
Zhang Xichun has a dietary prescription to nourish the spleen and lungs, relieve cough and expectorant, and is suitable for the maintenance of yin deficiency physique

author:Xuanyuan Island

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many types of physiques in the human body, normal and healthy, the human body should be strong, no cold and heat paranoia, but if the yin and yang in the body are imbalanced, or the internal organs are insufficient qi and blood, then some other pathological constitutions will be formed, such as common yang deficiency, yin deficiency, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, etc., and among them, the most common is "yin deficiency constitution".

Yin deficiency must be the loss of yin fluid in the body, most of the people with yin deficiency physique are slender and reddish, because the internal organs in the body lose the moisture of the yin fluid, so there are often dry eyes, unclear vision, dry stool and other symptoms. Generally speaking, the constitution is affected by both innate and acquired, although it is difficult to change, but we can also improve it by adjusting the daily diet or using medicinal herbs.

Regarding the maintenance of yin deficiency physique, among the many dietary remedies, the most noteworthy is "pearl jade two treasure porridge", which is a classic prescription of the modern famous doctor Zhang Xichun, recorded in the "Medical Heart Zhong Shen Xilu".

About this prescription, in fact, there is a medical case: it is said that a teenager did not want to eat much because of a cold, poor diet, but at that time, most children needed to work in the field, if the stomach was not full, there was no strength to do things, and because he often worked hungry, it didn't take long to get sick, overwork caused cough, fever in the afternoon, and sputum cough at night.

Zhang Xichun has a dietary prescription to nourish the spleen and lungs, relieve cough and expectorant, and is suitable for the maintenance of yin deficiency physique

After that, the family found a doctor to see the doctor, but did not have a significant effect, the condition was more serious, and finally, the family invited Zhang Xichun, he found that the teenager's pulse was weak, combined with a series of symptoms of the teenager, and finally judged to be "spleen and lung deficiency", and then prescribed a prescription, instructed the teenager to drink every day, after a period of time, the teenager's symptoms really disappeared, the condition was cured, and this prescription is "pearl jade two treasure porridge".

Zhuyu Erbao porridge contains only three ingredients, namely yam two taels, barley two taels, and frost cake eight coins. The "jade" in the square name refers to yam, and "zhu" refers to barley, which should be the most appropriate metaphor for the idiom "pearl round jade run". The recipe is very simple, mash the yam and barley, add water to decoction, then put the persimmon cake in it and stir it.

Zhang Xichun has a dietary prescription to nourish the spleen and lungs, relieve cough and expectorant, and is suitable for the maintenance of yin deficiency physique

However, what exactly is the effect of pearl jade porridge? In the original words of Mr. Zhang Xichun, it is "spleen and lung yin deficiency, loss of appetite, fatigue and fever, and cure all yin deficiency evidence". So, how should the spleen and lung yin deficiency be judged?

Clinically, the most common symptom of spleen yin deficiency is poor appetite, or obvious abdominal distention after eating, dry stool, and the whole person looks slender; Lung yin deficiency with dry cough without phlegm is more common, and even phlegm with blood, hoarseness, if everyone really can't judge whether they are Yin deficiency constitution, then as long as there are dry mouth, dry throat, hot hands and feet, hot flashes and night sweats and other symptoms, you can use pearl jade porridge to recuperate.

Yam strengthens the spleen, has the effect of invigorating qi and nourishing yin, replenishing the spleen, lungs and kidneys, is a good medicine to replenish the three jiao, and barley is mainly to dispel dampness as the weight, yin deficiency physique, that is, the body of the yin fluid is insufficient, the yin fluid is less, then the fire will be vigorous, which is often said in Chinese medicine "yin deficiency fire", however, barley can not only dispel dampness, strengthen the spleen and tonify, but also can discharge the heat evil in the lungs and intestines, through urine from the body.

Zhang Xichun has a dietary prescription to nourish the spleen and lungs, relieve cough and expectorant, and is suitable for the maintenance of yin deficiency physique

Combining these two ingredients together, one complements the other, and the idea of treating diseases is very ingenious. Another ingredient, persimmon frost cake, used here can not only clear heat, but also nourish yin, which is also very ingenious.

In autumn, the climate is relatively dry, many people are prone to "dry cough", and at this time, pearl jade two treasure porridge can be used, and some people usually sweat a lot, sweat too much, which is essentially a consumption of yin fluid, for this, can also use this food recipe to alleviate. Pearl jade two treasure porridge is especially suitable for people with yin deficiency and heat, as a dietary prescription, the medicinal properties are peaceful, but the barley is cool, so for people with cold spleen and stomach, it is better to eat less.

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