
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

author:Piggy Pig Kan Entertainment

Recently, the Internet once again reported that stars in the entertainment industry were involved in large-scale tax reimbursement incidents, including a number of well-known stars and new-generation artists. According to reports, the Internet recently exposed a list of tax supplements involving many stars, including 23 stars such as Zhao Liying and Wu Jing, with a total tax supplement amount of 11.7 billion. Among them, Wu Jing has the highest amount of supplementary tax, up to 300 million yuan. This incident undoubtedly brought a "big earthquake" to the entertainment industry.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

In this incident, Song Zuer and Jiang Yiyi, who debuted as child stars, became the focus of attention. Song Zuer was exposed to suspected tax evasion, while Jiang Yiyi was accused of having tax problems since she was 15 years old.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

But then, Jiang Yiyi successfully proved her innocence by responding publicly. She said her tax problems were caused by mismanagement by her former company, and that she had paid her tax arrears in full after ending her cooperation with her former company.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

This incident is not just a simple tax issue, it touches on the issue of ethics in the entertainment industry at a deeper level. As public figures, celebrities should have higher moral standards, rather than using their influence and resources to evade the law. This incident also allows us to see some unhealthy trends in the entertainment industry, including high salaries, tax evasion and other issues.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

Although Jiang Yiyi successfully proved her innocence, this incident undoubtedly had a certain impact on her career. We look forward to her continuing to show her talent and strength in the future and bring more excellent works to the audience."

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

At the same time, we also hope that the entertainment industry can learn from this incident, strengthen its own norms and management, and ensure that every practitioner can abide by the law and establish correct values.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

This celebrity tax reimbursement incident once again reminds us that both individuals and public figures should abide by the law and pay taxes honestly. Only in this way can our society be fairer and more harmonious. I hope that everyone can learn from this incident and establish a correct sense of law and morality.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
  1. What is the social responsibility of celebrities?
  2. How to strengthen the legal supervision of the entertainment industry?
  3. Why do celebrities still choose to evade taxes even after multiple exposures?
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

I hope that through the discussion of these issues, we can better understand this incident and find a way to solve it.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

From the above article, we can see that the celebrity tax supplement incident is not just a simple tax issue, it touches on the ethical issues of the entertainment industry at a deeper level. This provides us with a topic that can be explored in depth: ethics and social responsibility in the entertainment industry.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

In this topic, we can explore from the following aspects:

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
  • As public figures, celebrities' words and deeds will affect a large number of fans and the public, so what kind of social responsibilities should they assume in their daily lives and work?
  • Should celebrities be role models for society and demonstrate high standards of ethical behavior?
  • Is there a universal code of ethics in the entertainment industry?
  • In the entertainment industry, how to ensure that everyone can follow these ethics?
  • How to strengthen the legal supervision of the entertainment industry to ensure that everyone can abide by the law?
  • Should a special body be established to regulate legal issues in the entertainment industry?
  • How should society and the public view the behavior of these stars?
  • Should the public look at celebrities more rationally rather than blindly pursue them?
  • How should celebrities strengthen self-management and avoid falling into moral and legal disputes?
  • Should celebrities receive some moral and legal education?
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

By delving into this topic, we can better understand the ethics and social responsibility of the entertainment industry, and also find some methods and strategies to solve current problems. I hope that through such discussions, we can promote the entertainment industry to become healthier and more harmonious.

The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved
The list of 11.7 billion supplementary taxes is exposed! Zhao Liying, Wu Jing and other 23 stars on the list, Jiang Yiyi is saved

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