
Having lost 80% of the country twice "wrong cards", we now have a clear understanding of the situation and will never completely fall to the West

author:Fortune Joey 6r0

In the 20th century, Europe experienced turbulent historical periods, and Austria, a Central European country with a long history, played a role that cannot be ignored. From the glory of the Habsburg Empire to the collapse of World War I to its annexation by Nazi Germany, Austria's history is full of twists and turns.

The Habsburg monarchy was once brilliant between the 16th and 18th centuries, but with the Industrial Revolution and the rise of nationalism, the monarchy gradually declined. However, even as the empire was in decline, Austria-Hungary had a place on the international stage because of its military strength and close alliance with Germany.

Having lost 80% of the country twice "wrong cards", we now have a clear understanding of the situation and will never completely fall to the West

However, the outbreak of World War I changed everything completely, the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed, and international treaties caused Austria to lose most of its territory, from an imperial state to a small country in Central Europe.

The humiliation of World War I sowed the seeds of revenge, and Austrians could not let go of this history. Thus, when Nazi Germany rose, Austria was affected almost quickly. Austria and Germany share a common linguistic and cultural background, and share a common dissatisfaction with the constraints of the Versailles system, and the two have considerable political interests and ideological fits.

Having lost 80% of the country twice "wrong cards", we now have a clear understanding of the situation and will never completely fall to the West

In 1938, Austria agreed to its annexation to Germany with a high 99% support rating, marking the formal annexation of Austria by Germany and the birthplace of World War II.

At the beginning of World War II, Germany achieved a series of victories, which benefited Austria. Many Austrian soldiers performed well on the battlefield and won honor for Germany. However, with a series of German defeats in the Soviet-German battlefield, Austria's fortunes began to take a turn. In 1944, the Soviet Union launched ten Battle of Stalingrad, in which the German and Austrian corps were defeated. As the Soviet Red Army approached Central Europe, Germany was completely destroyed and Austria became a defeated country, occupied by the Soviet Union and the Allies.

Having lost 80% of the country twice "wrong cards", we now have a clear understanding of the situation and will never completely fall to the West

However, after the end of World War II, Austria was not punished as harshly as Germany. The Central Powers' characterization of Austria as a "Nazi-occupied country" and a "liberated country" determined Austria's relatively moderate postwar treatment. In 1955, Austria signed the Austrian State Treaty, the Soviet-American, British, and French occupation forces withdrew, Austria restored its independence and declared itself a permanent neutral country. Subsequently, it acted as a "buffer state" between the two camps of the Soviet Union and the United States.

However, over time, the world pattern has undergone subtle changes.

Having lost 80% of the country twice "wrong cards", we now have a clear understanding of the situation and will never completely fall to the West

After the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union collapsed and NATO gradually expanded. Despite Austria's intention to get closer to NATO, it ultimately did not take real action out of caution. In the three decades following the upheaval in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO continued to expand eastward and Austria was gradually encircled, but it remained neutral.

Nowadays, in the face of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the complex situation of international politics, some neutral countries such as Sweden and Finland have shown their tendency to join NATO, but Austria still insists on not seeking to join NATO and maintains an independent neutral position. While supporting Ukraine to a certain extent and in favor of sanctions against Russia, Austria's position is not fixed.

It remains calm in the international game and does not easily fall for either side. Austria can be said to be a model for independent thinking in the ever-changing international arena.

Austria's history teaches us that neutrality is not just a political stance, but also an expression of wisdom and courage. The two world wars brought great pain and lessons to the country, but it learned profound lessons from them. In international affairs, Austria seeks to maintain its independence and balance, not blindly following in the footsteps of major powers or succumbing easily to external pressure. This neutrality is not only a respect for history, but also a contribution to peace.

With the world situation

As Austria continues to evolve, it will continue to face challenges and choices. However, no matter how the external environment changes, Austria will firmly uphold the principles of neutrality, peace and independence, and set an example for the international community to learn from.

Austria's position of neutrality is based on profound historical reflection. Austria learned the twists and turns of two world wars about the devastating consequences of war and conflict. This historical memory has become an important element in shaping the character of the country and an unremitting driving force for the maintenance of peace.

However, Austria's neutrality is not just a defensive policy, it is also a way of actively participating in international affairs. Although not part of any military alliance, Austria has always played a mediating and promoting peace role on the international stage. As an active member of the United Nations, Austria contributes to the settlement of international disputes, the promotion of sustainable development and the maintenance of global peace. This attitude of active participation demonstrates the responsibility and responsibility of a neutral country.

At the same time, Austria has made remarkable achievements in the international economic and cultural sphere. As an important venue for international conferences and negotiations, Vienna has become a neutral venue for countries to negotiate and settle disputes.

Austria's culture and education system also excels on the international stage, attracting scholars and artists from all over the world. This international cultural exchange not only enriches Austria itself, but also contributes to the prosperity of global culture.

Austria is also known for its harmonious social model and high-quality lifestyle. Social justice and democratic principles are fully embodied in this country, providing a safe and stable living environment for the people. It is also part of Austria's policy of neutrality, which promotes international peace by maintaining domestic stability.

In short, Austria's history is full of twists and turns, but it has come to this day through neutrality and peace.