
Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

author:Land within the law

On August 29, 2023, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo visited China, and on the same day, Huawei quietly released the MATE 60 Pro.

Even the mobile phone conference did not have time to start, and quietly landed in Shenzhen's largest shopping mall at 8 a.m.

But what surprised the United States was that this time Huawei released the Kirin 9000S chip equipped with the Mate 60 Pro, which was one of the Chinese chips blocked by the United States before.

You know, during the US blockade of Huawei, the international mainstream voice is that Huawei will inevitably disintegrate in the US sanctions.

Now, no one could have imagined that Huawei had broken through the blockade of the world's number one power, and the mate60 Pro instantly became the focus of attention once it was released.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

Raimondo visited China and slapped him in the face

In the early morning of August 29, U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo was still in Beijing and her subordinates, dreaming of how to get China to give up its independent development.

At 4 a.m. on the same day, Huawei woke up all relevant employees, and without any prior notice, all employees were told that their company would soon have new mobile phones in offline stores.

This time the latest mobile phone released by Huawei is the mate60 Pro, some people may ask: what is the novelty of releasing mobile phones, major mobile phone brands release new mobile phones every year.

If this is just an ordinary mobile phone, a release process like before, then of course there is nothing to be surprised about, let alone attract so much attention.

However, this time the mate60 Pro is not an ordinary mobile phone, and the chip it carries is the Kirin 9000S.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

The chip is one of the most important parts of a mobile phone, and its status is roughly equivalent to our human brain.

The Kirin chip is one of the best chips for Huawei's mobile phones, however, this chip Chinese mainland currently cannot be independently manufactured, so Huawei has been buying chips from foreign manufacturers and TSMC.

Until 2018, the United States launched a trade war against China, and at the beginning of the trade war, the United States released a list of real economies, which were Chinese companies to be sanctioned, and Huawei was prominently listed.

Huawei is a leading enterprise in China and a world-class mobile phone brand, enjoying a high reputation all over the world, so the United States wants to take Huawei as a knife.

As a result, from the trade war to the present, the United States has not allowed manufacturers who can produce Kirin chips to sell chips to Huawei.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

No way, the United States is the world's number one power, the power is too strong, these chip manufacturers have to succumb to the United States' coercion and terminate the chip cooperation project with Huawei.

It is precisely because the United States does not allow chip companies to sell chips to Huawei, and Kirin chips are crucial, so the world is waiting to see Huawei's good show and see China's jokes.

And this time, without any external help, Chinese chip manufacturers actually created their own Kirin 9000s, which shocked the international media!

In fact, the reason why Huawei's mate60pro can attract so much attention this time is not only because of the chip, but also because of the time and method of this mobile phone release.

The mobile phone was released on August 29, and Raimondo also happened to visit China on this day, do you say it is a coincidence?

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

Although Huawei officials did not publicly explain why they released new mobile phones on this day, the reason for choosing this day is well known, that is, to hit her Raimondo in the face, that is, to hit your American face!

Why are people so sure that Huawei's release of mobile phones on this day is to hit Raimondo's face, is this not a coincidence?

If Huawei's mate60 Pro sales are the same as OPPO's new mobile phones, following the regular process, first warming up a few months in advance, then releasing advertisements on major platforms, and finally choosing a good day development conference, then it really cannot be said that Huawei is deliberately hitting the United States in the face.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

However, this time, Huawei's Mate 60 Pro has made a huge breakthrough in the chip, such a big thing, such a topic worthy of hype, Huawei did not do a single cent of warm-up, no advertising, no momentum, and no development conference.

Instead, uncharacteristically chose to release quietly, as the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons, and it is really difficult for people not to think of something in such a "unique" form of release.

Anyone who pays a little attention to international politics and current affairs must be familiar with the name Raimondo.

