
The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still

author:Magic Mulled Wine Rice Balls

Editors: Li Zedong

Not long ago, Raimondo, who just finished his visit to China, said that he would continue to sell chips to China, but the United States "will never sell the most powerful chips to China." Can the U.S. change the semiconductor industry ecosystem on its own?

According to Yuyuan Tan Tian reported on September 7, in this regard, John Neufer, president of the American Semiconductor Industry Association, said that no country can reverse the chip supply chain, and the semiconductor industry needs China.

China is an important part of our supply chain and a very large customer base. If a country tries to reverse the entire supply chain on its own, the costs will be prohibitive, and I think the ability to innovate will be reduced, and no company, no country, can do that.

The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still
The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still
The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still
The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still

What does Huawei's comeback mean after the United States cuts off the supply of 5G chips?

According to CCTV Voice of China, recently, Huawei's new Mate60 Pro mobile phone has caused a lot of discussion as soon as it was launched. Although Huawei has no official conference and no standard specifications, the phone has just been launched and immediately received a large number of orders - users who vote with their feet choose this phone because it can directly connect to satellites and play satellites. Phone; It is also because it has a new Kirin 9000s domestic chip, and the network speed has reached the 5G standard.

The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still

TechInsights, a world-renowned semiconductor industry regulator, also mentioned in the Mate60 Pro disassembly report that the machine's new Kirin 9000s chip uses an advanced 7nm process, marking a milestone in Chinese design and manufacturing since TechInsights began to record.

The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still

Image source: Visual China - VCG111360075134

Hutcherson, vice president of TechInsights, called Huawei's move "amazing" and "unexpected."

Hutcherson: It's an amazing level of quality, and we didn't expect it. It's absolutely world-class, so we want to congratulate China for being able to produce such a product. For China, this means that it has very strong capabilities and is constantly developing technology, and the rest of the world should not underestimate China.

This new machine can be said to confirm Huawei's story of "not killing me, making me stronger". It not only introduces chip technology, but also introduces software and hardware systems such as Qilin, Hongmeng, and 5G + AI dual engines, which is different from American technology. Commentators at home and abroad generally believe that the United States shot itself in the foot. It is for this reason that when Commerce Secretary Raimondo returned to China from the United States to give an interview to the American media, she revealed all her next plans. She said that when she visited China, she realized that China was well aware of the U.S. approach. But the U.S. Department of Commerce still has a lot of cards to play, and you can play them when you need to.

Raimondo: We will not compromise, which is to stop the sale of the most advanced and powerful semiconductors to China forever.

Raimondo said the U.S. will continue to sell low-end chips to China. This could raise money for U.S. tech companies to boost their drive to innovate. However, this thinking is clearly unrealistic. Now China has caught up in the field of high-end chips, indicating that the low-end field is basically controlled. On the other hand, Huawei's biggest advantage is not 5G mobile phones, but the construction of 5G networks. They seek to build a better network as the foundation and standard for the Internet of Everything. For example, in Huawei's new Mate60 Pro, in addition to the chip, another notable feature is that it is the world's first mobile phone that can realize satellite calls.

Some people in the United States can't sit still when they look at Huawei's new mobile phone

According to a report by the global network on September 7, combined with the US government's suppression of China in the field of science and technology, the launch of Huawei's new Mate60 series smartphones has caused a strong reaction from some politicians in the United States. According to Reuters, Mike Gallagher, chairman of the US House of Representatives Select Committee on China, said on the same day that the US Department of Commerce must stop all technology exports to Huawei and SMIC.

In response to the phone's report, Gallagher unilaterally insisted: "This chip cannot be manufactured without American technology, so the Chinese company may be violating the U.S. Department of Commerce's regulations for foreign direct products." He further said that it is time to stop exporting American technology to Huawei and related Chinese companies.

The president of the American Semiconductor Association speaks! Watching Huawei come out with new mobile phones, some people in the United States can't sit still

According to Reuters, the US government has previously imposed sanctions on Huawei and SMIC under the pretext of "national security". Trade restrictions imposed on Huawei and SMIC include the Foreign Direct Products Rule, which aims to prohibit any company anywhere in the world from using technology equipment from the United States to make chips for Huawei.

For his remarks, some American netizens on social media commented, "It's really a glass heart, there are glass hearts everywhere."

Another commented: "These councillors are Stone Age creatures who need constant innovation to remain competitive." The shutdown is just a short-term solution, it's stupid, let them all retire. ”

In response to the US government's unreasonable suppression of Chinese enterprises, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stated that China firmly opposes the generalization of the concept of national security by the United States and the abuse of national power to unreasonably suppress Chinese enterprises. The bottom line. This practice violates the principles of market economy and international economic and trade rules, and undermines the confidence of the international community in the US business environment. This is pure technological hegemony. China will continue to firmly protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. Daily Economic News integrates CCTV Voice of China, Global Network, Yuyuan Tan Tian

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