
What social problems will the death of the retired elderly due to the new crown bring?

author:Online second old

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This is a heavy and unavoidable issue. Although Omicron is relatively low-fatal, the threat of the virus is not to be underestimated for the elderly, especially those with underlying medical conditions. Unfortunately, some elderly people have not been able to withstand the impact of this round of the epidemic and unfortunately passed away.

Up to now, we do not have authoritative public data on how many elderly people have died due to the new crown. There is a saying that "there is an old family if there is a treasure", and parents are the strong pillars in our lives. If the elderly in the family are unable to withstand the impact of the pandemic, this will not only cause great suffering to individuals and families, but may also lead to a series of secondary disasters.

What social problems will the death of the retired elderly due to the new crown bring?

The mass death of the elderly may have three impacts on society, let's analyze it in depth.

First, pension fund spending has decreased.

Many older people have a pension or pension, and this money gradually increases as they age. If the elderly die on a large scale, this will directly reduce the pension expenditure of society. Assuming that each deceased elderly person receives a pension of 40,000 yuan per year, then each person receives 5 years less pension, and on average, each person receives 200,000 yuan less, which may be shocking. This will result in huge savings to pension funds, further putting pressure on our pension system.

What social problems will the death of the retired elderly due to the new crown bring?

Second, it may have an impact on the delayed retirement policy.

Although the delayed retirement policy has become an irresistible trend in China, the specific implementation method has yet to be determined. Policymakers are currently pursuing plans to gradually increase the statutory retirement age. However, the increase in deaths among the elderly due to the pandemic may reduce life expectancy on the mainland, which is also a key basis for delaying retirement policies. Therefore, the consequences of the epidemic may not only affect pension expenditures, but also change the specific implementation time of the delayed retirement policy.

What social problems will the death of the retired elderly due to the new crown bring?

Third, it may have an impact on young people's consumption and bring secondary disasters.

At present, many post-80s and post-90s young people have a strong desire to consume, and even during the epidemic in the past three years, their consumption has not been greatly affected. In addition to the stable income of some people, some young people rely on the family's pension or pension for consumption. This means that some young people's living expenses are not entirely dependent on their own income, but are supported by the elderly in their families. During the pandemic, some young people had almost no income of their own, but were still able to repay their mortgages and car loans on time, mainly relying on the pensions of the elderly in their families to sustain themselves.

What social problems will the death of the retired elderly due to the new crown bring?

However, if the elderly in the family dies, this will cause a series of secondary problems for the family. In addition to the difficulties in life and the loss of care for the elderly, some young people will face greater work and childbearing pressure. Without the help of the elderly, life will be more difficult for some people.

In summary, the secondary problems caused by the death of older persons will affect all aspects of society. Of course, we all hope that this assumption will never become a reality, but rather that everyone will be able to stand on their own. As we enter a brand new year of 2023, let us sincerely wish all the elderly a long and healthy life, while also creating more opportunities and support for the younger generation to meet the challenges of the future. In this process, we need more social care and policy support to ensure that everyone can live a happy life.

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