Raimondo, the current US Secretary of Commerce, she has been immersed in American politics for many years, deeply appreciated by US President Biden, and has contributed a lot to the US trade war, she once publicly said to the US media: "China cannot surpass the United States in science and technology, the United States must be the first in the world, this is our bottom line and principle." ”

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

On August 24, a few days before her visit to China, she said in an interview:

"If Huawei engages in high-tech research and development, it will be subject to tougher sanctions."

The remark quickly appeared in mainstream newspapers and media in Western developed countries, and Huawei naturally could not miss it.

Huawei has been sanctioned for so many years, and it has been holding a breath in its heart.

Now that they have obtained chips developed by domestic manufacturers, they are no longer stuck in the neck as in the past, and the United States can no longer sanction China with chips.

And the American politicians led by Raimondo are still dreaming of killing Huawei with a single chip, and Huawei naturally wants to take a bad breath.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

Therefore, this time, Huawei quietly released the mate60 Pro on the day of Raimondo's visit to China, which is to catch Raimondo by surprise, that is, to slap the United States hard.

Didn't Raimondo say two days ago that he would sanction Huawei, and now we don't need your chips, but let's see how you sanction us.

However, can just a breakthrough in a chip trigger panic in the American media, American political circles, and the world's number one power has this psychological quality?

Of course not, behind Huawei's mobile phone chip breakthrough is the road to China's rise that can no longer be stopped.

Watching a developing country that was originally trampled under their feet become an unexpected behemoth in just over 70 years, this terrifying growth rate is the source of their fear.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

The path to the pinnacle of the Eastern Dragon

After the release of Huawei Mate 60 Pro, a meme quickly swept the whole network.

Under the video of this conference, there is a comment that has been forwarded countless times, and the content is like this:

"I actually don't recommend you buy it, the quality of this phone is very poor, especially the speaker, put it to your ear, faintly hear 4 words, 'far ahead'."

"Far ahead" is actually the mantra of Yu Chengdong, vice president of Huawei:

He said a total of 14 times at the launch of Huawei Mate 40 that "far ahead", covering almost every aspect, including processor, screen, battery, charging, camera, sound quality, etc. Therefore, "far ahead" has become a meme for netizens to ridicule Yu Chengdong.

Because this meme is extremely humorous and has rich meaning behind it, it quickly spread at this special time.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

In fact, in the most difficult years when Huawei was blocked, the main use of this meme has always been to mock Yu Chengdong for not measuring himself.

"The Kirin chip can't be taken out, and it's embarrassing to say that I'm far ahead." Similar language attacks were quite a few on the Internet before the Kirin chip was announced.

Such ridicule and contempt for Chinese science and technology, and even more excessive, in fact, contempt for China's overall strength has never stopped since the founding of New China.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, China had just emerged from the war, and the country was poor and white, although it could build stools and tables.

But there is not even a steel factory, I don't know how many white people have looked down on us, I don't know how many people who have emigrated overseas and think that China will never develop.

And later? We have completed the 300-year road of the West in more than 70 years, we have all you have, we still have what you don't have, and no one dares to despise China after that.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

In 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, China's illiteracy rate was as high as more than 90 percent, and the popularization of education was the lowest in the world at that time.

However, even under such difficult circumstances, the central government decided to develop an atomic bomb.

Why, because only if you are militarily strong and can fight with one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches.

"Dignity is only above the blade, truth is only within the range of a cannon."

It was such an order, which seemed difficult to complete even now, but no scientists questioned it at the time.

Under the order, countless scientists rushed to the Great Northwest, incognito for 7 years, unable to have any contact with family and friends.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

In 7 years, we built not only an atomic bomb, but also a hydrogen bomb.

In 1960, Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated, Khrushchev withdrew all scientists in China and canceled aid to China's atomic bomb construction.

Because he found that China was not willing to be his little brother, he was so angry that he not only withdrew the aid, but also said, "All the electricity you have in China, all the people combined cannot make an atomic bomb." "Such words.

