
The Mystery of Meng De: His biological father is the adopted son of the Great Eunuch, is Chenxian the place where he rose?

author:The boss of the Xiao family

The Mystery of Meng De: His biological father is the adopted son of the Great Eunuch, is Chenxian the place where he rose?

The Mystery of Meng De: His biological father is the adopted son of the Great Eunuch, is Chenxian the place where he rose?

Cao Cao (曹曹), courtesy name Mengde (孟德), and Xiaozi (阿瞒), was a native of Peiguo County (沛国谯县, in modern Bozhou, Anhui). He was an outstanding politician, military, writer, and calligrapher at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the founder of the Cao Wei regime in the Three Kingdoms.

However, many people have doubts about his origins, starting with his father's adoptive father, Cao Teng. Cao Teng was a great eunuch at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who entered the palace very early and served five generations of emperors, Emperor An, Emperor Shun, Emperor Chong, Emperor Qian, and Emperor Huan. When Cao Teng was emperor of Han'an, he was only a subordinate official of the Yellow Gate, just in time for Empress Deng to issue an edict, and selected a young, gentle, obedient, and cautious Yellow Gate eunuch to accompany the crown prince, that is, the later Shun Emperor. Cao Teng was chosen, thus gaining the trust and dependence of Emperor Shun, and when Emperor Shun was in power, he moved to Changshi. By the end of the Han Dynasty, on the issue of the heir to the throne, the court officials were divided into two factions, one was Li Gu advocating the establishment of the King of Qinghe as emperor, and the other was Liang Ji, a foreign relative, who supported Liu Zhi as emperor. When the two factions held a meeting and disputed each other, Cao Teng saw the opportunity to visit Liang Ji in person and express his support for Liu Zhi as emperor, and at the same time, pointed out to Liang Ji that he was the chief regent of the dynasty, had many guests, complicated interpersonal relations, and many violations of the law. And the King of Qinghe is a strict man, if he is really an emperor, I am afraid that the disaster will not be far away; if Liu Zhi is established, he can keep rich and noble for a long time. Liang Ji agreed with Cao Teng's views, used high-pressure means to force the consent of the people, deposed Li Gu, and established Liu Zhi as Emperor Huan, and Li Gu and others were immediately imprisoned and executed. On the reward of merit, Liang Ji and Cao Teng were promoted and dominated the government. Cao Teng used this merit to move to Changqiu and was given the title of Marquis of Feiting, reaching the peak of the eunuch official position, and the Marquis of Feiting belonged to a high-ranking official of the rank of Lieqing. Cao Teng did not exclude bureaucrats, and unlike ordinary eunuchs, he actively recommended the appointment of talented people, such as Nanyang Yangyang Yangu and Zhang Wen; Chen Liuyufang, Bian Shao; Hongnong Zhang Yi and others, who were just eunuchs. He was able to push and hand over some celebrities, which undoubtedly had a subtle effect on Cao Cao's later stance and attitude towards Haoqiang, to eunuchs, and to celebrities.

  At that time, eunuchs could marry their wives and adopt children, and knighthoods could be passed on to adopted sons. Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, was Cao Teng's adopted son. His biological parents have always been a mystery, according to the "Biography of Cao Qi" and the "New Language of the World", Cao Song's biological father was Xiahou Rui of Nanyang County, and later, Xiahou Rui handed him over to Cao Teng to raise, Cao Song was the uncle of Xiahou Huan later, which was the case that in the Cao Wei era, Xiahou Clan "flourished in a luxurious manner". Influenced by Cao Teng's power, Cao Song's career was smooth sailing, and he became a lieutenant colonel, and during the reign of Emperor Ling of Han, he became the Great Si Nong and da Hongxu, and later bought the official position of Tai Wei. After Cao Teng's death, Cao Song attacked Fei Tinghou. During this period, many people in the Cao family were high officials of the imperial court, for example, Cao Teng's brother Cao Bao was The Taishou of Yingchuan, his son Cao Chi served as a waiter and lieutenant of Changshui, and Cao Teng's nephew Cao Dingguan zhiShang Shuling and so on. Cao Song was able to pay 100 million yuan to buy officials, which showed the wealth of his family wealth, and others such as Cao Chun, the son of Cao Zhao, had hundreds of servants; Cao Hong's family wealth even exceeded Cao Cao's, and there were thousands of family soldiers raised. From this, it can be seen that the Cao family was powerful at that time.

