
If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

author:The people are all over the world
If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

Critical illness medical insurance is a medical insurance method that has attracted much attention in modern society, which helps participants reduce their financial burden in the face of serious diseases. However, what many people may not expect is that serious illness medical insurance benefits are also subject to personal income tax when they are received. This has sparked widespread social discussion, that is, why should the insured pay additional personal income tax to alleviate the financial pressure faced by patients and families in the event of serious illness, so is it fair and reasonable to calculate personal income tax?

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

Let's take a brief look at the background and purpose of personal income tax. As an important part of the national tax system, personal income tax is an important source of fiscal revenue to support the country's economic and social development. According to Article 25 of the national regulations (Regulations for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law), the basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, housing provident fund, etc. paid by the unit for each person can be deducted before individual income tax. This means that only premiums classified as basic insurance are eligible for tax deduction, and other types of premiums need to be included in the scope of personal income tax. However, in fact, the medical insurance premium for serious illness does not fall within the scope of these basic insurance categories, so it is not allowed to be deducted before personal income tax, and needs to be incorporated into the individual's current salary and salary income to be subject to individual income tax.

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

Critical illness medical insurance premiums are not basic insurance, so they are not eligible for pre-tax deduction. At the same time, the premiums of serious illness medical insurance are usually higher, which also makes some participants feel troubled about paying additional personal income tax. They believe that since such high premiums have already been paid, why do they need to be taxed? Is this reasonable?

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

We need to look at this from a broader perspective. Critical illness medical insurance itself is a very important social security measure, which helps insured people to receive corresponding financial assistance in the event of a serious illness, reducing their burden. As a source of national revenue, personal income tax is an important cornerstone to support social development. Only through reasonable tax collection can the state be able to provide public services and benefits, meet the needs of the public, and promote social stability and sustainable economic development.

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

The principle of personal income tax is based on the principle of ability, that is, according to the level of income of the individual. Under this principle, the collection of personal income tax is not only limited to wages and salary income, but also includes other types of income, such as labor remuneration, manuscript remuneration, royalties, etc. The personal income tax rate is also levied at different levels, and lower incomes can enjoy certain reductions and preferential policies. Therefore, even if the serious illness medical insurance premium is subject to personal income tax, it is in line with the provisions of the tax law and the principle of social fairness.

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?

Although the additional personal income tax required by the insured may bring a certain financial burden, we must recognize that serious illness medical insurance is an important social security measure for the insured. At the same time, personal income tax, as an important source of fiscal revenue for the state, supports the overall interests and long-term development of society. Therefore, we cannot ignore the importance of serious illness medical insurance because we need to pay more taxes, let alone give up enrollment. In the future, we expect the relevant departments to further improve the transparency of the protection policy and strengthen the connection with the tax policy to ensure that the insured can enjoy better social security services.

If you see a serious illness, you still have to pay taxes, is it reasonable for medical insurance to rise every year? Do you understand?