After Khrushchev's words reached the Great Northwest, the scientists were indignant, fought day and night, and worked together, and just three years later, a huge mushroom cloud successfully erupted in the sky over the Great Northwest.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

Similar words have been said not only by the Soviet Union, but also by the United States. In 1963, U.S. President Kennedy and his staff inside the White House said:

"As long as I live, China will not want to build an atomic bomb."

As a result, in October of the following year, we succeeded in building the atomic bomb.

It took ten years for the United States to develop the atomic bomb, and the Soviet Union for seven years, and the United States may think that if it detains Chinese scientists and engages in assassinations, and without the big brother of the Soviet Union to lead the way, as long as some black hands are put into this matter, China's atomic bomb will never be built.

Unexpectedly, we not only did not want 10 years, but also 7 years, and in just 3 years, the atomic bomb was successfully developed.

However, it is a pity that Kennedy disappeared before he could be punched in the face.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

In the winter of 1963, Kennedy was shot and assassinated by disgruntled people during the campaign, and Kennedy's skull was blown away by the impact of bullets and died instantly.

In 1978, when China was reforming and opening up, we were really far from world-class at that time, and 800 million shirts could be exchanged for a Boeing Airbus A380.

800 million high-quality shirts cost workers tens of thousands of man-hours, so much labor, so much labor time, to be enough for an Airbus plane that the United States can't look at.

As a result, the spiritual bloodline of the Chinese in the bones of not accepting defeat awakened again, and we spent many years to make China's large civil aircraft technology equal to that of the United States.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

The successful first flight of the C919, a purely domestic large aircraft in the past few years, has allowed us to achieve a breakthrough victory in the field of large civil aircraft.

On the first flight of the C919, many older people were crying in interviews with the C919 developers.

What are they crying about?

They are crying that China's journey is not easy, they are suffering that China is finally humiliated, they have endured the burden of humiliation and ridicule for many years has not been in vain, and from now on, we can also proudly raise our heads in the field of civil large aircraft.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

This time, China developed the Kirin 9000s itself, and the Americans were unwilling, feeling that the chip was the previous reserve.

When some "experts" on the Japanese side heard this, they immediately jumped out to broadcast the dismantling of mobile phones, look at chips, and want to see Chinese jokes.

As a result, there was really no chip they were familiar with, and now, all self-deceptive hopes were dashed, and Huawei really developed the Kirin 9000s.

From atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs to domestic large aircraft, and now to the Huawei Kirin 9000s, we have used our strength to break through one encirclement after another, and successfully broke through.

The United States panicked, the Americans were afraid, war is useless, blockade is useless, cultural aggression is useless, color revolutions are useless, sanctions are still nothing.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

The strategy of disintegration, which had been tried and tested in other countries, did not work in China, but made China develop faster.

A country that cannot be defeated, a country that is very likely to challenge the United States as the world's number one power in the future, is too scary for the United States.

Huawei's chips are just the last hole card in the United States and the last straw that crushed the American spirit, and this fear of China has accumulated over more than 70 years.

In the past, we were afraid of them, and now, it is time to change, and it is time for the dragon of the East to return to its former position.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States


The reason why China has achieved so much is that ordinary and ordinary people like you and me, we will always be patriotic, and we will always be willing to dedicate our lives to the motherland at any time.

We have faith that they cannot understand, and the indomitable spirit, patriotic spirit, and sacrifice spirit buried deep in the hearts of thousands of ordinary people have enabled us to successfully achieve our current achievements.

The successful release of Huawei's chip is also inseparable from everyone's support.

Obviously, there are so many people who sing about Huawei, saying that Huawei can't even survive 3 years of sanctions and will inevitably disintegrate, but the most simple patriotic spirit in the hearts of our ordinary people makes us still choose to believe in Huawei and firmly believe that Huawei can hold on.

Sanctions against China failed, US media: China quickly found a substitute for the United States, Huawei's new aircraft caused panic in the United States

In the end, Huawei did not disappoint us and successfully withstood it.

If Huawei survives, the self-confidence of thousands of Chinese will also endure, and we have more reason to firmly believe that the future China must be a brighter China.

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