
If you feel that life has no meaning, look at Di Renjie's life

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

People will die sooner or later, is there any meaning in life?

Such a problem should bother many people.

Around us, we often hear the feeling that "life is meaningless". Even some celebrities will also say something with emotion.

Einstein said in his "Statement": "When I was a teenager, I already understood that many people's efforts and pursuits were meaningless. ”

Some people take the words of celebrities as mantras, and rightfully abandon the toss, mocking those who work hard. To think that hard work is equivalent to blind tossing.

Smart people understand that "many" does not equal "everyone". Don't generalize. The life of a beggar cannot be used to prove that he is actively working; You can't use villains to compare gentlemen.

In the Tang Dynasty, for a period of time, Wu Zetian was in power, and the situation was relatively chaotic. The officials were trembling, but only Di Renjie dared to be the mainstay, and his life was up and down, but he was able to turn the tide.

Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin commented: "Wu Zetian is a female protagonist, although the punishment is in vain, she will not kill Di Renjie in the end. Therefore, those who can enjoy the country, good is also good. ”

The poet Du Fu commented: "Emperor Taizong's society was righteous, and the Han official was restored. ”

It can be seen that the meaning of life is not simply to buy a house for a few taels of silver, but to "pass the goose and leave the voice", bringing something to an era and society, not seeking greatness, but seeking truth.

If you feel that life has no meaning, look at Di Renjie's life


Let the family continue and endure.

Di Renjie obtained fame at a young age, and then left his parents to become an official in a different place.

One day, when he was in Union State, he climbed the Taihang Mountain and looked in the direction of his hometown, only to see white clouds flying. "My parents live under that white cloud," he said. ”

After a long time, the white clouds dispersed, and he left. Thus leaving the allusion to the "White Cloud Family".

One colleague, Zheng Chongqian, was transferred to a far away place. He knew that his colleague's mother was old and sickly and needed care. So he took the initiative to ask for a long time to go to a distant place instead of his colleagues.

He said, "How can you let your loved ones worry about you thousands of miles away?"

Fulfilling the filial piety of his colleagues, his filial piety has become more prominent.

Think about it, why did we come here for our whole life? Isn't it just to pass on the family from generation to generation? Although the family is ordinary, it can warm and move a lifetime.

As the writer Wang Xiaobo said: "When I reach middle age, I find that there is nothing left in the world except my family." ”

Home is a place for the soul to rest, a place for the soul, and the starting point for life. When we are scarred, only your family can be by your side and help you rise.

The ancients also emphasized that the body is the mother of the skin. That is, even if you feel that life has no meaning, do not hurt it, and ask your parents if they agree. This confirms the truth of "family continuity".

Take care of your family, you will get more in return, and you will feel that life is especially blessed.

If you feel that life has no meaning, look at Di Renjie's life


Integrate yourself into the big picture and be good at benefiting others.

When Di Renjie was an official, the world of the Tang Dynasty fell into the martial family.

In response to Wu Zetian's claim to emperor, many ministers objected. More than a dozen prime ministers were killed, and nine were exiled.

When Wu Zetian wanted to make his nephew Wu Chengsi crown prince, Di Renjie did not hesitate to stand up and oppose. "There is a difference between a nephew and a son," he said. Establishing a son as a prince is a long live of the thousands. ”

Once, Wu Zetian dreamed of a large parrot that lost its wings. Di Renjie said, "Two wings are your two sons." When you lose your son's support, you break your right arm. ”

It was because of Di Renjie's ingenious suggestion that the Tang Dynasty returned to the Li family again.

As for Di Renjie's performance in the officialdom, it shows that he "has the whole world". The "Old Book of Tang" says: "Renjie, Yifeng Zhong Dali Cheng, 17,000 people in prison at the age of one, no wrongful accusers." ”

With more than 10,000 cases, no one has been wronged, such a pattern is rare in any era.

When a person is needed by those around him, you will find that you have to live. Life must be positive.

There is a thought-provoking news in the "Modern Express Network": There is a man named Chen Si who has been patrolling the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge for more than ten years, just to persuade those who want to jump off the bridge to end their lives to get lost.

He succeeded in dissuading 323 people who were planning to give up their lives to get them back into life.

He said: "To put it bluntly, this is nothing in this world, except for life and death. People have to have awe. ”

Helping others, their own lives, will also burn light; If you help the big family of society, your own family will also prosper, this is the meaning of life.

Those who are selfish and selfish, who seem rich, are actually too small, lock themselves in a small space, and can't get out. The heavens and the earth are very wide, but I can't feel it, it's really sad.

If you feel that life has no meaning, look at Di Renjie's life


Let life naturally rise and fall, and it will be beautiful in the end.

Di Renjie was trusted by Wu Zetian, but resented by Wu Zetian's nephew Wu Chengsi. Therefore, Di Renjie also has the experience of being imprisoned and dismissed.

In prison, he wrote his grievances and gave them to his son. He said he did not rebel. After Wu Zetian's personal interrogation, Di Renjie was released from prison, and then demoted to Pengze to serve as a county commander.

When the Khitan was in turmoil, the imperial court needed to hire people, and Di Renjie rushed ahead without hesitation.

When Di Renjie died, Wu Zetian lamented and said, "The court is empty. ”

Many people feel that life is meaningless because they are in a stage where they lack food and clothing, have a difficult career, have a bad family, and have no results in learning. People are at a low point, they don't look good at anything, and they cringe when they say a word.

Many people think that life is okay because life is very smooth, and the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease.

Therefore, life should go with its own natural ups and downs, and we must believe that in a beautiful social environment, when people are old and retire, everything will calm down and beauty will come.

There is hope in the heart, and life is not confused; Life has spring, not afraid of cold winter and moon.

If you feel that life has no meaning, look at Di Renjie's life


In the dark deep ditch, people who feel that life is meaningless do not stop crying. People who feel that life is meaningful look up and see the stars and the moon.

Pessimism, throw it all away, insist on smiling at the world, love your family, think of the big picture, and everything will be fine.

The meaning of life is actually given by oneself and realized with one's heart. Sunlight crowds life, then sunlight is meaning; Someone says "thank you", then gratitude is the meaning...

Life is 100 years, and it is done and cherished.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.