfort the soldiers of the princely states who have come from afar to help in the war; the second part is to count the sins of the king, prove that his division is famous, and inspire the soldiers to fight with the enemy; the third part is the military deployment in the war. This is an extremely important historical document. Before the ancients challenged or fought a decisive battle against the old rulers, they generally issued a text, dressing themselves up as a righteous teacher of hanging the people and cutting down crimes, while the enemy was full of evil and difficult to read. In history, there are famous people in history who drafted the crusade against Cao Cao, the crusade against Wu Zetian drafted by King Luo Bin, and the sui emperor's essay on Li Mi, which exposed the other party's sins one by one, and lashed out so painfully that Cao Cao's headache was cursed, which showed the power of The Tang Wen! So how does King Wu describe the sins of King Wu? Let's look at the second part of the original text.

"The ancients had a saying: 'There is no morning for the rooster; the morning of the rooster is only the rope of the family.'" Now the king of Shang is subjected, but the words of the woman are used, and the fainting of the king's parents and brothers are not di, but the many sins of the four sides have fled, and they are revered or long, they are messengers, they think that they are masters and secretaries, and they are tyrannical to the people, and they are adulterous to the shangyi. The translation is to the effect that "the ancients said, 'The hen does not report early in the morning; if the hen does, it means that the family is about to decline.' Now the King of Shang only listened to the words of the women, paid no attention to the sacrifices of his ancestors, did not appoint his brothers of the same clan, but respected the evil people who had fled from all directions, trusted them very much, appointed them as doctors and secretaries, and mutilated the people. "The King of Wu listed these sins of the King of Sui, except that the trustworthy woman was considered the fault of the monarch in ancient times, and the other vagueness, if there is none, it is difficult to say whether it is a sin or not. Reusing foreign exiles on the so-called Ming Jun, such as Qin Mugong and Bai Lixi, is a beautiful conversation for thousands of years, and it is a crime here in the King of Lu, which shows how much sin he wants to add! If King Huan really had those evils recorded in the history books and circulated by the people, King Wu of Zhou would certainly not miss the opportunity, and would definitely add fuel to the vinegar and publicize them, but there was none, is this not strange?

Penetrate the fog of history to see the truth of the demise of the Shang Dynasty

The third flaw came from the Battle of Makino. In the first month of 1046 BC (it was really a good day to engage in sneak attacks, just like the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, I serve), the King of Wu led three hundred chariots, three hundred tigers (there are also three thousand sayings), forty-five thousand warriors approached the Shang capital without any obstacles, and the King of Lu sent slaves and prisoners of war to form a ragtag crowd to meet the battle. Although there were many Shang troops, slaves and prisoners of war defected in front of the battle, and the battle ended easily with the victory of the Zhou army, the Zhou army invaded Yindu, the king of Lu set himself on fire, and the king of Wu Keshang succeeded! The question now is that the Shang Dynasty, as a dynasty of five hundred years, has achieved great feats and victories in the three major expeditions led by the King of Lu, which shows that during this period, the combat effectiveness of the Shang army was very strong, but where was the main force of the Shang army in the Battle of Makino? How did he suddenly fall to the point of fighting for life and death by conscripting slaves and prisoners of war? It's hard to understand.

Penetrate the fog of history to see the truth of the demise of the Shang Dynasty

Let's look at the early days of the Zhou Dynasty, and Wu Geng, the son of King Huan, was still recognized as a prince of the party. Later generations believed that this was the benevolence of the King of Wu, and the destruction of the country was endless. In fact, through the history books, China's rulers flaunt benevolence and righteousness, and the appearance of destroying the country is just a cover-up, and the deposed emperors of the former dynasty and the close relatives of the direct clan must be killed to avoid resurgence, and then choose distant relatives other than wufu to seal a nominal prince to show their benevolence. Wu Geng, on the other hand, had its own country and territory, had a certain military strength, and the Wu Geng Rebellion that occurred later swept through the entire eastern part of the Zhou Dynasty, that is, the Shang homeland, and the Zhou Gong took three years of bitter fighting to successfully suppress the rebellion. These rebels who supported the Shang were obviously a hundred times stronger than the Shang army at the Battle of Makino, which also proved from the side that although the Wu King Keshang was successful, the political influence and military strength preserved by the Shang could not be underestimated, and the people of the Shang were not happy with the destruction of the King of Shang, but rose up to rebel against revenge, so Zhou Hou's treatment of Wu Geng was actually a political compromise that was unavoidable at that time.

Through the analysis and judgment of the above historical materials, we can roughly restore the historical truth of the demise of the Shang Dynasty. From the ancestors of the King of Sui, Dongyi and Huaiyi from the east and southeast of the Shang Dynasty became the number one threat to the empire, and in the long-term battle with the enemy in the southeast, the military center of gravity gradually shifted to the east, which gave the Western Zhou people of the empire the opportunity to gradually sit up. Although the king led his army to a huge victory, his own consumption was also very serious, and the main forces of the empire were also stationed in the southeast region. Successive generations of Zhou people up to King Wen of Zhou behaved very obediently to the Shang Dynasty, causing King Huan to let down his guard and ignore the threat from the west, and finally made a big mistake! In the face of the carefully selected days of the Zhou people, the surprise attack was caught off guard, which eventually led to the death of the country. Although King Wu of Zhou's military adventure was successful, he was afraid that others would learn from him, so he fabricated countless charges for the king, portraying his treacherous rebellion as a righteous act of obedience to heaven, and at the same time making political compromises to appease the shang remnants and troops who were still strong. The Zhou Dynasty has a long history, and after generations of Zhou people have unremittingly pasted gold to the old ancestors and smeared the King of Lu, the King of Qiu has finally become black into his current appearance, and he can't wash it away by jumping into the Yellow River!

alack! A generation of heroes, the king of The King, finally "died of the king", and died so bravely that he had to laugh for the world, which was really a strange injustice for eternity!

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