
Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

author:Wisdom willow leaf caH

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Things are impermanent, and so is the change in lithography machine technology. At one time, the global lithography machine market was almost monopolized by a few companies, but now, China's scientific and technological strength is emerging, injecting new vitality into this pattern. However, at the same time, the US blockade policy is also escalating, and competition and disputes in the semiconductor field are intensifying. This article will take you to an in-depth understanding of the battle and competition behind this lithography machine, showing the variety of life in the world of technology.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

In a quiet world of technology, an incredible shift suddenly erupts. While the Biden administration was still drunk on reaching an agreement in the field of semiconductors, two shocking news came from China and the United States. The sudden occurrence of these events may seem somewhat unexpected, but it seems to have been foreshadowed.

The lithography machine, the core equipment for manufacturing chips, was once monopolized by ASML in the Netherlands, Nikon and Canon in Japan, who control more than 95% of the global lithography machine market and have become the dominant industry master. However, in order to limit China's development in the semiconductor field, the United States has adopted a series of coercion and inducements to force Japan and the Netherlands to sign a tripartite agreement with it, prohibiting the sale of high-end semiconductor technology and equipment to Chinese companies.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

The president of ASML has repeatedly warned in public that if the lithography machine technology is not sold to China, China will master all the technology in this field in a few years, and ASML may be forced to withdraw from the Chinese market and suffer a fatal blow. Although ASML, Nikon and Canon understand this, they have to choose to stop offering some models of mid-to-high-end lithography machines to Chinese customers under the threat of the United States.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

Although the mainland's technology accumulation in the field of lithography machines is relatively weak and there is a certain gap with the West, this should not be a reason to limit the development of China's lithography machine industry. In today's fierce Sino-US science and technology competition, it is necessary for the mainland to have its own lithography machine to break the blockade of technology by the United States and its allies and realize the rise of Chinese science and technology.

Fortunately, Chinese scientists have lived up to their expectations. The first domestic mid-range lithography machine has come out and has entered the production line of Chinese enterprises. Not long ago, Chinese companies announced the cancellation of tens of billions of dollars of foreign purchase orders and put domestic mid-range lithography machines into the production line. According to industry insiders, the precision and stability of this domestic mid-range lithography machine have reached the world's leading level.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

As the United States continues to escalate the blockade of the mainland semiconductor industry, the first domestic mid-range lithography machine into the production line of Chinese enterprises is of great historical significance, which marks the failure of the blockade plan of the United States, Japan and the Netherlands on the mainland semiconductor industry, and their dominance in the field of lithography machine has been broken.

However, unexpectedly, shortly after the domestic lithography machine entered the production line of Chinese companies, internal disputes broke out in the United States. John Neufield, president of the American Semiconductor Association, took the lead in speaking out, demanding that the Biden administration publish standards for "national security issues" and making it clear that the sale of chips by American companies to Chinese companies will not involve "national security issues." While American companies are powerless to resist, they will not sit still.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

From Trump to Biden, the United States has constantly revised its rules to prevent American companies and companies using American technology from cooperating with Chinese companies, trying to sever ties with China, putting American companies at risk of bankruptcy at any time.

According to data released by the American Semiconductor Association, in the three years that the United States suppressed Huawei and other Chinese companies, US semiconductor companies directly and indirectly suffered economic losses of up to $5 trillion, and many US semiconductor companies went bankrupt and hundreds of thousands lost their jobs. From this set of data, it is not difficult to see that internal disputes in the United States have long been imminent.

Two "good news" from China and the United States are related to chips

Both of these news are related to chip technology, and also reveal the fact that the United States cannot consolidate its technological hegemony by suppressing China's technology industry. Such bullying practices could not only lead to the decline of the United States, but also accelerate the rise of China. Chinese people will not succumb to any difficulties, they will see all difficulties as catalysts in the way forward

This kind of tenacity and determination is the real driving force of China's scientific and technological development.

However, this global competition in the field of semiconductors is not limited to the manufacture of lithography machines. In the digital age, the semiconductor industry is undoubtedly a key area for economic development and national security. The US lockdown policy has raised concerns in the international community because it not only poses a challenge to China, but also has a profound impact on the global semiconductor supply chain.

The lockdown policy has led to the restructuring of the industrial chain, and countries around the world are re-evaluating the reliability and security of the semiconductor supply chain. China is actively promoting independent research and development and strengthening its own semiconductor production capacity in response to the escalating lockdown measures. At the same time, China has also strengthened international cooperation and established partnerships with scientific research institutions and enterprises in other countries to promote common development in the semiconductor field.

At the same time, divisions within the United States are growing. Some U.S. businesses believe that the lockdown policy has harmed their interests and led to huge economic losses. They called on the government to rethink its policies and seek more rational solutions to ensure its competitiveness. This internal contradiction has made the US government face increasing resistance as it continues to escalate its blockade policy.

The future of the semiconductor industry is full of uncertainties and challenges, but also full of opportunities. China has demonstrated solid strength in the field of technology and has continuously strengthened international cooperation, which has provided new impetus for the sustainable development of the global semiconductor industry. The United States needs to re-examine its policies, balancing national security and economic interests to maintain its competitive position in global science and technology.

In this era of challenges and changes, only by adhering to the spirit of openness, cooperation and innovation can we promote the semiconductor industry towards a more prosperous future. Both China and the United States need to recognize that success in this competitive field is the only way to succeed together. The diverse life of the technological world requires constant change and adaptation, which is exactly where we are headed.

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