
Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

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On September 20, 2023, the news broke on the Internet that Wang Xiaofei's gossip girlfriend Zhang Yingying started a live broadcast late at night, crying while trying to clarify some rumors about her, which caused sustained attention and heated discussion.

It is understood that that night, Zhang Yingying was wearing pajamas and suddenly turned on the live broadcast. In the shot, her cheeks are flushed, she looks quite bad, and she seems to have drunk a lot of alcohol.

When connecting with friends, Zhang Yingying first mentioned the goods she wants to sell in the live broadcast, and she said that she needs to adjust her status.

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

However, netizens in the comment area kept asking about her affair with Wang Xiaofei, and some even raised the question of "using children to exchange houses?" This is too humble" remarks.

In response to these questions, Zhang Yingying seemed very angry, she angrily explained that she earned 4.8 million yuan to buy a house through her live broadcast, so there is no such thing as exchanging children for houses, and she did not falsify academic qualifications or age information.

In addition, she also said a little uncontrollably: "Even if I drink more, it doesn't matter, I don't care that this live broadcast is recorded." ”

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

However, I don't know if it was because after drinking, Zhang Yingying spoke a little stuttered and did not express clearly enough, and finally her friend had to help explain.

However, many netizens expressed skepticism about these clarifications, and they speculated that Zhang Yingying may be lying by observing her movements such as ruffling her hair and glancing up. Others believe that in Beijing, 4.8 million yuan is simply not enough to buy two properties.

Unable to fully clarify all doubts, Zhang Yingying became more and more sad, she couldn't help crying in public, she asked: "Why do I have to bear all the responsibility?" What the hell am I doing wrong? She hired someone to insult me? ”

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

Her friends around her felt distressed and asked her what was wrong, feeling that her eyes had lost their light.

Later, Zhang Yingying's eyes were red from crying, and she constantly encouraged herself and said to the camera: "Come on, you are the best, everything will be fine." ”

The most striking thing is that a man wearing a white T-shirt suddenly appeared in the picture, and while he said "Okay, don't cry", he firmly hugged Zhang Yingying into his arms, and then directly turned off the live broadcast.

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

Although the man did not show his face, judging from his dress and jawline, it seemed to be Wang Xiaofei, which seemed to confirm that the two had already lived together.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Xiaofei once caused controversy because she said that she missed her children very much after drinking in the live broadcast, but Big S did not allow them to meet. The gossip couple likes to confide their emotions in live broadcasts, and this behavior has also triggered ridicule from netizens.

The scandal between Zhang Yingying and Wang Xiaofei has been rumored for half a year, and the pictures of them participating in dinners and traveling together have been frequently photographed by the media. However, Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan still does not recognize Zhang Yingying, not only does not allow her to participate in the family banquet, but also mocks her in the live broadcast many times, and once even said: "Nonsense, the one called Yingying." ”

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

We have to think about whether Zhang Yingying's grievances and crying at this moment are related to Zhang Lan. Behind all this, do you still have confidence in the relationship between Zhang Yingying and Wang Xiaofei?

#Zhang Yingying#, #Zhang Yingying crying#, #汪小菲#

To sum up, Zhang Yingying's late-night live broadcast has aroused widespread attention and discussion. She tried to clarify some scandals about her in the live broadcast, and unfortunately suffered doubts and accusations from netizens for this. In any case, her emotional expression and the moment of injury attracted attention. At the same time, the appearance of Wang Xiaofei also made people speculate about their relationship. Although the scandal between Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yingying has lasted for half a year, Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan still does not recognize Zhang Yingying, which also makes the whole incident more complicated. In any case, the incident sparked a heated discussion on social media, making people full of good feelings about the direction of the relationship between the two

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

Curious. However, to understand all this, we need more background information and details.

Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yingying's scandal is not just a simple romance, it also involves many aspects such as family, social media and media attention. Wang Xiaofei's mother, Zhang Lan, has always been skeptical of the relationship, which to some extent adds to the complexity of the incident. Her attitude was not only reflected in not allowing Zhang Yingying to attend the family banquet, but also expressed her dissatisfaction with the scandal many times on social media.

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

At the same time, this incident also reflects the fragility of personal privacy in the Internet era. Zhang Yingying tried to clarify her image in the live broadcast, but it eventually caused more doubts and criticism. The winds of public opinion on social media are changing rapidly, and a momentary emotional catharsis can have a long-term impact on a person's reputation.

Finally, Wang Xiaofei's role in this incident is also worth paying attention to. His appearance seemed to provide Zhang Yingying with emotional support, but it also sparked more speculation. Whether the two really live together and whether there is a deeper emotional entanglement, these questions make people full of curiosity.

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

All in all, this event is not only an entertaining news, but also reflects the complexity of personal life and privacy in the age of social media. The fate of Zhang Yingying and Wang Xiaofei is still unknown, but this incident reminds us that careful handling of personal privacy and emotional relationships is crucial in today's social media era. May they be able to resolve all this smoothly and find their own happiness.

Zhang Yingying wore pajamas late at night live broadcast crying drunk, her face was red, Wang Xiaofei was suspicious and domineering, hugged and comforted

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