
Zhang Quansheng went to Shengle Town to preach and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech

author:and Lin Rong Media

In order to continue to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st", we should effectively unify the thoughts and actions of the majority of party members and cadres with the spirit of the speech, and better implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment to the full implementation. On September 13, Zhang Quansheng, Secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, went to Shengle Town to preach and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech. Members of the town party committee and all town cadres listened to the lecture.

Zhang Quansheng went to Shengle Town to preach and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech

Zhang Quansheng systematically explained to the party members and cadres in the town from three aspects and nine musts, such as the main contents, important position, great significance, and how to comprehensively study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" speech, focusing on a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new requirements put forward in the "July 1st" speech.

Zhang Quansheng said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech, based on the important moment of the CENT centenary of the Communist Party of China and the key node of the historical intersection of the "two hundred years", is the action guide for our party to unite and lead the people to learn from history and create the future. It is necessary to take the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st" as the top priority of the current theoretical arming work, as the core content of the study and education of party history, with faith and mission, thoroughly understand the spiritual essence, grasp the core essence, and apply what we have learned.

Zhang Quansheng went to Shengle Town to preach and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech

The meeting demanded that the whole town should take this study as an opportunity to further deepen the study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the speech in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the higher authorities and in close connection with reality. First, it is necessary to improve our political standing and make efforts to study and comprehend it. All leading cadres should take the lead in studying, set an example by example, earnestly play an exemplary role in studying and implementing, and set off a wave of study throughout the town. Second, we must truly believe in and practice, and work hard to integrate and penetrate. It is necessary to transform the spirit of the speech into a line of thought for planning development and measures to promote work, scientifically grasp the rich connotation and the value of the times of the great spirit of party building, and take the lead in setting an example of true study and real application. Third, it is necessary to enhance the consciousness of action and make efforts to implement it. It is necessary to combine the spirit of the speech with summing up experience and promoting work, focus on the problems that residents are anxious and anxious about, such as the improvement of the living environment and the improvement of household toilets, make a good "embroidery" effort, focus on solving the worries, worries, and worries of the masses, and hand over a more excellent answer sheet for grass-roots governance.

丨 Editor of this issue: Zhang Yaxin

丨 Review of this issue: Yang Lixia

丨The final judge of this issue: Hu Wenbin

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