
Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

author:Fatty acids pass

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Twists and turns, glorious transformation - Ning Zetao's extraordinary road

On Ning Zetao's road to fame, twists and turns, brilliance, setbacks, inspiration, these words are interwoven into a vivid picture. At the 2013 National Swimming Championships in Zhengzhou, a young swimmer stared at the pool with a determined gaze, as if declaring his existence to the world. This spirited young man is Ning Zetao, and his name has since entered people's field of vision.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

Ning Zetao's swimming strength at that time was impressive, he was like a flying fish, quickly shuttling through the pool, breaking records again and again. In that race, he not only won the championship, but also broke a five-year record, and applause and praise followed. Ning Zetao became a rising star in the swimming world, and his figure and appearance also attracted many fans, laying the foundation for his career.

However, Ning Zetao's career path has not been smooth. Although he excelled in the short distance freestyle, the sport is a huge challenge for Asian people physically and congenital conditions.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

Before him, no Asian had reached the final of a sprint swimming competition, let alone won the title. Therefore, although Ning Zetao did not win the Olympic gold medal, he proved his potential, and he was only one chance away.

Finally, the 2016 Rio Olympics are coming, and everyone expects Ning Zetao to shine in pools around the world. However, his performance was surprisingly bad and he did not make it to the finals. The audience was disappointed, the fans regretted, and Ning Zetao also left the scene sadly, it seems that his pool career has come to an unsatisfactory end.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

Despite this, fans are still full of hope for Ning Zetao, but no one expected that a year later, Ning Zetao would say goodbye to the pool forever. His departure has sparked speculation and confusion, why did he choose to withdraw from the national team at his peak? What is hidden behind the withdrawal?

Ning Zetao's road to growth was full of ups and downs, he was born into a military family, and his parents expected him to be an outstanding talent. However, he was scared of water as a child until his mother enrolled him in swimming lessons.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

This chance became the beginning of his career. Although he had no contact with swimming, he showed great talent. His mentor, Coach Guo Hongyan, spoke highly of him, and he quickly mastered the essentials of swimming. Determined to train him to become a professional athlete, his parents searched for a mentor to train repeatedly.

Under the training of the provincial team, Ning Zetao has improved rapidly, even surpassing those senior brothers who have been training longer. Has his career been smooth sailing? Not. In 2011, he wanted to compete in the National Swimming Championships, but the shocking word "doping" appeared in the medical report.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

Although the truth was eventually revealed that Ning Zetao mistakenly ate ham sausages containing clenbuterol, he was saddled with a black pot of "gluttony and unruly rules".

Ning Zetao's career did not stop there, he worked hard to overcome setbacks and move on. However, in 2016, he was "expelled" from the national team, which sparked speculation and criticism from the outside world. Some people claim that he received endorsements privately to lead to this result, and his advertising endorsement costs amounted to tens of millions. This rumor spread on the Internet, making people question Ning Zetao's departure.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

However, the truth is not so simple. In the documentary "Turning Point", Ning Zetao tells the truth of the matter. It turned out that his departure had nothing to do with his private endorsements. Managers became dissatisfied with Ning Zetao after signing an advertising contract that conflicted with an endorsement product that he had privately received. Although Ning Zetao only chose to continue to endorse the products he received before in order to avoid huge liquidated damages, the management believed that he violated the regulations for personal gain.

This incident made Ning Zetao's life in the national team difficult, he faced various problems, even without a professional coach


Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

Under this pressure, his psychology was seriously affected and his training performance was also problematic. So, at the Rio Olympics, he was unable to show his true strength and ended in failure.

After leaving the pool, Ning Zetao fell into a trough and almost disappeared from public view. However, he did not give up. In August 2020, Ning Zetao received good news that he began to get involved in golf. This time the transformation was a pleasant surprise, and fans sent their blessings. Soon after, he became a model in the fashion industry with his figure and appearance and embarked on a new path.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

As an athlete, Ning's performance may be seen as substandard, but as someone who has experienced setbacks and kept getting up, he is an inspirational role model. His story tells us that there will always be difficulties and setbacks in life, but as long as you persevere, you can overcome all difficulties and start a new life.

Ning Zetao's pool career may be over, but his story will always inspire people, hoping that more athletes can achieve good results on the field, and hope that everyone can learn from Ning Zetao tenacity and courage, no matter when and where, continue to pursue their dreams.

Ning Zetao was expelled! 16 years of red-headed documents exposed, the inside story is revealed!

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