Although the Cao family was once prominent, it could not escape the fate of prosperity and decline. When all the prosperity has become a cloud of smoke, the descendants of the Cao family will surely taste the coolness of the world after the family is lonely. If you want to keep your royal qi from diminishing, it is also very important to absorb his mountain aura.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs came to power, and the Cao family was prominent. However, when the eunuchs lost power, the Cao family also faced a catastrophe. Because the eunuchs had been in trouble for too long, everyone in the government and the public resented them and wanted to punish them in an attempt to get ahead quickly. In order to escape this disaster, Cao Song fled with his family to Langya in Shandong.

After all, Langya County was only a place of refuge, and after the disaster, Cao Song returned to Bozhou, the land of his ancestral home, with his family.

In the first year of the reign of Emperor Huan of Han (155 AD), Cao Cao was born in Pei County. It is an ancient land, near Bo, there are still famous monuments such as the Tomb of the Tang King, the ancient tree of the late Ming Dynasty, and the inscription written by Liang Xian in the Qing Dynasty. The "Chronicle of History" records: "Tang Shiju Bo. "This was once the capital of the Shang Dynasty, in the Spring and Autumn Period it was Chen Guoyi, after the Qin unified the world, it was a county, and the Han Dynasty was in Pei County.

It has always been a place where soldiers and families must fight, and its geographical location is very important, and it has been called "a place for the crowd to compete in times of crisis, and a place where people can radiate." It is a metropolis in Huaixi by land and water. The realm is reached in all directions, and the heroes are out. "At the end of the Qin Dynasty, when Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, Chen was one of the first places to be captured; until the two Han Dynasties, Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was always relied upon as a majority. The Huangchao Rebellion at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Liu Futong Rebellion at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Li Zicheng Rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Twist Army at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolutionary Army all captured this place and repeatedly competed in the vicinity.

There is a vortex river here, flowing from northwest to southeast in the territory of Yu County, and finally flows into the Huai River in present-day Huaiyuan, Anhui. Cao Cao's home was located on the bank of the Vortex River in the east of the city of Tan County. Cao Cao spent his childhood and adolescence here, and after becoming famous, he also returned to Chenxian many times. The ancestral homestead of the Cao family is located in PeiGuo County, and it is said that Cao Cao's ascension to the imperial family also has a certain relationship with the feng shui of the ancestral tomb.

According to the theory of yin and yang, the dwellings of the living are called yang dwellings, and the burial places of the dead are called yin dwellings. In the art of Kanyu, it seems that the choice of yin house is much more important than that of yang house, and it is no wonder that the books of kanyu in previous dynasties are mainly yin houses. Kan Yushu believes that the auspiciousness of the place where the ancestors of the family are buried will directly affect the misfortunes, wealth and poverty of future generations. If the burial place of the ancestors of the family is a feng shui auspicious land, then future generations will be rich and noble, if this auspicious land is a "dragon's den", then the family will definitely have a "true dragon born" in the future. If the feng shui of the burial place of the ancestors of the family is not good, then future generations will also be affected by it and will not be good.

Whether the ancestral tomb place chosen by the Cao family refers to the guidance of the Yin House theory in the Kanyu Technique is not recorded in history. It is only said that the ancestral grave of the Cao family is a "dragon's den" land, and it is the shade of this "dragon's den" land that makes Cao Cao a vassal and Cao Pi become emperor.

Buried in Cao Cao's ancestral tomb are Cao Cao's grandfather Cao Teng, father Cao Song, eldest daughter Cao Xian and other members of the Cao family, which are known as the "Four Orphan Piles" by later generations. The two thousand-year-old ginkgo bilobas that exist on the ancestral tomb are said to represent the images of Cao Cao and Cao Pi father and son in the Cao family.

Cao Cao did not have much time to receive a traditional Confucian education in his youth, so he was rarely bound by the concept of etiquette, and he developed a debauched, alert, and improvised personality. He also often played pranks, saw the road unevenly, and drew his sword to help. When Cao Cao was young, he did not pay attention to the cultivation and study of moral conduct, and in the eyes of most people at that time, he was a child who did not have much success. However, some people see his unique personality and intelligent talent, and feel that he is different and will become a great instrument in the future.

