
Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

author:Yuan Bao is invincible

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If you were young and financially free, what lifestyle would you choose? A year ago, post-90s programmer Guo Yu posted a resignation letter on social media, announcing his retirement at the end of the age of 28. Before that, he taught himself programming with a degree in politics and administration, stepped into Alipay, started a business, and then the company was acquired by ByteDance...

The news of Guo Yu's retirement at the age of 28 sparked a wave of heated discussions on the Internet. 28 years old, financially free, retired. These keywords have firmly attracted the attention of young people and satisfied people's imagination of wealth accumulation under the wave of the Internet.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

After a year of observation and exclusive interviews, we will take you into Guo Yu's retirement life, a world full of freedom and exploration.


Learn to sail, camp, snorkel...

Explore the endless possibilities of human skills

Guo Yu, who currently lives in Minami-Aoyama, Japan, chose this place not only because of the bustling Omotesando shopping street, but also because of the Aoyama Spirit Garden with large green spaces around the center of Minato. He rents a 50-square-meter apartment for about 13,500 yuan a month. This apartment looks out onto the Metropolitan Expressway, leading to Minato on one side and Shibuya on the other, and there is a constant flow of traffic.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

One of the characteristics of retirement life is that there is no fixed routine. No more going to work, no family to take care of, no tasks to complete. Guo Yu's life is full of flexibility. He often wakes up in the middle of the day, sometimes drinking coffee, sometimes going downstairs to eat, and sometimes cooking himself. The perception of time has also changed, and he no longer cares what day of the week it is and what the season is. He felt that time passed quickly and cooled most of the time.

Due to the loss of linearity in time, a lot of things become blurred. When making travel plans, he often doesn't know what day of the week it is.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

Sometimes, he would get off the ground and get stuck in evening rush hour traffic. As a result, he began to stop making long-term travel plans.

When it comes to diet, he began to focus on health. In the past, he did not control his diet very much and his weight had been rising. Now, he tries the ketogenic diet and cooks it himself. Every day he eats salad, tuna, drinks milk, and frys his own steak and chicken. After two months, he lost more than a dozen kilograms and looked slimmer.

Guo Yu still has a lot of things he wants to try. He decided to take a manual driver's license and successfully got it.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

He also bought a dark green manual transmission vehicle to satisfy his hobby. He started camping and filmed camping vlogs, documenting his camping experiences in different places. He even decided to get a ship's license in order to explore the possibilities of sea travel in more depth.

Guo Yu's life is like a journey to the sea, full of exploration and freedom. His choice is different from those of his peers who have families, children, and struggles with what international school their children attend. He is pursuing an unusual path in life.


Share life experiences

Guo Yu opened up on social media

Guo Yu is very active on social media, sharing his life moments.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

He never hesitates to share his daily life, and almost all Weibo and friend circles are updated simultaneously. His habit of recording was developed from an early age, not out of a deliberate need to open up or seek to connect with people who shared similar values, but from his lonely childhood.

Although Guo Yu presents an image of financial freedom, his expression is full of directness and sincerity. He's not just living his life, he's exploring a way of life, and he wants to share his experience with everyone.

However, despite his many Weibo followers and WeChat friends, he said his social circle is getting smaller and smaller.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

Except for push notifications, almost no one sends messages on the phone. He had some colleagues and friends in Beijing, but those contacts dwindled over time. Although his circle of friends and Weibo share a lot, he feels that he has fewer and fewer friends.

Guo Yu's social media portrays an image of financial freedom, but he feels very "present". In real life, he learns to drive manually, hike, dive, surf, and drive a boat

Guo Yu's life story has always been full of independence and exploration. After financial freedom, he did not choose to stand still, but actively pursued his inner desires and interests.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

This choice of free life seems to tell us that wealth accumulation is only a part of life, and more importantly, how to use this wealth to pursue the life you really want.

Over time, Guo Yu's daily life has become more colorful and diverse. He is no longer limited by time and place, and can experience new things anytime, anywhere. From learning a manual driver's license to buying a unique vehicle, from trying the ketogenic diet to cooking delicious food himself, to experiencing camping and snorkeling, it all became a part of his life.

However, Guo Yu is not satisfied with just experiencing life, he also actively shares his experiences and insights.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

Social media became a platform for him to express himself, and he did not hesitate to share his daily life and thoughts. His directness and sincerity have attracted the attention of many people, and he seems to be sending a message to the world that life is rich and colorful, and we should actively experience and share it.

Guo Yu's life choices also reflect a unique vision of the future. He has an eye on space travel and commercial spaceflight, which he thinks will be the future. Although he did not particularly desire something specific, he firmly believed that the development of these fields would bring more opportunities and inspiration to mankind.

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?

His interest in space travel also allows us to see his passion for adventure and exploration.

Guo Yu's life choices may be different from many others, but his story reminds us that life is not only about pursuing wealth, but also about pursuing one's inner passion and happiness. Everyone has different pursuits, and true wealth lies in being able to live a full and meaningful life on your own terms. Like Guo Yu, we can also actively pursue our dreams, explore unknown areas, and create our own wonderful lives. So, if you were young and financially free, what would you do?

Guo Yu, a 28-year-old financially free programmer who has been on the hot search, is he more free this year after retirement?