
Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

Birth, growth, aging, death, constitute everyone's life, the body grows rapidly, but aging is very long, there are many factors that contribute to aging, the most important of which is the physiological changes of the cells themselves, and the existence of senescent cells.

Although our body will not change greatly after the age of 16, in the general perception, after the age of 40, our physical condition and mental condition will gradually age, and the more obvious it is.

Thanks to the development of network social information, we also found that there are many middle-aged and elderly people around us, and their physical age may be dozens of years younger than their actual age. Today we will uncover the secret of "aging".

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

First, senescent cells - the "pusher" of body aging!

Most people's cognition of aging is: because of age, more cells gradually enter the aging state and die, healthy cells are reduced, the human body will gradually age, and a variety of diseases will appear.

This is certainly true, but there is one more key member to introduce here, and that is senescent cells. Senescent cells here do not refer to senescent cells, but cells that do not have the ability to divide.

We all know that cells need to constantly divide new members in order to keep the body alive. It is equivalent to the company's backbone training successors, and the department can work normally.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

But there is a class of cells that occupy important positions without apprentices, and they are always making trouble. These senescent cells secrete inflammatory cytokines, which increase the likelihood of inflammation in the body, interfere with the normal work of other cells, and even cause healthy cells to die.

Therefore, senescent cells have become an important driver of aging in our body.

Senescent cells exist objectively, there is currently no targeted elimination method, and after aging, the number of cells that naturally decline far exceeds the number of senescent cells, so the focus of anti-aging is to save healthy cells.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

Second, men who "age slowly" generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you can stick to

There are many ways to save healthy cells, such as not smoking, not drinking, going to bed early and getting up early, etc., but some lifestyle habits that you don't care about may be the secret of many men to stay young:

1. Love to drink water

Objectively speaking, more than 70% of the human body is water, so people are indeed made of water, but what does drinking water have to do with aging?

Our body has a large amount of water, and the inside and outside of the cell are filled with water and various nutrients to ensure the normal movement and communication of cells.

If we don't like to drink water, there is a lack of water in the body, which will lead to a lack of fluid outside the cells. At this time, the water in the cell will be lost to the outside of the cell due to the change in osmotic pressure. When the cells are dehydrated, their own functions are reduced, and they may enter a state of aging in advance, or even die directly.

Therefore, men who love to drink water can better maintain the balance of water and fluid in the body and reduce cell damage caused by lack of water.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

2. Love sports

Exercise is good for health, so how does exercise anti-aging?

The essence of exercise is to build muscles, and in order to give muscles strength, blood will constantly transport oxygen and nutrients, including sugar, fat, etc. This process directly exercises the heart and lungs and makes the organs function healthier.

It also burns the accumulated fat and excess glucose in the blood, making the body and organs easier and purer at the same time.

In addition, energy is consumed in the body. It also provides an opportunity to supplement high-quality nutrients, and the body will enter a virtuous circle.

During this period, the exercise of organs and tissues is the process of activating cells, and senescent cells will be excreted faster due to faster metabolism, reducing the impact on the body.

Most people don't love sports, because they think of exercise too complicated, in fact, commuting, daily housework, friends gathering and singing, and even deep learning will consume energy, are a kind of sports, integrate sports into life, and it is easier to persist.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

3. Do not overeat

To talk about healthy eating, everyone is an expert, low oil, low salt, low sugar, eat more coarse grains that is handy, today we will talk about something fresh, in fact, people who eat less, may be younger!

A study published this year in Nature Aging discusses whether calorie restriction is associated with slowing aging. The study followed 220 healthy adults for up to 2 years, and 145 of them ate 25% fewer calories than others. The results found:

People who were restricted to calories slowed aging by 2 to 3 percent and reduced their risk of death by 10 to 15 percent.

This condition may be related to DNA methylation.

DNA methylation is to change the genetic expression of DNA under the premise that the DNA sequence remains unchanged, and after partial DNA methylation, the expression of genes will be weakened. Our genes are made up of DNA, and every cell has DNA as its core.

Weakened gene expression indicates that part of the DNA loses vitality, and the metabolic function of the cell itself is affected, which will accelerate the aging and death of the cell. Controlling heat can reduce the occurrence of DNA methylation, thereby keeping the function of cells stable.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

4. Be in a good mood

Dopamine is secreted by the pituitary gland of the brain, responsible for nerve conduction, which is mainly responsible for the transmission of excitement and happy emotions.

When men are in a happy mood, the pituitary gland secretes more dopamine, a process that exercises the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the regulatory organ of human hormones, mainly responsible for maintaining the balance of various hormones in the body.

After the hormone level in the human body is stable, the information transmission between cells will be smoother, and the cell metabolism will be more stable, which is also of great significance for delaying cell aging. So we usually have to keep a good mood, especially for older people.

5. Regular blood donation

The male body is relatively closed and has few other metabolic opportunities except urination, perspiration, and excretion. Moreover, blood is constantly circulating in the body, if there is no abnormal bleeding, impurities in the blood may accumulate more and more, and the health of blood cells has a great relationship with organ health.

After men donate blood regularly, the body will accelerate the replenishment of fresh and energetic blood cells due to blood loss, which is undoubtedly a direct way to change the blood environment.

However, it is still necessary to remind everyone to donate blood to a professional hospital with complete sanitary conditions to avoid hospital-induced infection caused by improper disinfection of blood donation equipment.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy

Third, put down the phone! New research: This habit may accelerate aging

In 2022, Professor Giebultowicz's team conducted an experiment on the relationship between blue light exposure and fruit fly lifespan in a paper. The results found:

Long-term exposure to blue light alleviated fruit flies ages faster.

What causes this? The researchers found that after long-term blue light exposure, the level of succinate in fruit flies increased, and glutamate levels decreased, two metabolites involved in the normal activities of key cells.

This change in metabolite levels hinders the cell's energy production, and when the cell loses energy, it accelerates into aging.

Although fruit flies are not fully representative of humans, we are consistent with the compounds that transmit signals in the cells of fruit flies, so this cell metabolism abnormality may also occur in the human body.

Don't believe it: "slow-aged" men generally have these 5 good habits, see how many you occupy


Therefore, the aging of cells is both the result of natural biological changes and is also disturbed by senescent cells. If you want to keep your cells young, in addition to quitting bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and staying up late, you can also achieve the goal by cultivating some small habits. For example, drink more water, exercise more, reduce calorie intake, maintain a good mood, and donate blood regularly.

In recent years, studies have found that blue light from mobile phones, computers and other electronic products will affect some cell metabolism and accelerate cell aging. So putting down electronics and getting closer to nature is also a good way to stay young.


[1] Zheng Suizong. "New Thinking on Anti-Aging", Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine; Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine; Zhonghe Asia Health Service Center Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine; Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine; Zhonghe Sub-Health Service Center, 2011.

[2] Wei Yu et al. "Research Progress on Anti-aging of Diet, Life, Drugs and Other Factors." Hebei Medical Journal 26.7(2020):3.

Health Care and Life, 2015(4):1.