In the third year of Emperor Xiping's reign (174 CE), Cao Cao was promoted to the rank of Filial Piety, and soon afterwards he was appointed lang by the imperial court. Later, on the recommendation of Sima Yi's father, Shangshu Right Handi Sima Fang, Cao Cao served as a lieutenant in northern Luoyang and began to embark on a career path. Of course, this appointment is related to his family lineage, and if he has no background, he is unlikely to be able to successfully embark on his career. However, because he was Cao Teng's grandson, and the eunuchs were originally different from the famous clan, but they were domestic slaves for the imperial servants, and they were often looked down upon, cao Cao was no exception, and he himself felt ashamed of it. In this way, Cao Cao entered the official field. And this is just the beginning, the future experience of Jinan and the nourishment of Taishan feng shui, finally helped him become a hero of the world. 

In February of the first year of Zhongping (184 AD), the Yellow Turban Uprising, which swept across the country, broke out, and the spearhead was directed at Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Han Ling Emperor was horrified, and hurriedly dispatched troops, sending Northern Zhonglang to Jizhou to suppress Zhang Jiao, zuo zhonglang to huangfu song, and right zhonglang to send Zhu Jun to Yingchuan to suppress Bocai. Cao Cao was also reused at this time, from the six-hundred-stone Yilang to the knight lieutenant of the two thousand stones, and together with Emperor Fusong and Zhu Jun, he led troops to Yingchuan to suppress the Yellow Turban.

Initially, the rebel armies fought bravely, defeating Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun, and Huang Fusong successively, and surrounding Huangfu Song in Changshe City. After all, the rebel army had no formal training and little combat experience. In one case, in the process of being set on fire by Emperor Fusong, he suffered heavy losses. After that, the situation began to reverse, and the rebel army became more and more passive, and finally was broken by each one.

Due to his success in suppressing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Cao Cao was promoted to the position of Minister of Jinan. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the rank of the fief of the kingdom was equal to that of the 2,000-stone gun taishou. Cao Cao was born into a family of eunuchs with low status and was often looked down upon by others, so he very much hoped to get the position of County Taishou to show his talent and realize his long-cherished wish.

Jinan is close to Mount Taishan, Taishan is located in the middle of Shandong, the southern foothills of Mount Taishan, the north of Jinan, the south of Qufu, the east of Qidu Zibo, the west of the Yellow River, overrode the land of Qilu, for thousands of years has been the political, economic and cultural center of the East. The most fascinating thing about Mount Taishan is that it is the only famous mountain in Chinese history that has been enthroned by the emperor. China has five mountains, Taishan is the head of the five mountains, known as the "chief of the group of mountains", such as the Confucians in the hundred families of the sons, after a long period of historical testing, the five mountains are exclusively respected. Taishan became the touchstone for the ancient emperors and emperors to test whether they were ordained by the heavens and whether they were the true dragon and heavenly son, and became the first choice for the king to hunt, chaiwang, and feng Zen, and gradually evolved into a mountain for the national royal use and a place of sacrifice for major national matters.

There is a Taishan with such a kingly spirit around him, and Cao Cao can also let go of his hands and feet and show his grand plans.

There were a total of ten counties in jinan, and almost all officials, large and small, colluded with imperial court nobles, eunuchs, or local tyrants to oppress the people. Successive ministers of state, however, did not dare to interfere. Soon after Cao Cao took office, he deposed eight officials, and the whole court was shocked. More importantly, Cao Cao's actions violated the interests of some people in power in the imperial court, and they naturally would not let Cao Cao go. On the one hand, Cao Cao was unwilling to go against his own ambitions to cater to the magnates, and on the other hand, he considered that he had already offended the magnates many times, and if he continued to do so, he was afraid that the whole family would be affected. In order to avoid an unexpected disaster, Cao Cao resigned from his post as Chancellor of Jinan that year and requested to return to the palace to stay on duty as a guard, but in fact asked for leisure. In the second year of Zhongping (185 AD), the imperial court asked Cao Cao to be the Taishou of Dong Commandery, but Cao Cao not only did not agree, on the contrary, even Yi Lang refused to do it again, and resigned his official post and returned to his hometown of Yu County.

Returning to his hometown of Chenxian can be seen as a kind of dormancy for the return of Cao Cao Taishan, and the re-emergence after the hibernation will be unstoppable.

(End of this article)

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