
When you are older, you must know how to avoid eating, eat less of the 4 foods, and pay more attention to people over 60 years old

author:Ping'er is very well-behaved

Food, which is not only a necessity for our daily life, but also carries the key to health and disease. As we all know, the ancient adage "Disease comes from the mouth" has always been talked about by people. The strong connection between food and health is self-evident, especially in the daily lives of the elderly. However, there are different opinions on the diet of the elderly, whether it is better to eat more or less? This issue has been hotly debated. Let's explore the right way to eat and what foods older people should avoid.

When you are older, you must know how to avoid eating, eat less of the 4 foods, and pay more attention to people over 60 years old

However, on the Internet, we often see various debates about the diet of middle-aged and elderly people. Some people advocate that middle-aged and elderly people should eat less to control weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Others believe that older people are more likely to be malnourished as they age, and should eat more to meet their physical needs.

With age, the sense of taste gradually weakens, teeth fall out, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, and gastric acid secretion decreases. If the elderly eat a single vegetarian diet or too much porridge for a long time, it is easy to lead to insufficient nutrient intake and cause malnutrition. In this case, the body may experience symptoms such as weakness, anemia, and lack of energy, which will also increase the risk of fractures and falls, and immunity will also decrease, increasing the risk of disease. Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly should eat more in their diet to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

When you are older, you must know how to avoid eating, eat less of the 4 foods, and pay more attention to people over 60 years old

In addition, middle-aged and elderly people also need to avoid some foods that are not conducive to health when choosing food. First of all, moldy foods should be firmly rejected. Due to the mentality of conservation, some middle-aged and elderly people often eat food that has become moldy, but moldy food contains harmful substances, which may cause a variety of diseases after ingestion, posing a serious threat to gastrointestinal function.

In addition, pickled foods should also be eaten less. Although pickled foods have a unique taste, they are high in salt, and excessive intake can lead to high blood pressure and even increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should minimize the intake of pickled foods.

When you are older, you must know how to avoid eating, eat less of the 4 foods, and pay more attention to people over 60 years old

Finally, foods containing alcohol should also be avoided. Excessive alcohol intake is harmful to health, not only increasing the burden on the liver, but also may affect gastrointestinal function. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should try to avoid eating alcoholic foods to maintain a healthy state.

In short, the elderly need to be more cautious in their diet, pay attention to the adequacy of nutritional intake, and avoid eating unhealthy foods. Proper eating habits are essential to stay healthy and prevent disease. Therefore, no matter how old you are, you should have a clear understanding of your eating habits and make wise choices. After all, our health comes from the mouth.

When you are older, you must know how to avoid eating, eat less of the 4 foods, and pay more attention to people over 60 years old

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