
7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

author:Pet Encyclopedia

Eating grass is a common behavior in pet dogs. Survey data cited by the Guardian shows that as many as 80% of dog owners notice that their pets often "snack" on the grass. Why do dogs eat grass? These 7 reasons, many people understand wrong!

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

Why do dogs have a soft spot for grass?

I. Because I like it

You may not believe it, but some dogs really eat grass because they love it! In particular, the fresh grass that has just sprouted in spring is its favorite, probably because the dog simply thinks that eating grass is a very interesting thing, and enjoys the feeling of pulling grass from the ground.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

II. Self-gastric lavage

When the dog feels uncomfortable, such as indigestion, then the dog will immediately go to find grass to eat, grass can play a role in inducing vomiting, when the dog vomits out will be much better, so the stomach is upset, they will go to find grass.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

III. Inheritance of instincts

Some dogs especially like to eat grass, most likely because of the genetics of the instinctive race, it is their instincts. Research in Yellowstone National Park in the United States found that plant matter (mainly grass) was found in as much as 74% of wolf feces, which means that eating grass may be an "ancestral" habit of dogs. So stop blaming the dog for going to graze all day~

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

IV. Episodes of curiosity

Dog owners should know that dogs are a very curious animal, usually manifested in liking to eat indiscriminately, whether it is grass or toilet paper, as long as it sees, want to go up and bite two, if your dog likes to bite everywhere, it is best to stop it.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

V. To heal yourself

There is also a saying that many people think that dogs have their own "traditional Chinese medicine system" and will treat themselves. Because the ancestors of dogs lived in the wild, there was no pet hospital when they were injured and sick, so they had to find herbs to save themselves.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

VI. Boring or mental illness

Today's dogs are prone to mental illness because of the lack of company from their owners. If your dog always grazes when you are not at home, it is likely to be venting your pressure by eating grass, hoping to attract the attention of the owner and send out an invitation to play together.

The owner should appropriately increase the companionship time of the dog, give the dog some snack rewards when playing, and it will love you more.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

VII. The dog has pica

It should be noted that dogs will have pica due to lack of trace elements, and dogs will eat indiscriminately, including grass. In response to this situation, the shovel officer can feed the dog trace element tablets to solve the problem of pica in dogs, and usually prepare nutritious food for dogs to avoid pica.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

What plants can't dogs eat?

Xiaobian here reminds everyone that although dogs eat grass is not harmful, but now many common plants, dogs will cause discomfort after eating, such as oleander, horse orchid, bay leaf, oregano, etc., easy to trigger dog poisoning reactions. And now many plants are insecticides, it is best to avoid dogs eating outside grass, if necessary, you can grow your own.

7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!

Conclusion: What does your dog eat grass for?

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7 reasons why dogs "love to graze", many people understand it wrong!