
Pre-made dishes! Pre-made dishes! Why is there such a rejection of prepared dishes?

author:Origami flows young and dying

The development of prepared dishes (i.e. ready-made foods) has become more and more common in contemporary society, especially in the fast-paced urban life. However, some Chinese people have shown an attitude of disgust towards pre-made dishes, especially unanimous opposition to pre-made dishes entering the campus.

Pre-made dishes! Pre-made dishes! Why is there such a rejection of prepared dishes?

First of all, the issue of food safety is one of the main reasons why Chinese people dislike prepared dishes. Over the past decade, China has had several food safety scandals, causing concern and distrust. For example, problems such as clenbuterol and gutter oil once became the focus of media and public attention, leading to serious doubts about food quality. The complex processing of prepared dishes makes it difficult to ensure that strict hygiene standards are met at every step, so many people are concerned about the potential food safety risks that eating prepared dishes.

Pre-made dishes! Pre-made dishes! Why is there such a rejection of prepared dishes?

Secondly, Chinese people's aversion to prepared dishes is also related to health problems. Prepared dishes are often fortified with many chemicals, preservatives, and flavor enhancers to extend their shelf life or enhance their taste. These additives can potentially have adverse effects on human health. Many people are concerned that these additives may cause damage to the body, especially for certain people who are susceptible to diseases. In addition, prepared dishes often contain fewer nutrients than fresh ingredients, and long-term consumption may lead to nutritional imbalance and health problems.

Pre-made dishes! Pre-made dishes! Why is there such a rejection of prepared dishes?

In addition, prepared dishes often do not have options for personalization and customization, which conflicts with the quest for "diversity" in Chinese culture. Chinese has a rich food culture and culinary tradition, pursuing diverse tastes and styles at the table. However, pre-made dishes tend to be "one-size-fits-all" and fail to satisfy individual tastes. Many people think that pre-made dishes don't taste as good as home-cooked food, so they hate and are reluctant to choose pre-made dishes.

Pre-made dishes! Pre-made dishes! Why is there such a rejection of prepared dishes?

In addition, some people may have subjective biases and misconceptions about prepared dishes. They tend to associate prepared dishes with low-quality, non-fresh foods. In their opinion, the quality and freshness of food can only be ensured by preparing it themselves. This bias has also led to their aversion to prepared dishes.

Despite these reasons, the existence and development of prepared dishes cannot be completely denied. Pre-made dishes do offer convenience and choice in some ways. It saves time, reduces labor intensity, and meets the dietary needs of some people when they are busy at work. In addition, although there will be a certain degree of additive use, the relevant departments are also strengthening the supervision of food safety and hygiene standards to ensure the quality and safety of prepared dishes.

People's aversion to prepared dishes is mainly due to concerns about food safety, health considerations, lack of personalized needs, and some subjective biases and misunderstandings. In response to these problems, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and standard formulation of prepared dishes to improve consumers' trust in the quality and safety of prepared dishes; At the same time, prepared vegetable enterprises should also pay attention to the nutrition and taste of products, and provide more diversified choices to meet the needs and taste preferences of different consumers.