
In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

author:Glowing Empire

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The Social Security Law stipulates that after the insured person has paid contributions for 15 years and reaches the statutory retirement age, he can retire to receive a pension. Among the insured groups of employee pension insurance, flexible employment personnel are a relatively special category, and they are the same as active employees, and the measurement and distribution of pensions are the same as the standards. However, when paying contributions, active employees only need to pay 8% of the personal part, and the remaining 16% is borne by the employer. Flexible workers, on the other hand, are personally responsible for 20 per cent of the cost.

In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

In order to alleviate this problem and enable flexible employment personnel to smoothly enroll in insurance and receive retirement benefits, the state has also adopted a series of assistance measures. In 2023, some flexible employees need to pay attention to three things in a timely manner, which are related to insurance participation and treatment.

First, flexible employment can receive social security subsidies

Among flexible workers, the biggest difficulty in participating in insurance is the high payment pressure. There are two main reasons for this problem, one is that individuals need to bear 20% of the contribution ratio, while employees only need to bear 8%; Second, the income of flexible employment personnel is relatively unstable, and it is sometimes difficult to afford high premiums.

In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

In order to help flexible employment, many regions have introduced social security subsidy policies. For example, Hubei Public Security County has formulated the Notice on Expanding the Coverage of Social Insurance Subsidies for Flexible Employment in 2023, clarifying that eligible persons can apply for social insurance subsidies. These conditions include unemployed persons who have received unemployment insurance benefits for more than one year continuously, urban zero-employment family members, rural zero-transfer employment poor family members, disabled persons, and poverty alleviation personnel who have registered for registration. People with different conditions can receive different amounts of subsidies, up to 350 yuan per month.

In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

Therefore, flexible employees should actively pay attention to local social security policies, and must apply for social security subsidies if they meet the conditions to ease the pressure of payment.

Second: flexible employees who deferred pension insurance in 2022 can start making supplementary payments

In 2022, in order to reduce the contribution burden of flexible employees, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security made it clear that individual industrial and commercial enterprises and all kinds of flexible employment personnel can voluntarily suspend the payment of pension insurance premiums until the end of 2023, during which the period will not affect the accumulation of insurance payment years.

In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

During these two years of economic impact, the income of many people in flexible employment has been severely affected. Therefore, some people may have considered no longer paying pension insurance. However, it is important to note that deferral is not exempt. For those who defered their pension premiums in 2022, now is the time to start making supplementary payments. If the supplementary payment time is missed, it will be treated as a cut off, which will have a certain impact on future pension calculations.

In 2023, there will be changes in the participation and treatment of some flexible employees, which are worth paying attention to

Third: Some female flexible workers can retire early

The current legal retirement age on the mainland is 60 for men, 55 for female cadres and women, and 50 for female workers. However, women in flexible employment, who often face high-intensity jobs and higher incomes, need to retire five years later, which means a five-year delay in receiving their pensions.

In order to solve this problem, some regions have taken corresponding adjustment measures. For example, Jiangsu Province took the lead in introducing a policy in 2022 to allow eligible female flexible workers to retire early at the age of 50, including those who have been permanent workers, who have worked in state-owned enterprises and terminated their labor relations within a specific period of time, and female flexible employees who have paid contributions for a total of 15 years.

Similarly, Jiangxi Jiujiang announced in early 2023 that female flexible workers who meet certain conditions can retire early to the age of 50.

In general, after entering 2023, the participation and treatment of some flexible employment personnel have changed to a certain extent. Policies such as social security subsidies, supplementary contributions to pension insurance and early retirement are all worthy of attention.

In this process, flexible employees should pay close attention to the update of local social security policies in order to apply for various policy dividends in a timely manner to ease the pressure of contributions and enjoy early retirement benefits.

As a smart assistant, I suggest that you make full use of the opportunities of social security policies to prepare for your future retirement life. At the same time, pay attention to the relevant social security explanation number to obtain the latest social security, salary, provident fund, pension and medical insurance information to ensure self-protection

The social security rights and interests of the individual are fully guaranteed. After all, social security is an important part of everyone's life and is important for the future of individuals and families.

In conclusion, over time, the social security policy for flexible employees has gradually improved, providing them with more choices and opportunities. Policies such as social security subsidies, supplementary contributions to pension insurance and early retirement have provided more flexibility and convenience for social security for flexible workers. However, as individuals, we also need to be proactive in understanding and using these policies to ensure that our social security rights are protected to the greatest extent.

Finally, if you want to get more information about social security, salary, provident fund, pension and medical insurance, welcome to follow the most popular social security commentary number @Social Security Heart. We'll provide you with the latest and most comprehensive information and explanations to help you better understand and leverage social security policies and build a solid foundation for the future of yourself and your family.

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